Hey Pandas, How Many Times Have You Moved In Your Life?
I have moved 4+ times, 3+ times to different states. I think it's crazy when people say they have never moved houses.
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3x as kid, 1x to new state, 9x in same city, 1x to new country then back to US, 7x as adult = 22x
21 addresses in 25 years. And that's not all the times I've moved (move to dorm for college, then home for summer, move to new dorm next semester, then different apt for summer internship, then dad moved and I went too, etc)
12. my mom has moved 18.
Big bear CA➡️san diego CA➡️Big Bear➡️marino valley CA➡️Big Bear CA (AGAIN)➡️adelanto CA➡️Big Bear CA➡️Fairbanks AK➡️ A different house in Fairbanks AK➡️North Pole AK. okay so 11 but still a lot
twice. i lived in alaska, and then i moved to hawaii, and then i moved to a different town in hawaii.
I have never moved at all, lived in the same house and city my entire life ;-;
5-6 times. Moved countries thrice (US to India, India to US and finally US to India)
i moved when i was a few months old, but i've lived in texas my whole life. i lived at my second house until i was 8, and then i moved to my current house and we have lived here for 6 and a half years.
St. Petersburg -> Moscow -> St. Petersburg -> Singapore -> a different apartment in Singapore, so 4 times?
To Panama from Spain then back to Spain then to a different place i. Panama then back to Spain the then to the United States then to a different location in the U.S
My dad is military (Go USCG!!!) so actually quite a lot. I moved 5 times and am coming up on 6. My moving experience only exists in the US but I have lived in Florida, Texas, Louisiana, Oregon, California, and Mississippi.
Let's see - I can remember four addresses in California, two in Missouri, twelve in Florida, one in Wisconsin, one in Illinois, five more in Florida, plus countless address changes involved with being in the military...so, to add them all up: A LOT.
Just once. We moved to the other side of our very tiny city. I wasn't even 2 years old yet, and I don't remember our old house at all, so I've basically lived in the same house my whole life
I'm 41 and I've lived in the same house all my life. Never moved XD Though, I have been recently more-or-less living in a house my boyfriend's family owns, because I needed some boundaries/distance from my mother (who was suggesting I put my sick puppy to sleep.) I've been staying here for a year, but I still go home and check in with my family almost every day.
Hmmmm..... Bethesda MD to San Diego CA.. ran away to Philadelphia PA... then to Jacksonville FL... moved once there... then from Jacksonville Back to San Diego... where I moved once in town. Thennnn.... San Diego to Long Beach CA... Long Beach to Honolulu HI... Honolulu back to San Diego.... San Diego to Grant's Pass OR...moved across town there. Finally to Washington.
Gah... numbers hard. But, I've been around the block a time or two..lol.
19. Thirteen of those were between kindergarten and the end of high school (three times in the 3rd grade alone). My Dad got fired a lot.
I've moved halfway around Earth-from New England to Virginia, to Hawaii, back to New England and then to France, where I currently reside. In all of these places, I moved at least once from my original residence to another residence in the same state (US) or country (France).
Fairbanks, Alaska (born)…Biloxi, Miss…Berlin, Gemany…San Antonio, TX…Key West, FL…Corvallis, Oregon…Bindlach, Germany…Corvallis, Orgeon… San Antonio, TX …Maryland gets me to 15 yrs old then in Maryland..Laurel, Bethesda, Kensington, Rockville (4 different houses), Germantown, Gaithersburg (3 different houses). Dad was in military, retired in Laurel, MD
13 that I can remember. At my mum's funeral yesterday the eulogy based on her journals had her living in 9 different homes. Which I already have beat!... even without the fact that she got got bombed out of two of hers in two during the war... which is cheating in my book.
Moved about 20 times. Three towns, two countries. Used to move often as a child less so as an adult. I once stayed in the same place for 11 years!!
A total of ten times. 1) Home on the farm to college 2) From college back to the farm for a couple years 3) Got an apartment for my first job away from the area 4) New apartment in the same town (just down the hall from the first one) 5) into a townhouse 6) bought a house 7) laid off and moved to the DC area to follow employment 7) out of my first DC hole in the wall to another townhouse 8) rented a house with a longtime friend and his family to save money 9) moved to different rental house when the owner moved back into the first house 10) owner of new house wanted to move back in. At that point we said, Screw it, moving every 3 years is killing us physically and financially, so we bought our Forever Home.
Wow.... not sure if I can count that high. Both my parents were hippies (it was the 70's), and they split up when I was 6 months old. But when I got to be about 5 yrs. old or so I would spend every other year with my Dad. So I got to have a relationship with both parents thankfully. But it meant moving every year. This lasted until I got to high school, then my parents said they wanted me to spend high school in one place. On the flip side with my own kids I tried very hard to give them a very stable childhood, we have lived in the same basic area their entire lives and our current house for 20 years. I didn't dislike my childhood, I just wanted my kids to have the option of friends for more than a year at a time.
When I was very young my family and I moved to the house my father built. It wasnt far, like only 5 houses further...
All inside USA. As a kid: 2x in Michigan, 4x in Georgia, 2x in Massachusetts, 1x Hawaii, 1x in Maine. As an adult: Georgia, 2x Pennsylvania and then back to Michigan. Ended up being a complete circle. Been in Michigan for 18 years now.
Once, and it was only for a few months. I temporarily moved out of state during my parents' divorce when I was in middle school. I moved back home and I remain in my childhood home today.
I never went away for college, and I took ownership of my house after my dad passed.
Twice and in the process of moving a third time. Not moving very far though, same neighborhood.