Hi! It’s Me Myself and I, and I’m back from a LONG long break from Bored Panda. My impact on this site hasn’t been big at all, but I’ve missed this community as I’ve been gone and working on school and my mental health. Please take this post as a sort of internet rest stop: you can vent, start conversations, tell me about anything new (I’ve gotten really into set and props for theatre for example!) that’s happened to you recently, and post original prose and poetry! I’ll be here for your struggles and celebrate your successes, and talk to you about anything between the two. This is a safe space and I would like it to continue to be so by setting some rules for those who may have forgotten: Please don’t troll, spam, or post bigoted comments.I’ll start by adding a paragraph taken from one of my newer stories, Sunflower (please don’t plagiarize or modify this and claim this work as your own in any way, I worked very hard on it. thank you!):“…A little more than a week ago, the sunflower had grown taller, on a diet of fertilizer and eggshells. Its head leaned by the window in the morning, resting its eyes before the sun rose. She had stuck a metal garden stake in the store-bought soil and taped it to the stem. “Isn’t it more beautiful now?” she had asked me, scooping its head off of the sill. But the sunflower twisted on the stake, breaking its neck to strain at the window…”Have a lovely day!

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