Hey Pandas, If A Genie Appeared And You Got Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For? (Closed)
Think of three things you would wish for if a Genie appeared and post them here.
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I would wish for word peace
To never get in trouble (of course I would use it for good like taking food to give it to people)
And that I had spider powers! (That’s my inner child showing 😄
Never mind the spider powers I wish I could change my look whenever I like (change outfits hair color eye color! Stuff like that)
1. End world hunger
2. Stop global warming/pollution
3. To end bullying
1- a legendary tammed dog
2- to go to any anime i want along with being any character
3- to change the law of getting three wishes
(they said "can't with for more wishes" but they never said "can't change the law")
Wow, I never would have thought to changes the rules. That's genius!
the ability to shapeshift. the power to enter fandoms as alternate dementions. and for america to freaking get free healthcare
Oh my goshhhhh I’d wish that too! (#2) I’d especially go to inktale!
No one is hated for who they are, bye bye toxic republicans, and bring back doggo
To have the ability to transform into anything, get good grades forever so then my famiy will stop neglecting me, and for me to have immortality
A zero interest credit card with unlimited balance, no fee's nd no expiration date.
To be in good health and good physical shape until I die at at old age.
To have a full head of hair for the rest of my life.
1. Perfect world, meaing no homeless, basic income gauarntee, good homing, insurance
2. To own a big bluish grey pitbull with a white spot on their head.
3. For more genies(To continue the cycle)
The ability to have any super power when ever I want it. To be rich and to travel anywhere.
You still have a wish left (if your rich u would have tons of money to travel anywhere)
1. be able to animate at disney
2. have a super futuristic house that i could live in with my family and friends
3. be super smart so i could solve all the world problems like world peace, war, hunger, and global warming
For me and my friends to be able to shape-shift, or have a power of our choosing, I just think that would be cool.
For my friends to be happy.
1. Win everything
2.Me perfect
3. 1000 more wishes
U are perfect winning everything gets boring (trust me I know) and right here in the manual it says you can’t wish for more wishes my work here Is done
unlimeted wishes.
1) go to any fandom I want 2) have magic abilities to use in the fandoms worlds 3) no more mental problems for anyone in the world!
1- my youth back (age 18 or so), assuming I keep what I've learned; 2- greater wisdom; 3- more patience.
1) go to any fandom I want 2) have magic abilities to use in the fandoms worlds 3) no more mental problems for anyone in the world!
1- my youth back (age 18 or so), assuming I keep what I've learned; 2- greater wisdom; 3- more patience.