Hey, Pandas! We know it’s been really hard and stressful lately, so tell us what you’ve been doing to keep busy in quarantine?

Share your stories, and they’ll show up for others to read!


I am so lucky. I am quarantined with my mother, who has two types of cancer, asthma and COPD. I also have some health problems. My daughter is stuck a continent away. But I'm really, really lucky, because we have a nice home with enough space for both of us. We have a gorgeous little garden in the back that's full of birds (all with names!). I have been working from home for 16 years and can continue to do so without any interruption to my income. We have plenty of books and movies and games, and a good internet connection. We have a nice kitchen where we both like to cook. Neither of us minds being in the house all the time. We have been able to get a few grocery deliveries. We have lovely neighbours who check on us from a distance. I miss my daughter so much, but she is safe where she is, and won't put my mother's health at risk while she is away, so that's one thing I don't have to worry about. I have worries and stresses, but compared to most people, I am so very lucky that there is not a single thing I could complain about. My heart and mind are all about our frontline medical and care staff, our essential workers, all the people who are giving and giving of themselves to help everyone else. My heartfelt thanks to all of you.



    I think the only correct answer is sleep.



    People complain about being bored. How? There's so much to do, so much to learn about. You have an internet connection and are capable of being bored? I don't get how people can live such boring lives. Work out, learn about wildlife in Madagascar, learn to use Photoshop better, sort your old keepsakes, there are a million things to do. Train ants to make French impressionist paintings. Convince your dining room table to overthrow a malevolent dictator and replace him with a balloon animal. Use your imagination, people! Make sure to take the cap off the cinnamon bottle before smearing your hooves with peanut butter though. Very important.



    Cry, watch disney movies, and make excuses not to do the zoom meetings.


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    Luisa Vasconcelos
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A honestly question. Why are you crying about exactly ? Are you afraid to get sick ? Worry with the future? Feeling lonely ? All will be okay, tell your heart and head that positive thoughts helps more then negative thoughts. I wish I could help you some how. 🌹

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    I have been trying to keep my kids entertained instead of them fighting all the time. Some times it works lol. So far my son and I made a volcano and made it erupt, we made a crane out of empty toilet rolls, duct tape, string and a peg. He loves it and has played with it for the past 2 days. We all decorated boiled eggs with pastels and food colouring. We made our own chocolate easter eggs. My son and I made pictures using a white pastel and then going over the paper with the food dye we used for decorating the eggs. My daughter and I had a bake off, she made a banana, oat and coconut life and I made double cheese and bacon rolls. Tomorrow we are baking biscuits, I am making more cheese and bacon rolls etc. We have planted some seeds and will be plating some more. I have bought some mini terracotta pots that we are gonna draw faces on and plant grass seeds in them and once they grow we can give them "hair" cuts. I also have the school work and the therapy programs to do with the kids.

    I have so much more stuff planned like painting, scrapbooking, learning to make a loaf of plain bread, makeup and nails, creating an exercise program and more. I am also going away for a night with a friend, we are staying at a resort that she has paid for coz she knows my mental health is seriously suffering at the moment. A night away without the kids or hubby, we get to play games uninterrupted and just get to chat. I am very much looking forward to it coz I definitely need it. Another thing I am looking forward to is making my wedding themed shadow box. I cut up my wedding dress the other day coz I was gonna sell it but sadly our old house had a lot of moisture which caused mould to grow on my dress. I cut all the embroidery, beads and some clean fabric off and gonna turn it all into something amazing. I have it all thought out and in my head it looks gorgeous.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you sound like the person I wish my mom would have been when I was growing up

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    Listen to K.K. slider covers and play Animal Crossing. Go on Bored Panda during class. Y'know. Regular stuff.



    I have had to do schoo through my kids. My daughter claimed she “Needed her own space” So we converted a closet into her “Office” I have no clue what happens in there, all I know is she gets her work done.


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    I have been rolling in the snow in short sleeves.



    Here’s my daily schedule-
    - Wake up early, realize that we’re in quarantine, go back to sleep
    - Wake up again, not wanting to get up this time
    - Sit in bed and realize how much I miss being around people
    - Get breakfast
    - realize that I have a zoom meeting and sprint up the stairs
    - attend zoom
    - Have lunch
    - Play games /w my brother
    - Watch Youtube videos
    - Listen to music
    - Have dinner
    - Cuddle doggg



    I actually am still working, albeit from home. My job is a support coordinator for individuals diagnosed with developmental disabilities. I've been doing my best to adapt to my work from home. I also take naps. Heck, I've been pretty tired lately. I also take walks around the block, and read old classic comics such as Ripley's Believe it or Not on the internet. I also enjoy webcomics.


