Hey Pandas, I Need Your Help With Something…and I Need A Response Quick..
Alright, so basically I have to write/present a rant to m ELA H class. I had no idea what to write about because everything I am good at ranting about it is either controversial or like comic related or something. So I decided to search the internet for possible rant ideas. I found a funny article about how the “1” on the calendar of the I-phone is slightly off centered. It was written by Jesus Diaz(links below) and it was a hilarious article. I asked my teacher if I could kind of copy but kind of not copy his article and she said yes but leave the source link at the bottom. Then today tho, I decided to check the website again and fell down a rabbit hole. As I was reading comments I had people saying “its an April fools joke!” “It’s not real!” “It is real!” “It’s off centered!” So I got really confused trying to figure out if it was real or not. Then to make things more complicated… found ANOTHER website written by the other website about how “Apple fixed the problem with IOS 7!” So I got no idea if I should even rant about it cause my rant might be wrong! So I’m wondering if you guys could help me out? Maybe check ur calendars on your phones? Maybe do a bit more digging? Appreciate it guys! Thanks!
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Take a subject where you have a controversial viewpoint. And instead of arguing that, investigate the other side of the coin and and argue THAT viewpoint.
Take yourself out of your comfort zone and maybe learn something as well.
OH FCK I forgot to put links! Damn it! Uh..here’s the links lol: https://gizmodo.com/what-the-f**k-the-f*****g-mac-calendar-1-is-now-off-fu-1665384497 *** https://gizmodo.com/why-the-f-ck-is-the-1-on-the-iphones-calendar-off-cente-5788166 *** http://www.iosappstats.com/stocks/victory-apple-has-fixed-the-number-1-in-ios-7s-calendar/
friend i have the perfect thing for you, rant about the creation of marvel also sorry im late i didnt realize you posted
hmm... how about you rant about a certain concept you know well, rather than going out of your way and researching? from your username and description, that might be marvel. deadpool, specifically. i might be wrong tho. so just rant about known concepts, i guess. also, sorry for late response! hope this helps
I low key kind of wished I did this in about 8th grade when I had a similar assignment:
Deadpool vs. Venom-
- argue which one would win in a fight and why.
p.s. sorry I didn't send this in faster my laptop died and I could not find the charger.
Very similar but not… rant about how the point cursor in Windows is not symmetrical.
It’s late but I came to look at your profile after you replied to my advice about BP. :)
Ok out of curiosity and complete boredom I'm interested in what controversial topic u may talk about
Ok out of curiosity and complete boredom I'm interested in what controversial topic u may talk about