Hey Pandas, How Old Were Your Kids When They Realized Santa Claus, Or Easter Bunny, Or Tooth Fairy Doesn’t Exist? (Closed)
Some kids are skeptical from an early age. Other kids are more stubborn to let go of the magic of their childhood. Sometimes it's traumatizing. The question is pretty straightforward. How old were your kids when they found out traditional, mythical beings and holiday mascots don't exist? How did they react?
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My daughter was cutting out horse figurines pictures from a Breyer catalogue for months. Her plan was to send every cut out, individually, in makeshift envelopes to the Santa Claus address, HOH OHO ( this is a real thing we have here in Canada, and I believe anyone in the world can send letters to Santa in the mail.) Her expectation was that Santa can, and will, send her every horse on her wish list. She was about 13 years old (forgiven she has a Global Development Delay, so she's a few years behind other kids.). I had to break the news to her on Christmas Eve and told there was no way possible she can get all those hundreds of horses.
She was upset at first until she realized I was her Santa. Such a sweet kid. my daughter said she was so happy I'm her Santa and not some "stranger in a suit", and understood she couldn't get them all. Thank Goodness.
My son is 11 and he just recently put 2 and 2 together. He wasn't crushed. However for whatever reason the damn elf on the shelf is still real. God forbide I touched it during the day. That almost ending Christmas
My daughter was about 8 when her class teacher took it upon himself to tell her Santa wasn’t real. NOT his role!
I was 11. I had my suspicions, but they were confirmed when I did my own mini Mission Impossible to my parents room (mind you, NO ONE was allowed in there EVER) I looked in their closet and found the piles of Amazon boxes. I left them a note in the closet, and that’s that.
I also found out about the Tooth Fairy when my older cousin showed me a purse from his mothers room with a Ziplock bag full of his teeth. I almost puked, I was like 8.
I don't have kids, but I was about 9 or 10. The reaction wasn't that great. I was like, "oh," and that's about it.
I just found out yesterday… I’m 12 Ik I’m stupid
It’s the fact that my parents never lie and that their horrible actors and when I asked about it they look genuinely confused that fooled me
I was 10. I suspected that Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren’t real since I was 8 and a half, but I didn’t confirm till ten years. I caught my dad being the tooth fairy! Also, since I usually put my stocking in my bedroom, I set a trap and when Mom and Dad came in and water fell all over them, I yelled, “CAUGHT YOU, SANTA!” And then saw it was my parents… 🤭
I was 11, my mom was being Santa and we had a very big dinner that Christmas Eve. ONLY THEN did I realize why Santa never put me on the naughty list. It was my mom. There were no presents from Santa, but no coal in my stocking. There were cookies left over. My mom said she was stuffed. So yeah.
I was like eight when I started to not believe in them. I was just like how the heck are creepy magic people supposed to break into our house and give random stuff that we want but never told them we wanted. We don’t even KNOW them.