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    Jo Choto
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks for all you are doing to help others. It's a difficult time for you, for carers and for your clients.

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    Not in quarantine, just took a week off to get away from everyone else that does not understand social distancing. Plenty to do around my house, did some much needed yard work and getting ready to open up my pool for the summer. Planted a few new apple trees and azaleas. It rained last nite so looks like cleaning house today. Thinking of repainting one of my bathrooms, but don't really want to go out and buy paint just yet. I have lots to keep me occupied.


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    Chris Jones
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In the UK the police said something along the lines of 'you aren't allowed to go and out buy paint to do the kitchen'. I do wonder how literally people will take that and paint all the other rooms in their houses!!


    Applying for jobs and sewing masks. So much sewing!



    Watching Netflix, trying to come up with things to do, realizing that I suck at coming up with things to do, going on Pinterest, and when I really have nothing to do, questioning my existence. Yep, it's been fun.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haha, I honestly think that all this alone time will come with some very deep thoughts. And of course, much criticism from myself about my eating habits. XD

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    Read books, play the piano, procrastinate with my school work, spam my friends' emails, what else, um...Go out into my backyard and scream out my drama scripts. Sleep in until 10 a.m (I consider this late, as I usually wake up at 5 a.m). Throw paper airplanes with messages into my neighbor's backyard. They don't seem to mind! Oh, there was this guy at school who followed me and my friends (who are all guys, much easier to talk to) everywhere. I want to sock him in the nose, so I practice on myself. That's probably why I have a red nose now.



    I'm an essential worker, so I work 11-12 hours a day, come home, fall into bed, and get up again to commute in and do it all again. I work for the post office as a letter carrier, I make sure people get their medications as well as the rest of their mail.


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    Jo Choto
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you for everything you are doing to benefit the rest of us.

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    Basically? I get up at 8:30 to get ready for my class google meet at 9:00 (One advantage of this whole thing: I don't have to get up at 7:15 anymore) Then I spend the rest of the time trying not to explode at my twin sisters when they annoy me, reading on the app Libby, which has been my savior since the library closed, and playing with my neighbor from a safe six feet away.
    I have also been writing stories to pass the time. Repeat, Repeat.
    Anyway, I am bored, but its not unbearable.
    I am also trying to learn to speak and spell French (This is MUCH harder than it seems, because the spelling and pronunciation are nothing alike.)



    TL;DR - I spend more time on the good stuff in life and I try to be kind to myself.

    I’m married, we have a 4yo boy who can't attend preschool because of shelter-in-place - instead, we’re all spending our days at home together. Recent big hits include Legos, soccer, and comic books about Smurfs (I bought some online a month ago when the lockdowns started, and I bought some more this week). We're fortunate that he's not in school yet - there's no need for homeschooling during this time. Still, he is curious about the world, we just need to tune in to whatever sparks his interest. Annoying questions can turn into interesting debates about clouds, planets, deserts, foreign countries, engines, virus infections, tigers, anatomy, and anything in between. I can see how engaged he becomes in our conversations, and how his vocabulary has improved over the last few weeks. We talk more about our emotions too. We're also expecting our second boy any day now, so there are some baby preparations.

    I love cooking and baking and I would make something new all the time (recently I made: banana muffins, ham and olives cake, Asian noodle soup, vegetable tots). We’ve always tried to eat healthy: lots of fruit and veggies, and we found that shops never run out of this stuff (how canned noodle sup will run out, but at the same time, you can still buy fresh avocadoes, is beyond me).

    I love biking and running, and can get my exercise even with shelter-in-place. We're fortunate that our local regulations allow outdoor activities, as long as you can maintain social distance, which is easy with biking and running. In fact, there's very little traffic on the roads and biking is so much more pleasant. We also go outdoor with our kid: walking, playing soccer, or him on his bike and me running alongside him. Fresh air, sun and movement help so, so much. If you can, spend some time outside (with all the necessary precautions). Can’t go outside? Open your window! Indoor exercise is a thing too. You’ll be glad you did it.

    I read. I have this thing where I want to read all the books I have at home. Over the years, I probably read 100 out of 150 books that I have. I do have more free time and I try to read more.

