Hey Pandas, How’d You Come Up With Your BP Username?
what are the origins of it? i would love to know :D
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Um... I'm sad, and I'm a Quokka. Simple
Just saw your bio, and ngl, you sound like a really cool guy! :)
my real name is really hard to pronounce for most people so i took the first three letters of it and replaced the “I”with a “y”.
My real name is Amidhaar.
well my legal name is waddles so i decided to go with that and i am also participating in the pronoun war
i have really bad anxiety and to top it off a very dark sense of humor. this is one of my safe spaces to be myself and i wanted to make a username that matches my goofball personality
my heart goes out to all my fellow anxious genderfluid munchkins,and my saphiq brethren
I'm aroace... And a tiger... Also I did my pronouns before the pronoun war- idk when it started actually- but I'm definitely part of it now >:)
I chose to be called Wordweaver because I am a poet and writer. I love words! Unfortunately, not everyone liked my words so I have been perma banned, although I was doing well on points. Oh well - you can't please everybody! At least I can still post submissions even if I can't comment. I upvote often and very rarely down vote. Love to all Pandas!
Well, I am a huge Percy Jackson fangirl, and I am fighting in the pronoun war.
whats the pronoun war? hope this doesn't come off as disrespectful i just want to know so I can join in!
Ive used it on other sites, and I am bi
I love Tottenham Hotspur, a soccer team, who's nickname is Spurs. A common chant is Come On, You Spurs. COYS.
I love astronomy and one of my most favourite facts is that we and everything around us are made out of the remains of the very first stars that went supernova. So in a way, we are all stardust so I kept that as my name because it sounds kind of magical as well
actually, we are more big bang dust than stardust because the first full hydrogen first formed around 380000 years after the big bang, and stars most likely formed 100 million years after the big bang. And most hydrogen atoms were never in a star. The Hydrogen gas cloud that formed our solar system could have condensed naturally, and could have been triggered to collapse by a supernova,passing star or magnetic fields, etc. And over 75% of the universe is hydrogen. The average human is 50-60% water, and 62% of the human body is hydrogen. But stardust sounds nicer than big bang dust.
i like pineapples and pineapple is fun to say hence pineapple and he/him are my pronouns and im fighting in da pronoun war so Pineapple (he/him)
Pineapples are awesome. Pineapple belongs on pizza. Pineapple also belongs in rum
Well mine is my real name I signed up using my Google account and it just put my real name and I didn't realise I could change it and use a screen name.
I wanted something that I could make fun of and I thought of it while playing an online game.
I am indeed mysterious. Quite spooky and questionable indeed.
I say this, but like, I also love to bake and have pom-pom earrings, so less spooky, and more fun.
When I was a little kid, my older siblings acc name on steam ended in a word for ghost so i did that cause it wanted to match. I changed it last year cause I didn't like it that much, so now I'm crowspectre! I don't actually have my pronouns in my username for the pronoun war, I was telling people how to refer to me before it was cool
my name is my favorite plant. it refers to philodendron melanochrysum. "melanochrysum" means "black (melano-) gold (chrysum)" from greek and refers to "tiny golden sparkles" sometimes observed when the leaves of the plant (which are dark) are in sunlight. it reminds me of the human. it can be dark, but its beautiful and in the right light it can shimmer more beautiful than gold itself :D
Some guy I casually dated had a tattoo of a bent screw and it had absolutely no meaning to him. It somehow summarzied his personality very well.
so that's one, meaningless, useless guy then. He wasted money on a meaningless tattoo.
I’ve changed it a couple times.
Old username was 1.21Gigawatts?! Which is a quote from Back To The Future.
Current Username is the name I plan to use for my future manga, though I might change it to Hysteria so translations are easier and stuff in case it gets popular worldwide and stuff lol
Dumb inside joke, my friends and I thought the word "bean" was hilarious, but I eventually started to really like how it sounded, so now I go by Bean online
My nickname is Mini, and I’m really nice, cheerful, and helpful(at least my friends call me that), so I put ‘the Angel’ then I’m fighting in the pronouns war, so ‘She/Them’ and I used a font generator:)
I use it in a few places. If i ever decide to become a drag artist its going to be my drag name.
