War? Disease? Zombie apocalypse? How will we all die?


human extinction caused by overpopulation



    Covid 3600


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    Depends what you mean by “end”, so I put a couple of options

    End of the human race: we overpopulate, suffer from global warming so we die out

    End of all organisms on earth: all the water on earth dries up and everything goes extinct

    End of the physical place “earth”: the sun expands as it burns the last of its hydrogen and consumes the planet in circa 5 billion years

    Anyways stay happy and positive, don’t litter, buy an electronic/hybrid car ( if ur planning on getting one ) and hope you don’t witness it


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    The world as in Earth? When the sun dies and it absorbes the planet. We will be extinct much earlier than that.

    Our species? Probably in a century or two due to overpopulation, famine or war. Probanly the three of them.


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    COVID-19's ever-evolving variants will probably take over the planet and eradicate humanity.


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    ShadowLand 🇨🇦
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It might take over the entire planet as it is infecting the animals as well as humans. All the mammals could be wiped out leaving the invertebrates another opportunity to evolve into something better than the humans of today. Maybe life on Earth is just a never ending array of evolutionary cycles.


    Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites crash and screw up the universe….bye Earth!


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    Okay, so here’ what’s gonna happen:
    Whomever was in charge of human affairs and created us or whatever is going to regret it, and therefore release a person that will kill us all with just a touch, and this person has no fingerprints so he can’t be tracked. Nobody knows what this person looks like either. So, he will go around, subtly touching other peoples hands, and hereby making them die. At one point, he would have killed everyone, although that may take decades, and he will touch his own hand, thereby killing himself and extinguishing the entire human race.
    (Also, I did and up referring to said person as he, but they could be any genders)


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    Henry Russell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    what happens if he accidently touches him self before he dies or touches his mother when he is in the womb

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    Politicians overtaking the common folk and killing off citizens ruthlessly


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    I hoping for a meteor in my life time or intergalactic extermination. either will do



    In about 7.5 billion years the sun will consume the earth. But if you were talking about how the humans die out then I think they will start a new virus that kills immediately and spreads fast.


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually in another billion years, give or take, the Sun will have become so bright that Earth will get too hot for life. After another 3-4 billion years the Sun will swell into a red giant, and may absorb this planet. Whatever, Earth will be a lifeless cinder.

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    I wouldn’t mind it being eaten by Cthulhu, i accept my cosmic fate! 😄 plus i love bats and squids and hes like both!


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    The end of humanity will probably be caused by Global Warming and Overpopulation but humanity isn’t the world. Earth is the world and Earth will end when the sun swallows it by becoming a Red Giant which will happen in billions of years so humanity will die before then.


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    I think we’re going to be here for a while. We’re like cockroaches with thumbs and fire.

    Disease won’t wipe us out, as no disease is even close to 100% fatal.

    Global warming won’t kill all of us, or I think even a majority of us. Even the most severe projections won’t be enough to eliminate most fresh water or arable land, though famine and war would be widespread.

    Nuclear war won’t kill everyone. The “enough nuclear warheads to kill everything eight times over” canard is a myth. Oh, it could make things truly awful, but worse than the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs? We’re too numerous and advanced, and many would survive. No one is nuking rural Patagonia or Greenland or the Kalahari.

    Extinction-level asteroid? Maybe. But holy cow, it would have to dwarf the dinosaur killer.

    A combination of the above could do the trick. Nuclear war, famine, and then disease? Maybe. But killing seven-soon-to-be-eight billion people (meaning you could make 8,000 groups of a million people each) with our advanced technology? It’s highly unlikely that everyone is going to die. Think about how many people there really are on the planet. In your life could maybe meet 10,000 people, and there nearly 800,000 times that many people spread over every continent and every environment.


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    Freya the Wanderer
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What about the people on North Sentinel Island? They've been isolated from the rest of humanity for thousands of years. Maybe after the rest of us are wiped out they'll decide to leave their mysterious little island.

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    War between God and the corrupt political and religious system. Then a paradise will be restored on earth…

    What do you think about that?



    Nuclear Apoclypse


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    something will go wrong like a nuclear war or someone drops 8 hydrogen bombs soething like that


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    i think we're all just gonna kill each other


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    Human stupidity will swallow us whole, and we’ll make the planet inhospitable long before the goldie-locks zone switches to mars.


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    Humankind achieves the ability to colonize other planets, Mutually Assured Destruction no longer applies. Nations race to colonize other planets, using nukes when it becomes clear they cannot win the territory and to keep the other warring nations from being able to use it. Earth is stripped for metals, for resources, minor wars break out in which nukes, or similar, are used. An unforeseen chain reaction happens due to the radical changes in the atmosphere due to the resource stripping, making earth uninhabitable.


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    Nobody mentioned a zombie apocalypse so far. I think a radical rabies type virus will spread wildly and we will all attack each other in madness.


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    The world won’t end. Ecclesiastes 1:4


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    Accio Bacon
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yes it will. if we do survive ourselfs eventually the sun will start to die and burn up earth and the universe will die/end/collapse. it will either end in 3 ways scientist speculate. either the Big Freeze, the Big Rip or the Big Crunch. Nothing lasts forever.