Homophobia sucks, but many people have to deal with it. Help your fellow Pandas know what to do (and help them realize that they are not alone)!


"So how do you feel about left-handed people? They are born like this, trying to change it won't do them any good."
50 years ago, pupils (i.e. my mother) were punished for writing with the left hand. Today no one really cares, no one judges, teachers support kids.
I'm afraid LGBTQ+ will need another 20 years until full acceptance. Hopefully less.


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Ash Trash
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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Catholics used to think being left handed was of the devil, or a sign you were possessed .

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    I really don't associate with them. My friend likes to yell at homophobic men, "YOUR G-SPOT IS UP YOUR ASS!"


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    I give them the go to hell look. Because that where they say we will be going. B*****s.


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    Broken Angel
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, if the gays are going to hell, bring me with them. LGBTQ+ people make everything better, and Satan sounds much more accepting. (But what do I know, I'm an atheist)

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    "Homophobia is usually directly proportional to the chances you are gay yourself" So, if you are 90% homophobic, then there is a 90% chance you are gay yourself. And you try to hide it by lashing out at those who are unashamed of who they are.



    Homophobe: Are you gay?
    Me: Yeah, why?
    Homophobe: But why? Being gay is gross.
    Me: I don't know. Check with your one brain cell.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    THEM: “F***t!” || ME: “Wow. You’re perceptive. Do you want a cookie?” || THEM: “Uh, wut?” || ME: “And you’re a bigoty-nitwit. I’m perceptive! I get a cookie too!” (claps hands together and jumps up and down like a big-ol-girl) “YAAAAAAY!” || THEM: “Uh, f***t” || ME: “We’ve already established that - you don’t get another cookie. Game over. You lose. Byeeeeee.”

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    Try to educate them, some people were raised in situations where they didn't have any good role models to tell them discriminating against others in f***** up!!!


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    if I'm being honest, I would probably would just end the conversation as soon as possible.


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    If they’re the same sex I start hitting on them. Freaks them the f*ck out!



    I wear a rainbow face mask at all times, in the deep south, around a bunch of redneck customers


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    Alyssa Sweat
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ever since I saw the rainbow as the LGBTQ+ community sign, I never saw it the same way.

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    I just ask them why they are homophobic, and try to see the world in their shoes. If they won't even let me tell them that being homophobic is wrong, then I just end the convo right there. But if they do, I just accept that that is what they believe, and don't bother them about it anymore.


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    Draco Malfoy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean, I would hope they are not homophobic. There's a difference between just not supporting it and being outwardly against it and discriminatory towards people of the community.

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    I dissect their answer with facts then tell them to go to hell.


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    I tell them I don’t want to know them. That there’s no room in my life for homophobes, racists, sexists, or anyone who chooses ignorance over empathy.


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    doof doof doof
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there’s this guy I used to sit with every day in school, turns out he’s a MAJOR racist and homophobe :/ thing is, he still tries to talk to me

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    It's important to be reasonable in any discussion about this. If the person that is homophobic is acting unreasonably, you either end the discussion or risk killing your nerve cells with a minimal chance that they might change their mind.


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    I ask them why they're straight and tell them that they didn't choose to be straight



    Ignore them or come up with a witty comeback. Or, take my rainbow beanie out of my bag and forcefully shove it on my head, without saying a word, this is my favourite method and I got some random homophobe to shut up and look guilty doing this, it was glorious.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Love this. Did something similar at a restaurant one time when we heard the table next to us very loudly discussing how sinful homosexuality was. My husband and I started Frenching.


    Call them a pervert for bring so obsessed about what is going on in someone else's bedroom.


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    By teaching my children that it is both ok and normal to be attracted to and love who ever they want.



    I have a few gay friends. And my brother is bisexual, but not much homophobia here . At least not that I noticed. I once had an argument with someone tho.
    It went like this
    ' being gay is unnatural. God says so'
    I responded with ''oké sure, and talking snakes, rising up from the dead and walking on water ,is all very natural. And totally normal.''
    He didn't have an answer to that.

    It's usually how I respond to idiots. With sarcasm . You can't argue with idiots . So I just make fun of them


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    Alyssa Sweat
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    GOD does NOT hate gay people, he loves -ALL- his children. (Anybody who has ever lived/or ever will live on this earth).

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    I say "But we're HOMOsapiens." Then I flip them off and walk away.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Homophobia basically means you afraid of humans..l Homo-Human Phobia- fear The homophobes had found a way to proudly say they’re *homophobic* so I would say they’re afraid of people with SASS


    Usually swears.