I panicked, was trying to think up one with the same letter as my first name, and there were a pot of asters on the side.
Hahaha I don't have a fun story behind my name, it's just my online alias
I love rabbits, and the name Bunny seems too short... So I am now the Danger Bunny
I liked the play on words. My alt is ToastTea lol
It's from my real first name (merriweather) and my middle name that I go by (rose). Merriweather=merry weather, which basically translates to happy weather. Happy sounded too, well, happy, so hence fair_weather_rose was born!
Also, I put pronouns in my username a day or so before the pronoun war started because I'm figuring out gender stuff, but if I hadn't already done that I definitely would've joined the pronoun war
Well, we picked up a puppy, my profile pic is him in the car on his way to his new home. He's rather large now, probably couldn't fit in that box, hell, in that car anymore... But still a puppy on the inside
Proudly refusing to move on from Gen X / Boomer music and movies, happily living in the past like a walking time capsule/relic/curator of old school cool stuff. I do feel rather modern & trendy since I like Nirvana, however
I’m ace, specifically of the pirate kind. I live on a boat and spend my days hunting for buried garlic bread. Also I initially created my account so I could comment on a post about ace pride. So there’s that :)
Oh and I’m fighting in the pronoun wars :)
My fav dessert followed by a cause I’m very passionate about.
the shanila part was from a show i used to watch and according to the show a shanila was some sort of super saiyan power up. I thought it sounded cool and that show gives me a great amount of nostalgia too. The pheonix part is simply because I love pheonixes :D
I want to be a cosmologist because cosmology. And I don't want people to know my real name.
Cosmology is so interesting! I hope you become a cosmologist and fulfil your dreams
Umm well mine is kinda basic but I think moss is amazing and also I love the word nostalgia/nostalgic :D
I wanted a character like headless roach or waddles so I looked up random things and I found a blue muppet and that was my old pfp before dp drew my current.
well my friend called herself freaking *****(her name) in a yt video once and i liked it so i decided to use it for my username and bee is my name so uhh..and i'm also leading the pronoun war so yay for pronouns
i was thinking of a cool name and i like stars and i like slugs so here we are. idk what the pronoun war is but i guess im part of it lmao.
I’m a little late to this post but my username was originally my real name, but I saw y’all using yours as an opportunity to make jokes so I got the idea to become a cookie. Essentially I was obsessed with Cookie Monster as a kid and thought it would be ironic if I was the cookie. Also the crazy part is because I often feel I may lose my sanity
When i was a little kid, i would play in the tiny woods down the street. My little sister and i would play fairies, and once i climbed the tallest tree in the woods and loudly proclaimed «Я лесной король!» (“I AM THE FOREST KING!”) so i guess it just stuck lol
Svelk929 has been my internet username for a bunch of websites for the past few years, so naturally I chose it for here too. As for the name itself… I just made the dang thing up. Neither the world “Svelk” or he number have any significant meaning tbh
I feel like I live in an echo sometimes. I live in people's shadows, silhouettes, and so this username just seemed to fit the best :3
From the Studio Ghibli film of the same name. My children adored when they were little. 15 years later we still say "that's a niiiice bamboo thicket" ("良い竹藪だね") in a deep growly Panda Papanda voice whenever we go past one!
This is Emily Strange. My name is not Emily, so I thought that wouldn't sit right with me. But I like Emily Strange and sometimes my opinions come across strange, odd, unpopular to the point .. well, lets just say this is my 4th account. So, thanks BP for keeping it fresh for me.
Several reasons:
•I knew I wanted so kind of character
•I love snails
•I think ghosts are cool
•The day I made my account, I found a crushed snail on the sidewalk at my school. So even though I had already planned this as my username, this is also a strange kind of memorial to that poor snail who is now a ghost
well, my pfp is of the bassist from green day (mike dirnt) in cat ears, so cat man, I'm bi, so I just made it gay. pronoun war too lol
also, i added Tré/Trè to my pronouns, cuz of the drummer in green day
I've been using this name for almost thirty years. The first part is my first name and the second part is the Latin term used to refer to ferrets (small furry thieves).
Simple:My favourite colour is pink and I like princesses. And the profile picture that I use for everything fits perfectly.