    I am thankful that my work allows me to work from home. I love my work and I love the people that I work with. Having that helps me stay sane. There is also less work due to the pandemic.

    I tried to adjust my sleeping schedule to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier, so that I can get some uninterrupted alone time in the mornings. It doesn't work every day, but some days I'm able to get 2 hours all to myself in the morning. I read, sometimes I go for an early bike ride, sometimes I just spend the whole morning internetting on my phone. And you know what? This is fine too. I try to be kind to myself and not feel guilty about not doing anything for a change. I definitely have been sleeping more recently though.

    My advice to you: make the most of this time. Yes, many things about the pandemic suck big time. But you might also be less busy, have fewer distractions, more time to yourself. Is there anything you wanted to do, but never had enough time? Now is the time to pick up that new hobby, spring clean the house, start learning a new language, get better at cooking, tend to your garden. Find some good in the situation. Apart from tangible benefits (learn something, achieve something), it can introduce a positive feedback loop: you’ll feel good about yourself, and life will be slightly more pleasant.

    But - even more importantly - be kind to yourself. These are extraordinary times, we can be affected in so many negative ways. We’re all more fragile now. Stayed in bed for the whole weekend? Watched Netflix for 12 hours straight? Ate a pint of ice cream in one sitting? Cried? Got drunk alone? It’s all good. We have all been there. This will be over. Hang in there.


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    Dilly Millandry
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Excellent advice - would just add be kind to others too. Lots of people arguing with their families which is making life harder. I know an argument is a two-way street but for your own sanity try and draw a line, walk away - do something to put a stop to it.

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    I'm not in isolation, I'm a key worker however I've taken a week off work for practical reasons. I've been spending my time off playing an old computer game, some TV, internet. I've also washed a motorcycle, mowed the lawn and done some weeding in the garden. Plenty of things for me to do to keep me busy. If I am asked to stay home for another week I will be glad to, I have things I can do.


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    Chris Jones
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Enjoy your break! What's the bike? That's the important question!


    I try to finish what I can't normally do, except I always end up distracted and start watching youtube videos for hours on end. Then I become depressed and start watching more depressing movies. Then I get up to go on google meets, and then silently watch others cry.


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    doing different things like swimming crocheting and talking to family over the phone and doing exercise



    Honestly, is it just me, or has anyone else watched less Netflix in quarantine than normal??? I mostly work and stuff but I guess I'm pretty lucky because we can go on walks and stuff, so I've started a new hobby- rollerblading. I spend more time with my family now and I also dyed my hair purple. So yeah, been kinda crazy.



    Lots of school work, I’m learning the guitar, and listening to WAY TO MUCH music.



    Well . . . interesting i go to zoom meetings all day then i eat and sleep then i create random messes .



    Do homework, watch TV and sew


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    attending school zoom meeting by force, knowing i have lots of work to finish and 6 missing assignments but not wanting to do them, finish 300-500 piece puzzles with my dad instead of finishing homework, asking my parents to help me with the homework that i couldn't understand the text or the questions, my parents still not understanding, tiger king, anime (NARUTO), Bored Panda because why not. - Some 7th Grade Student in Texas



    Try to make my mom forget that I have a million zoom classes online because I'm too lazy to do them, sneak onto roleplays when I'm supposed to be doing schoolwork, and take way too many walks with my family.



    Keep staring at a wall until my eyes hurt because all I have is a piece of paper.


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    In Korea, life is gradually getting back to normal already, so now it's more of a "half-quarantine". But, anyway, during the peak times, I was working (from home). So, I was busy and tired anyway, although a bit less, since I was spared the commute and constant social interaction (that one happened only online). My husband has his own company, some days he would go to his office, sometimes he would stay at home. We (or me alone) would go for our solitary strolls, keeping the distance from other people on almost isolated streets. Unfortunately, our bikes need fixing, and it's not a good time to go swimming, so the only sport we have left is taking walks. As for hobbies, well, video games and comic books mostly, but I didn't have much time/energy left for anything less passive.


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    I get to go back to hobbies I didn't have time for. I love art and painting. I've started some photography. My family has been doing cooking competitions and I'm spending more time with them. Oh yeah, I also sleep. A lot.


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    I draw, read old books, try to bake (but I always fail lol), browse the internet, complete schoolwork, and think.
    Mostly I end up thinking that this whole pandemic really sucks, and even though we're going through hard times, especially when the number of cases starts to peak, I remember that the darkest hour is just before the dawn.


