Hey Pandas, How Have You Conquered Your Mental Health Problems? (Closed)
This is just a place where you can vent about your struggles in a judgment-free place. Pandas who have conquered your illnesses, share some useful tips, we all could use a little bit of help. Of course, If you don't feel comfortable with sharing them, that is fine. Do not feel obligated to talk about it. Remember, no matter what, just take care of yourself (sleep, eat, drink, etc.).
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I haven't. I always feel like my depression is hiding in the background ready to take over my life at any point.
It sounds like you're going through a difficult time. Is there someone you know that you can to talk more about what you're going through? Sometimes just having someone to listen can make a big difference.
I have OCD and an anxiety disorder and I haven't conquered my problems yet. It's a constant battle and I just can't give in. It's like I'm running up an escalator that's going down. I have to keep running, at least as fast as the escalator is going, otherwise I'd have to start at the bottom again.
What helps me is to keep telling myself that it's not my fault that I have these issues, and that it's okay to fail from time to time, because failing also means that I tried, and I keep trying!
I have ADD, OCD, and am told I have autisim. I just ignore it, and tell myself im being a baby..it works pretty well
I have ADHD, autism, social anxiety, atypical anorexia, DDD, BED, and I suspect a personality disorder. I'm a minor living with unsupportive and disbelieving parents, so there's more things that I'd like to try in the future to make things better. When I start dissociating, having an anxiety attack, having intrusive thoughts, or feeling triggered, I listen to metal at the highest volume I can tolerate. It helps block out unhealthy thoughts. When I can, I also try to do mindless productive things like cleaning my room. My friends are also really helpful, because hugs from people I trust ground me.
It's good to know you have support from friends. And, do you have any family members, teachers, or friend's parent that could potentially set you up with professional help? Because leaving all of those untreated can be a recipe for further challenges down the road.
I haven't conquered, but I have accepted that bipolar disorder is something you have to learn to live with. Since I am prone to perfectionism and overachieving, I am of course also an exemplary and accurate charter of my symptoms and I have kept a mood diary for two continuous years, for example. I have also come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "normal", at least for me, and I should not strive for it, but rather define my own normality and what my normal life is. It sometimes makes dreams unattainable and feels unfair even if you should focus on what you could achieve with, for example, an unusual way of thinking. Of course, I hope for long symptom-free periods, to maintain which regularity is important. I often strike a balance between spontaneity and routine, because nothing is more boring than a strict daily schedule. It is even more difficult for a creative person. You just have to believe that tomorrow is a good day and if it's not, there's always the day after tomorrow.
Uh, after I've commented on so many things, I remember that moment in the pharmacy when a man sat next to me who was talking nonsense. At first I tried to listen, but then he talked about drinking and showed me a cola drink mixed with hand sanitizer. He said you can barely taste it. I wanted to say there are people here who want to help but in hindsight I think he did it because there are cameras and staff there to get help. Still, I thought that despite my own bad feeling, I should have done something, said something good. I know that the authorities came because of the person's condition, but still I didn't say anything because I wasn't feeling well mentally.
Uh, after I've commented on so many things, I remember that moment in the pharmacy when a man sat next to me who was talking nonsense. At first I tried to listen, but then he talked about drinking and showed me a cola drink mixed with hand sanitizer. He said you can barely taste it. I wanted to say there are people here who want to help but in hindsight I think he did it because there are cameras and staff there to get help. Still, I thought that despite my own bad feeling, I should have done something, said something good. I know that the authorities came because of the person's condition, but still I didn't say anything because I wasn't feeling well mentally.