My roblox username is Hoppingmonkey so I put this one as Thehoppingmonkey then I got obsessed with nezuko with a gun put it as my pfp then set my display name as Nezuko_Chan
The Dark Jedi is a superhero that I made up at 14, sort of my alter ego for when I need courage and strength. She’s descended from Han Solo and Leia. She doesn’t have telekinesis, but she has enhanced reflexes and uses the Force subtly. Her name comes from her costume, a super-high-tech black catsuit that absorbs 100% of light, making her invisible at night, when she goes out to fight crime and defend the innocent. During the day she’s a normal high schooler
I was just alone with nobody with my thoughts one night, while my parents were forcing me to pray. I was like hmm, I’m a professional at coming up with odd usernames (SkweeferBlobber, SquebblePebble, BingleHopper, etc.) so why not WiggleJiggle? Originally, my name also had Emo Penguin, but I replaced that with (they/them). The Emo Penguin was because I’m emo and because I love penguins.
not very creative- adam yauch is a (former) beastie boy! and yeah i'm just kind of obsessed
also i have no idea what these pronoun wars because i talk to nobody on this site but i'd love to learn
You can add pronouns if you like, if you think someone will end up calling you a pronoun you don't associate with. Some people are not accepting it's a thing.
There was a post about pictures that could be pfps; I really liked the one with the skater chick, so here we are!
I'm gullible, not attractive and functionally extinct.
Who says Dodos aren't attractive. Don't be so hard on yourself Dodo.
I took the first syllable of my English name, and the first syllable of my Korean name, mixed it around, and that's how I got Heeku. A guy at school teases my by calling me Marshmallow because I'm short and slightly immature. Well, too bad for them, I like that name. So here I am, Heeku the Marshmallow.
My husband and I were chatting about the weather over the next few days, which were predicted to have intermittent thunderstorms. I looked at the forecast and said, "it's the same thing every day - scattered and isolated."
There are restaurants in the southern U.S. called Waffle House that serve hash browns, among other breakfast things (like waffles!). You can get them with mix-ins, so you order them as "scattered and..." such as capped, for mushrooms or smothered, for onions.
So as soon as I said "scattered and isolated" I thought of hash browns, and my husband said, "that sounds goth." Hence, "Wednesday Addams' hash brown order". It doesn't hurt that we both love potatoes, and they're kind of hilarious too.
Khavrinen comes from a Fantasy series by Diane Duane called "The Tale of the Five", the first book of which is "The Door Into Fire". Prince Herewiss S'Hearn, the lead character of "The Door Into Fire", is a type of sorcerer who needs a sword to "focus" his magic, and the one he finally succeeds with ( after blowing up a few hundred because he can't get his magic to mesh with them ) he names "Khavrinen", which he explains is a word from an old dialect meaning "Harrow-Heart". I first picked it for a user name nearly thirty years ago, and have kept using it almost exclusively ever since, both because my heart has always been pretty harrowed ( since I have absolutely zero luck in the romance department ), and because it's unusual enough that I have never run up against the need to pick another name since it's already in use.
I'm just a massive fan of vehicles of war
Just saw your bio and you've got good music taste! :) I'm a huge David Bowie fan, myself, but I like most classic rock, and I'm learning to appreciate 90's and later music. I'm like a 70 year-old trapped in a 19 year-old body 😅😂
I wanted somewhere where I could express myself better without people knowing who I am. And since I saw other people on here decide to at least have usernames that are nonhuman things, I decided to change mine and allow myself to be my true self on here. So, my username states how I feel in society and spiritually. I am otherkin, but it's really uncomfortable to talk about irl because it's so uncommon (at least in media). But on BP, I can be who I am on the inside, and it makes me really happy. 😊❤️
I feel you fellow alien. That's why I came here too. Ooh and all the best on your earthly adventures.