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    It's turned out, that I am "essential".
    Well, not on my paycheck, but I still have to go to working every weekday.

    Still better than being unemployed I guess.


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    Read on my Kindle, play BitLife, draw, do schoolwork.



    I spend my time working in my garden, reading, watching movies and documentaries, and doing some DIY projects. Oh, and I'm also responsible for feeding several dozen hummingbirds that live in my yard.

    I have to say that quarantine hasn't affected me much, since I enjoy the life of a hermit anyway. I live in an old homestead cabin on 5 acres way out of town. I avoid driving to town until I run low on supplies. I did drive in this week to check my mail at the post office for the 1st time in 6 weeks; it was all junk mail.



    Where do I start..

    -My brothers are driving me nuts
    -BP is keeping me sane
    -Books, books, books (Could you guys put any books you would recommend? I don’t care what age level)
    -Baking, lots of bread and cake
    -Hanging out with my dog and my three cats (and the dead fish)

    Have fun staying sane everyone!


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    Rosie Hamilton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    After It Happened by Devon C Ford - just to show us all how much worse it could be right now!!

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    I live away from my mom for my studies and when the President made the decision to quarantine the country (France) I decided to stay on my campus, in my student residence despite the residence telling us to leave (stupid move to ask 1 million student to travel at that time). I didn't wanted to take the risk to infect my mom that is still working (as a bus driver) and had a stomach surgery last summer. So I'm staying here and I feel so lucky that this university year, and for the first time in years, I have been granted a 18m² room when my residence is 90% a 9m² rooms type so I am alone and in a small room but not the smallest at least. Our huge and green campus (I live in Grenoble, city surrounded by mountains, go see photos ^o^) is empty and quiet which feels very good those days. We are allowed one hour at a time (better not to use it every day though) so it feels like a luxury to be stucked in such a beautiful environment !
    My residence is trying to gather all the potentially infected students in a residence behind mine and I volonteered to do their shopping since they are asked not to go out at all. For the rest of the country it is allowed but we need an attestation stating the reason of our excursion (several choices possible). The person that is putting me in touch with the needed students gave me masks and plastic gloves to protect myself and I feel safer but also bad when going out wearing a mask and I see all those people that have to use scarfs etc because our country (one of the richest) couldn't see that need coming...
    We just ended our first month of lockdown and the President announced another one so now the due date is May 11 but it still could be extended (because to end the lockdown and let people out we need to have masks and test and for now we have not enough of both).
    I lost my student job but I still consider myself lucky as I have a scholarship and well uni is free here so no other charges. We have a lot of associations helping us by giving out food and especially the "Crous" that is the establishment in charge of scholarships and student life in general in France and that is giving extra financial support to those who need it the most (checks to buy food or free sanitary towels that were initially in self-service in the university toilets thanks to a student initiative).
    I know that when we will be freer and the epidemic will be more controled we will have to fight for our health care system. We realised how much it had been damaged those last years notably by our current President that wants a "start-up nation" by cutting the hospitals funds. We, French, are proud of our health care system, it will be our priority to fight along with the health professionals !
    Please everyone take care of yourself and the ones next to you :)


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    I play the best game ever, FORTNI-- just kidding I play super smash bros ultimate



    the original eat,cry,drink hot chocolate,eat,eat,play video games,cry,play with dog,sleep i hate my life right now i get grounded if i don't wake up in time for school -_-


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    *sigh*, The Yellow Teletubby
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    brooo I'm feeling you. We gotta work for an hour and get a 10 minute break after every hour, and I made oatmeal but **apparently** it took 10 minutes, so I had to wait another hour to eat it, because food is "distracting". Oh, and so is music.

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    Having to deal with my family, homework, and laughing at memes on bored panda.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not to mention crying at night because I don't like quarantining in my house and I miss my friends. D:

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    Playing pen and paper (fantasy, dragons, gods and difficult choices) play almost fulltime with friends per TeamSpeak. Repairing my bathroom. Reading all the books I want. Playing games, where I normally havnt the time for (Metro Exodus, Days Gone, Red Dead Redemption 2). Painting my Radiator. Drawing Aceo-cards and learning how to paint with acrylics. Baking. Watching films and series. Sleeping long. Writing RPGs. Walking alone in the woods.


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    My dad is an essential worker so he works almost everyday. I have been watching Netflix and YouTube a lot. And if I'm not doing that, I'm doing some school work. I sleep a lot too.


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    I like to play with my dogs and do puzzles with my mom.


