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I think about 13 when I considered the possibility of asexual and aromantic, and then about 14, after a big haircut, I considered that I probably wasn't cis.


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    Well at 11 I started to question my sexuality, at 12 I started to question my gender, and now, at [insert my age here], I am still questioning all of those things.



    I thought I was a lesbian when I was eleven, I realized I'm a trans gay guy earlier this yeas


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    11 im twelve


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    I was around 15ish when I was starting to consider, and 16 when I figured out I'm bi!



    13, started questioning my sexuality about 4-5 weeks ago, and started questioning my gender 2 days ago


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    I was clearly sexually attracted to guys when I was 14/15. But society never really talked about “gay” so I didn’t really understand it until I was 17/18. And never acted upon until I was 20 or so.


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    Asexual at 14 ( 41 years ago) but have been recently " educated" by our friendly neighborhood troll that it doesn't exist ,so I'm actually just a freak....


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    Itz-Nova (Ve / Ver)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If we're being honest, everyone is a freak in their own way! You are a lovely freak :) (I mean this in the nicest way possible, please don't downvote me lol..) But don't listen to those trolls, you are whoever you want to be, and it does exist.

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    When I was in 4th grade I thought I was bi. Then in 5th I realized Iwas a lesbian. I'm in 7th now


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    14, but I have been in crazy denial about it for at least 2-3 years prior!



    I was 15 when I realized I'm pansexual, and 16 when I realized I don't identify as 100% female



    I started figuring out my gender when I was twelve, I'm still a bit confused about it tbh



    I was 13. I am now 16 :) Hello fellow LGBTQIA+ hoomans



    9 (i'm 16)


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    At least 8 years old.


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    13, i grew up in a kind of sheltered way so i didn’t know gay or trans people existed till i was 11. and i finally got it all figured out at 14 (now).


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    GhostlySnail (she/her)
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG SAME (the first part, I’m still pretty far from figuring everything out lol)


    i knew i was a boy when i was four years old! I started questioning my sexuality when i was about 9, and realised i was asexual when i was 15.



    I was 11 when I thought I was lesbian. Then I got a crush on a boy and turned out to be bi. Then the boy started dating one of my friends and I was lesbian again bc I realised that I don't like boys and that was a one time occurence. And last year I realised I was ace and demigirl



    when i was 13! now i am [my age here]!



    i thought i was pan at 8-9 when my sister came out as bisexual. she was doing it for attention and apologized and is now a straight ally. i never told anyone except my sister that i was pan so i told her i was faking it too. at 11 (incredibly mentally ill and queer questioning) i realized that all my crushes on guys were just me getting confused with friendship. Also, i cried over my gender. obviously not cis, little did i know i though all "girls felt this way" lol realized i was lesbian and genderfluid. my parents are supportive but my dad one time told me it was too confusing for him so i should just pick one gender :/


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    11, when another guy said he liked me at a school dance and I realized I kinda liked him aswell.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    omg that's adorable (also, whoever said this, cool username)

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    i think 11? i thought i was lesbian, at 12 i thought i was bi. confused for a while, now i'm pretty sure that i'm omniromantic



    I was 14 when I had my first crush on a girl. I thought I was bi for a while, until I had a crush on someone who changed their gender multiple times during the time I had a crush on them when I was 15, realized my feelings didn’t change a bit any time they changed their gender, and found out that I’m pan :P


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    mmm like 10-11 ish? I first thought I was lesbian, then thought I was bi, went back to lesbian, then figured out asexual was a thing, then kinda landed on biromantic and asexual. And for gender I first thought I was just a tomboy, then trans, then genderqueer/non-binary, then trans again, and finally figured out it was trans +genderflux. gender and sexuality is hard :D



    Knew I was Gay since middle school. Wasn't actually attracted to girls and found them annoying, even the tomboy types. I started realizing that I liked men around the time that some special guest speakers came to my school to inspire the youth or something. There was a group of bodybuilders that visited once and something just clicked. I like em big and I like em strong, and I aspire to be one some day.


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    I was 13 when I realized I liked a girl (whole other story lol) and I’m now 14 still trying to figure out my sexuality :)



    I realized i was bi when i was around 12 when i noticed how stupid guys were, remembered how much more intellegent female specimen are, and then realized I had the option to date girls. (jk i just thought girls were pretty and was tired of being told that "being gay was wrong" by my parents and being secretly bi is my way of basically saying "screw you" to them without them knowing that i'm no longer their perfect angel child)


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    i was 12 when i found out i was pan


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    Earlier this year I realized I was pan. I don't know when realized I was asexual, it's always been there even when I didn't know what it was. I've been questioning my gender, I think I'm gender fluid.


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    Always thought, after I started going through puberty, how uncomfortable I was in my body. I’m alright with it now, but my first reaction stuck with me. I figured out my gender not long ago, like a week or so ago. And as for my sexuality… I honestly have no clue yet. Other than I don’t really feel sexually attracted to males/guys, but I like them romantically. And females… I like them both ways. Possibly. I don’t know if I’ve ever really had a crush on a girl. So yea!


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    I was either 9 or ten when I realized I liked girls too, and 10 when I realized I didn’t like boys. I’m 11 now and only out to my friends and brother


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    Ugh, my journey was LONG. I knew I wasn’t straight when I was nine(ish?) and had a crush on a girl. Then I considered using she/they pronouns, and was like ‘oh, I might also be bi’. Then I realized I was pan, then a couple months later started feeling like my gender changed a lot. Now, about five-ish years later, I’m happily genderfluid and pansexual. :)


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    I was 25 when I realized I wasn't straight. Took me a few years more to figure out what exactly my identity was.


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    i was maybe like 11…i’m a teen now and still not out, lol


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    It's weird, but I never "realized." I just "was." I don't know how to explain it, but one day when I was in fifth or six grade I was in my school yard and another boy ran past and I thought "Oh, how pretty." And that was it. Then I liked another boy, and another, and another, and Spider Man in the comics I used to read, and H Man on TV, and the guard at my dad's work, and a model for male underwear in the newspaper... I just somehow knew that I had to keep this for myself because other people would laugh at me if they knew. I lived in a homophobic society and in a homophobic family, so I heard all kind of nasty stuff about gay people all the time.


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