Hey Pandas, it's me again (I know, I know). This time I’m wondering how your pet is dealing with you being home all the time. Are they trying to avoid you, or simply staring at you in confusion? How has being home with your pet changed their attitude and behavior?

Post your story and don’t forget to add a picture of your pet!


I think my presence is disrupting the regular midday poker game he usually runs while I'm at school.

On another note, my guinea pig is currently wearing crocheted bunny ears.


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Elizabeth Tunney
Community Member
4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel like I’m prisoner in my own head. I only have this to do instead. On another note, my dog who is in her 50’s or 60’s just sneezed and only basically eats twice a day, sleeps and rests all day, walks around our local lake, and loves us unconditionally even though she has leg and hip problems due to age I think and other stuff. Her tail’s waggin, me in a chair is saggin’.


    My 16-year-old cat has enjoyed having a lap to sleep on for much of the day, and a human to give him chin scratches.
    His kidneys started failing last week - my boyfriend and I will be saying goodbye to him forever.
    I’m glad that we got to spend so much time with him these last 6 weeks.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry. I'm sure your cat was happy to share all this time together

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    My cat learned to be way more meow-explicit. He became extremely talkative! And my lady cat developed an allergy to blossoming thingies and she sneezes :D Generally they were confused at first, now they are terrified when I go out with trash. I'm afraid of how they will take us disappearing back to work... :x We will have to adjust them by daily go-outs!


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    Sophie the AussieDoodle loves quarantine! Both of us home all the time! petting on demand! Dance (running in circles and jumping straight up) for joy when she sees she's going out is evolving into a routine! What fun when our daughter delivers our groceries with one of her children!
    At first she was anxious, constantly checking where we were in the duplex apartment. And if we were on different floors, couldn't relax until we were together.
    Now it's the new normal for her. (For us, a source of laughter, company and reassurance...nice to have in your 70's and 80's.)



    First of all it’s pets, plural. Three cats, one dog, and a dead fish. My two year old Australian Labradoodle is going crazy over how much attention he’s getting. My oldest cat just turned seven as of yesterday. My six year old cats are doing fine, and they all seem to be loving all the attention they are getting. Except for the dead fish, of course.


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also have a 2 y/o aussie labradoodle :DDDD Her coat is starting to turn whiteish tho

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    They love it, I hate it, my hands have billions of scratches on them from Jonah, my iguana


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    Sadly, I don't have a pet, but I do want to encourage others to adopt pets at this time of struggle. On the other hand, two of my friends are getting miniature golden doodles!
    EDIT: I have a brother. I think that counts.


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    Ninja Nonna
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Does your brother fetch? One of my Grandsons taught his younger brother to...

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    My cat "Sue D Monas" has been posing with different boxes to entertain our internet friends. She has ridden in a tank, worn several hairstyles and morphed into a dinosaur! Can't see a place to add photos or I would!


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    My greyhound couldn't care less. My Pekingese has begun to 'defend' the house. (Aka barking at everything in existence)


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    My cat Aida is quite happy with me being home. She sits near my desk because she knows that sooner or later I will stroke or scritch her.


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    I have a husky named Reese (like the candy). since she's a husky she's usually dramatic.She has been so confused why everyone is at home all day instead of at work or at school, I think she likes all the attention she's getting.Reese loves cuddling with me,playing in the backyard and singing Opera.She is currently acting like a lap dog.



    He loves it he has been enjoying all the love and extra runs he will be disappointed when everything re-opens


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    good ass always steals food when no ones around, well lay next to you if your laying down ,steals my spot always when i'm not in bed,plays so very rough, then last is my favorite she's fluffy and liked you for no reason.^O^



    Every time I walk through my home office (where the fish tank is) my fish stares at me like WHERE FOOD ME LIKE FOOD because everyone is home more, and feeding him more. I think he'll need a new tank after quarantine, he's getting so huge.


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    We got a German Shepard one day before the lockdown. He has never been able to socialize with anyone. He goes crazy anytime he sees anyone lol.


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    My cat is happy and gives me wide eyes every time I move. I miss school but would never tell any of my pets that. Have a good day, - cra-Z cat lady.


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    He loves having me here but hates when I disrupt his naps. He's also been a lot more talkative especially when he wants food.(always)


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    The cat loves it, gets to annoy and boss me around all day. Asks to go out/come back in about 20x a day (stays outside with a 5m leash)


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    My dog unlike others hates nature. No, like a lot. To the point where she won’t walk on grass. She also hates moving. She is pretty content with this quarantine thing. Really enjoys staying on the couch for 12 hours straight.