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    I have been crazy adopting a stay at home routine. I am almost Mrs Brady or Danny Tanner at this point. Raising two teens is tough work. Shout out to the Moms and Dads out there!!


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    I’m just rereading the Lord of the Rings for the 378th time, sleeping as much as I can, working out at home, walking the dog, listening to 15 hours of music a day, and playing video games with friends. I can’t say I’ve been bored, because I have Bored Panda and it’s kinda nice being with my family all the time. Along with the Lord of the Rings reading, I’m studying Elvish, and unrelated, studying Latin for fun.



    I’m a 17 yr old blacksmith from Michigan, and I’ve been trying to advance my products and just get better at all around forging and creating new crafts. Recently I have been working on trying and refining the process of making metal roses! I can’t put a picture on here for some reason so I’ll try and describe what I’ve done to them. I’ve made a metal rose out of thin sheet metal and then, once it’s been wire brushed, I toss it in the oven to heat-treat it until it turns dark-blue. So now I can make a dark-blue metal rose! Looking back onto what I could do crafts-wise before quarantine compared to now is insane! I have grown as a smith during this time and I hope that all of you guys can grow in whatever skill sets you are trying to pursue during this time as well!


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    Water Bottle
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow! Is there a way to heat up sheet metal just enough that it turns purple when cooled? If so then that would look really cool with a blue rose.

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    Netflix, Trampolining, Bored panda-ing, school 😑....
    Dass about it.


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    Disney PLus is the real hero in this Quarentine. Without it i would die


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    Just play video games all day.



    I sleep. I eat. Then I watch anime.


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    Kai Wendorf
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also started watching My Hero Academia. I finished Attack on Titan, Sword art online, started Seven Deadly Sins, started Tokyo Ghoul and Assassination classroom, and Im going to start Deathnote. Anime is underappreciated.

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    By going to work as ususal o_O


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    Reading Bored Panda of course


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    Katie Bell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Obviously *insert literally any meme template and add obviously to it*


    I'm studying abroad away from my family, so I'm currently quarantined in my dorm. I Skype with my family and friends, catch up on schoolwork and TV series. Not very exciting, but it's enough to keep me from losing my sanity for now.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I got these things that keep my skateboard from moving when I try to do an ollie so I've been practicing that. I've watched a LOT of Phineas and Ferb episodes. I've listened to my peers make jokes about guys body on zoom calls. I've worried about the toilet paper running out and this event being marked as the toilet paper pandemic... OH!! I've pet my cat!! Highlight of every day, since there is nothing else to do.


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    Right now, I ahve music playing in the background, watching Crosing Jordan on tv, and thinking about the book I'm writing. In other words being bored out of my head.


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    eat, sleep, write storeys repeat


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I got the idea to start a vegetable garden and I am going to start it tommorow. I have also been able to get outside more and I am biking more with social distancing. I also like going on Bored Panda. I also have been able to clean my room and it looks amazing!



    Quarantine what's that? Im happy that I got two days off in a row after 2 months of this crazyness. I work for a retail pharmacy.


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    Jo Choto
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thanks for being there to make sure other people have what they need.

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    I like to play Prodigy and at my dads house I play outside in the snow


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    I work full time in a group home so there's not much quarantining for me! But on my days off I stay inside, playing Skyrim on the Switch, we do a whole lot of cooking, and cleaning, bird watching, and we started an indoor garden. I miss shopping, visiting family, and going on roadtrips. But I feel grateful to be able to relax at home without any obligations, and it's saved us a lot of money.


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    Pretty much nothing



    I know looking for tp and sister she always cracks me up


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    I’ve finally had time to work on improving my digital art!
    I’m also eating cereal every morning and sleeping in with the occasional Google meet


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    Crocheting granny squares and raising mealworms.


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    school school and more school and might add a pile of work and arguing sprinkled with stress and anger it makes a poop sandwich



    So far:

    My kitchen cupboards are spotless - I found a jar of olives that should have been used by 07/2011!

    I made lemon curd.


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    We have been trying out new recipes, planting veggies and flowers, fishing, horse back riding, 4 wheeler riding. I've been teaching my daughter how to drive, helping her work on her softball skills. My son has been working on archery with his older sister. Oh and trying to teach our stubborn doggone some tricks!


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    Watching JoJo, listening to podcasts, finding reasons not to work... the usual.


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    I have decided to do an art challenge until this whole pandemic is over!! It's a lot of fun!