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    I try to reason with them but I give up if they bring up Jesus or the Bible it’s kinda hard to persuade those people


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    My bestfriend is asexual/aromatic whenever she tries to explain this. Some people comes up to her and says "are you sure you're aromatic? Maybe you haven't found the right guy yet." Most of these people who says this is straight so she likes to yell back "Maybe YOU haven't found the right guy yet."


    See Also on Bored Panda

    They are human beings like me and everyone else. all children of mother earth. 💕



    As long as the other person is a consenting adult who the hell cares


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    Try to keep the situation calm and then suggest an articulated debate, because no one ever concedes anything when they are all fired up.


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    When I encounter people that are homophobic I typically ignore them and their antics. But if they are bugging someone for being LGBTQ+, don’t blame me for being rude. (Don’t worry MOST of the time I attempt peace first)


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    I call them out most times when people insult me I tell them they are being homophobic


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    Any time a cis hetero says the lgbtq+ community is mean to them, I respond with “omg that’s so sad. Do you need a tissue? That must be so hard. Alexa, play despacito.” (To the snowflakes, no, I don’t mean all straight people)



    So my main coping mechanism with the homophobic guys at my school is shipping them with each other. Ik arguing or explaining won’t work at this point and it’s either shipping or plotting murder. If you can come up with something better than shipping (bc it’s kinda encroaching on sexualities) please tell me.


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    Logic, reason, google, and the simple question- ''Why?''


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    Loudly shout That they just said something homophobic


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    Katie Fink
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I kinda like this. If they're embarrassed then they know what they did/said was wrong. Won't make any friends this way, though, since the people who are ignorant enough to be homophobic are unlikely to be self aware enough to examine why they're uncomfortable; they'll just plot revenge.


    If someone outright says something awful to me I say I don't tolerate ignorance and that their way of thinking is rapidly becoming obsolete, then walk away letting them sputter away. If I am with a friend who is a member of the LGTBQ+ community and someone is being a jerk we either ignore them and continue having a fun time, or if they are really paying attention we start camping it up just to get them riled.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    👍"I say I don't tolerate ignorance and that their way of thinking is rapidly becoming obsolete"... I found out a new friend (who is bi) had been being called by a homophobic nickname ever since he came out, people said it was a joke, and he said he had got used to it but I was appalled. Next time I saw some of that group, he came up in conversation, they used the supposedly humourous slur, and I immediately said something like "I think that's completely inappropriate- even if you don't mean to be rude- to name someone based on their sexuality is just wrong" (not verbatim- this was a while ago, but that was the essence of it). Killed the conversation, but I felt it was important to call them out on their behaviour.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Male homophobe = Are you gay

    Me [ male ] = Give us a kiss and I'll tell you.


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    No reaction is the best reaction. I know, it's nearly impossible to change how they think (most cases).


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    Flip off, block, or if they're not cyber-related, maaaaaybe a little ketchup in their backpack....maybe.....idk


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not sure they'll understand the message, but the idea is so fantastically random! Vengeance is sweet... and tangy!

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    i always respect someones opinion so it really cancels out for me, if someone wants to be homosexual I will accept them as I would the rest of the people in my community but if someone is homophobic i will respect their opinion and their belief just as i would want someone to respect mine


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    People don't choose their sexuality. I don't "want" to be queer anymore than I "want" to be middle aged or white or born in the US or a native English speaker. It just is.

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    I'm not gay, but you know what? It's a you do you thing. People are obviously allowed to have opinions about people being gay but the people who disapprove shouldn't try to stop gay people from being what they want to be.
    As I said, I feel that it's no one's place to try and stop someone who wants to be gay.


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    Tell them about the study (true) that shows that extrem Homophobia is a telltale sign someone most possible is a homosexual himself. Shuts most homophobe comments off instantly.


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    All's Gravy
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, that's not true. It may be a signal of fear of feelings they don't understand, which may or may not be homosexuality. There are also men and women out there who have been religiously/culturally/politically indoctrinated over a lifetime and the thought of homosexuality goes against every fibre of their understanding of life - cognitive dissonance - this will make them fearful and extremely defensive, but unlikely to be homosexual by default. Be careful about stereotyping people. It's unhelpful in winning them over.


    Homophobic Friend: "being gay is so weird, it was Adam and Eve, not Adam and James"

    me: "yeah little s**t, it's homosapiens not heterosexuals-
    no wonder you're the failed abortion in your family, try passing your biology class first, dumbass-"


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    Iiiiit''s smacking time! Also time to cut that person off!


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    with heterophobia. LOL


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never the solution. Fighting discrimination with discrimination is not the right way.

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