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    Sleeping. That's it. Sleeping and eating and pooping. That's all my cat does anyway. Lol


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    my cat is still fat as ever!
    and my dog is just a plain dog...


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    I have 3 cats with me during this quarantine...
    The first one thinks it's hilarious to stare at my food and steal it thinking I don't see him.
    The second one thinks the sink is more comfortable than the bed I bought him, but he loves the catnip fish!
    And finally, the third one sleeps and talks to the mailman and enjoys their conversations about the newest Amazon package.
    But I would not have it any other way. Love them all!!


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    My cat Dexter is loving the endless supply of snuggles but hates that the payment for those snuggles is not more food.


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    Not well cause I don't have one. :(


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    Emi A.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don't have one neither. Perhaps I can foster you. Or would you like to foster me?

    See Also on Bored Panda

    -Wake up take deep breathe
    -Go for morning run/walk
    -Get ready for zoom classes
    -Does zoom classes/fall asleep
    -school over walk around the house
    Ok this is getting boring just going by order or however I was doing it, but that is what I'm really doing, But things i do other than then thats is well watch movies just finished sonic it was awesome,Then i get ready for no reason(sometimes)Hang with the fam that is with me in the house,6 feet apart you filthy animals last but not least TIKTOK I am In love with that app yasss queen.I also hang with my psycho dog his brees(bullie) this dog is wild even with short legs u make him mad u run he right behind u so u better hope he dont get your behind.(haha)But he is also very friendly to people and cats just dont get on his his bad side, and the only way u can do that is my annoying him well that's all bye bye


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    He loves having me here but hates when I disrupt his naps.


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    My dog and cat usually sleep during the day, but they spend most of that time snuggled together. As for me, my parents and brother being home all the time, and my pets are enjoying it!


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Woops, I meant "As for me, my parents and brother, my pets are enjoying it!"

    See Also on Bored Panda

    My beautiful horse and cat are loving having us here and i am loving spending more time with them :)


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    My Australian Labradoodle is annoyed because she can't see her friends as often. However, she gets lots of cuddle time when the other 5 members of the family decide to take a nap. She has been photobombing my school conference calls and started barking when my math teacher's dog started barking. She also has eaten 2 chicken breasts, a pint of homemade ice cream (made with dry ice), and 3 loaves of bread. Arya has taken to licking my feet for whatever reason, and she had LOTS of fun trying to play with us while we were mulching. (She kept on sitting on the beds right where we were trying to work.) Then, once we were done with the front beds, she saw a bunny run across the lawn and went sprinting after it, spreading freshly mulched mulch everywhere...


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    Before all this my cat barely went outside. Then my younger sister found a cat leash and decided to go outside with him. Now, he stands at the doorway every minute of every day meowing as loudly as possible to take him outside.


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    Gaia(dog) is doing a lot better now that I'm home!


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    They are not used to human presence. Me and my brother are usually at school, and both my parents and my uncle are usually at work. But now we're always home, and my dogs are confused.


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    tierd,frendly,wierd thats it


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    My cat learned to be way more meow-explicit. He became extremely talkative! And my lady cat developed an allergy to blossoming thingies and she sneezes :D Generally they were confused at first, now they are terrified when I go out with trash. I'm afraid of how they will take us disappearing back to work... :x We will have to adjust them by daily go-outs!


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    They are literally fine. We been taking the for walks more, so that’s probably a plus for them...


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    Light Furry here(Aka Germaine ) Sadly my pet died before the pandemic ,but we all have her at heart.


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    My dog loves getting attention all day, and the pigeon is probably happier because, since I'm home, I can keep his cage clean, and give him what ever he needs all day. Also, the pigeon might be a little bit mad, because, we are around all the time, bothering him. I think the pigeon will be a little friendlier by the end of quarantine.


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    My dogs absolutely love me being home. They love that we're going on more walks (although they get so jealous when I take one and not the other)!


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    We're retired , so not a big change, we are self isolating so more deliveries but he barely reacts now. He knows the mailman & regular grocery guy but people in the street (so unusual now) & he goes nuts.
    He's an Italian Greyhound , very laid back except for 4 pm zooms.


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    They're both gaining weight!! Of course, so am I! Napping a lot and following me when I get up


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    My husband is working from home. His lunch time nap is disrupting the cats schedules because they sleep in the human bed from 9-3. The tuxedo is spending more time under the sofa, and the orange tabby gets up earlier to get pets from me where I work from home.


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    My cat Pancake has also been participating in am I bored or hungry


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