    It's been nice to spend time with my family and my dogs. But I ride horses, it's my passion and my job, but I can't see my horse because I have lung problems, so my mom is visiting him. Because of my lung problems, I'm always on edge and making sure that I'm constantly not washing my hands (a good tip for everyone out there! 20 seconds!) But besides all that, it's nice to be with my family and be able to spend time with them. I even started building a garden in our backyard! I hope everyone else is staying safe!


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Being at home for a while made me realize I`m actually a pretty boring person. I keep telling everyone I love reading, writing stories and drawing, while in fact, all I do is procrastinate with my homework and dust off my guitar that I haven`t picked up for weeks...


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    I'm quarantining with my mother, brothers, and grandmother. My dad comes around every day if my mom allows him to (sometimes she just tells him to leave). It's been alright so far, we've been stuck in the house for about 5-6 weeks now. On Thursday I drove by my friend's house to drop off a birthday present for her, which I was really excited about since up till then, I had not left the house in over a month. We've only had to get groceries twice, so we're lucky.


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    Sleep and eat. Thats honestly all i do-



    I'm a teacher zooming with my students. It's a new experience for me, and I feel profoundly glad when they're smiling back and looking well.

    History is mostly written by people long after an event is over, sometimes by people who didn't even go through it. So I started I've just started to get a few things! One treat has been seeing an anti-coronavirus badge that a child made. Another is a poem written by a researcher. These things feel straight from the heart.

    Hoping each panda stays well and strong in spirit.


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    I do chalk on sunny days and I like to do puzzles any time I get the chance.


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    Well, I´m essential worker, so most of the day i got sth to do (working in a truck workshop). At freetime i´m sitting in front of my laptop binge watching. Then i cook sth or dinner and watch more series ...
    Because I am a volunteer firefighter, I have a alarm from time to time. There I can finally see my friends again, whom I miss quite a lot.
    Otherwise, I like to sit on the balcony, enjoy the sun and write with a girl I'm in love with, but cannot see her bc of corona ...


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    I eat all the food in my house... literally all of it just because i'm bored


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    I have been doing a lot of puzzles and reading books


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    I get up, plan out what needs to be done, ditch the plans, eat breakfast (unless it's after 4 pm, then that is renamed "dinner") nap, read (or play on the "internet machine"), go to bed, get up, rinse, repeat.


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    Play Roblox,watch Netflix,some youtube,eat snacks,complain read bored panda during zoom classes and yeah.



    Scrolling Bored Panda, listening to music and reading, reading, reading. Maybe watch a few movies and TV. It's surprisingly relaxing with what's going on


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    Foxxy (The Original)
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve been doing a bit of that too. I have watched The Good Doctor and The Big C, I listen to music every day, I am currently reading F*cked at 40 by Tova Leigh. I am ALWAYS on Bored Panda and I have binge watched hallmark movies when I roll smokes for hubby.

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    I Use Zoom and eat and use a website called taskade to communicate with my friends. My brothers birthday is coming up but since we have to be isolated, his theme will be maui stranded on an island (he is turning 2). Play with the puppers, pet the kitties, and eat some more. I'm hungry! I'm going to grab a snack!


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    I also fight with my sister waaaaaay too much.


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    I spend my time doing schoolwork and hobbies. I mainly scroll through Bored Panda.


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    Only in Quarantine once I get done with work for the day. I used to be a busy bee after work but now its just being home, putting on some kind of back ground noise, and doing random things. Writing, reading, crafts, playing with the animals. Debated on pulling out the sewing machine and decided it was to much of a hassle because I'd have to find a spot for my Fairy House in progress since its where I set up the sewing machine when I use it.

    I would really like to finish my Fairy House, but as I was doing that for one of the YouTube channels I was on I'm stuck. My sister has the camera and the lights I need to film that at her place, since she's my partner in crime, and she's the one that films me doing stuff. Fun times. I'm pretty good at entertaining myself, always have been, though I am a little glad that I can still work though to be fully honest if I didn't have that to tire me out I might be painting my ceiling like it was the Sistine chapel. My rental company might frown at that.


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    I'm always making sure to talk to my dad on Discord every day that we're able to. I help my nephew with his school work, help my mom with our chickens, and help take care of my grandfather. I baby the heckie out of my cat. And in my free time I try to hunt down the elusive cat villagers that I need for my New Horizons island.

    Oh, and I've been binging the Transformers cartoons and my favorite IDW Transformers comics again. Who am I kidding, lol?


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