A long time ago I was creating a roblox account, I wanted it to be random like the game, I was at my grandmas house and I saw a bottle of hand soap in the bathroom, ever since then, Scented Hand Soap has been my username for everything
I'm a fan of the leader of the Brawling Brutes on Friday Night Smackdown and I come from 1987, no prize there XP XD
The Dark Jedi is a superhero that I made up at 14, sort of my alter ego for when I need courage and strength. She’s descended from Han Solo and Leia. She doesn’t have telekinesis, but she has enhanced reflexes and uses the Force subtly. Her name comes from her costume, a super-high-tech black catsuit that absorbs 100% of light, making her invisible at night, when she goes out to fight crime and defend the innocent. During the day she’s a normal high schooler
I used to be Tetelestai, which my mother told me on Good Friday this year meant “It is finished.” The words Jesus spoke before willingly giving up his spirit. I didn’t change it after that, because I wanted people to recognize me, but I recently changed it to P.C. Because… It’s a nickname I gave myself. I’m going to have a pen name as an author someday as P.C. Coraline, and PC stands for Pencil Cap. Also PC because, give me your personal computer, and I will guarantee invasion of privacy and viruses ;) it doesn’t have to be your PC either lol. No, I’m not the one invading or putting in the viruses. Trust me.
All I have ever seemed to be in this world is just another person that not many people seem to care about and im currently a teen so just another teen was the best choice i wanted to add something about how im a girl but i couldnt think of anything so here we are now always and for ever just another person
I'm bisexual, and like drawing mushrooms. That's really all there is. I actually don't like eating mushroom irl.
About this, I also need help dicideing if i should change my name to bitured toast (bi+buttered toast) Something like that
My username for BP is kumoricat the origin is from my cat's name which is kumori and in Japanese means cloudy in Romanji and Kumori+cat=kumoricat
Idk... just came in my head
Stephanie was someone in my childhood who was not a very nice person. Later I named my imaginary evil twin Stephanie and started blaming her for my bad behavior. Ergo, Stephanie Did It. My real name is Josephine.
My favorite animals are Red Pandas, (they are the original pandas, and were discovered before Giant Pandas, however Giant Pandas get all the credit and publicity >:/ so I wanted to raise awareness), and I’m Pansexual. I had my pronouns in my name before the pronoun war (which if you don’t know, people are putting their pronouns in their name to retaliate against all the transphobes on this site)
I am Saint, and I have maximum (or ten) karma, meaning I am attuned. So in other words, it's a shorter way of saying "Saint who has attuned". (Note: Saint is a reference to RW if you didn't know already.)
I love ducks, so I figured I could be one.
My username comes from an OC I have used for about 2 years now. I don't think I have been a part of anything that I haven't tried implementing him lol.
I just thought it was cute- and the back part is because I'm finally able to use the internet after a month of being in a hospital, partialy hospitalized, and at home with worried parents lol
El Dee is a cultural reference to my place of birth and not, as some might think, a shout out to the rapper..
I have a corgi and I saw this one comment were people were saying that a man eating something couldn't get them because they are an animal so I changed my name, also this way I can be royalty! AND my first name is elizabeth soo i'm a queen until she died
I'm awkward, and I'm an oldie lady, so it sounds about right to me!
I use my own name, R. A. Haley, because I log in with Facebook and because it reminds me to make better decisions about what and when I should comment.
My sis came up with it and it just stuck
Nothing special. C is the first letter of my real first name, and G is the first letter of my last name.
I was debating on whether or not to use my initials, or to use my gaming/Discord nickname, but I opted for this one instead.
I was trying to think of some kind of demon slayer pun, and I thought about how Kilamonjaro sounds kind of like Tanjiro
I actually ended up changing it to this a while back. It's kind of a change to the unit it's based on, but it's from Summoner's War 😆
Well my username before (The_Canadian_Zebra) used to be because I'm Canadian and I like zebras. I currently have no clue why I chose the one I currently have though.
I have used "Stannous (or Stan) Flouride since 1978 when I joined a group in SF called Rock Against Racism. Because the Feds liked to get ahold of the names of any group they could under COINTELPRO no one put their real name on a membership list. At the time, my gf and I had a game coming up with punk rock names (she used the name of that skinny Irish girl- Anne O'Rexia). We had just seen the classic movie "Dr Strangelove" at a retro movie house and I'd always loved Sterling Hayden's riff as General Ripper on "fluoride and precious bodily fluids" and we had a tube of generic 'Stannous Fluoride' toothpaste at home. The second time I wrote it I realized I was misspelling fluoride but kept it anyway. [FYI- My real name is Kevin]