Hey Pandas, How Do You Preserve Your Mental Health In Our Fast-Paced World? (Closed)
Navigate the currents of well-being! Share your strategies, routines, and rituals that help maintain your mental equilibrium amidst the whirlwind of modern life.
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Playing games, taking walks, overthrowing the government, watching movies, etc. just normal everyday stuff.
1. Learn to value peace as a virtue and a skill. Value it as much as you do the virtues of hard work and efficiency.
2. Look for joy. Find it in the little things. Find it in the big things. Find it and then consciously choose it.
3. Love nature. My favorite time of day is dusk, because the whole world seems to take a little hush. Take your dog for a walk and hush with it.
4. Have cute little hobbies (off social media) that you do just purely to relax. Learn watercolors. Play with Legos. Cook something new every weekend. Listen to lofi playlists while you do it.😄
5. Stop judging yourself. Peer pressure or social pressure is 90% just taking other people's judgements on yourself and then judging yourself because you don't live up to them.
Scud that.
Wear pajama pants all afternoon. Eat ranch on your cheese. Put on that eyeliner you've been scared to try. Paint flowers on your bedroom wall. Stay home when everyone else is partying. Party when everyone else is staying home.
Don't give a **** what yourself or anyone else thinks.
6. Be okay with being happy.
Celebrate all the little moments and achievements, and NEVER EVER EVER shame yourself for having joy or being okay when other people are struggling. Darkness cannot overcome darkness. Only the light can do that.
7. Learn boundaries. It will save your life. Don't only learn boundaries with strangers, but also with friends and family, and most importantly, with yourself. Don't even let yourself abuse you.
7. Love. And never stop loving.
Love is more worth in life than any other achievement you will ever make. Love God first, then yourself, your family, your friends, your partner, your dog, your neighbor, a random stranger, your plant baby...i don't' care. Just learn to love and do it.
I read Louise Hay's You can heal you life and she does a lot of affirmation work and I found that worked for me.
I also write a gratitude journal every night 3 things I am grateful. Yes some days it is hard to come up with things but I've never missed a night.
Also journalling I don't write everyday but I do a brain dump when there is too much going on in my head I just get it all down on paper.
As someone with anxiety, excerise helps me a lot. I just love the feeling up listening to my music full blast and running my legs out. I'm not the mindful type of person - I need to distract myself and excerise keeps my in shape and actual relieves stress.
Spending time with my cats. Listening to music. Reading. Gardening. Hiking/walking. Journaling. Spending time with good friends. Yoga.
I do a few things, take a walk, take time to read something I enjoy, play video games, Or do some of my hobbies. Especially learn to cook a new dish.
Meds, writing down things I have to do/making a list (I never use it, but it helps me mentally organize), and making sure I do one thing a week I like/look forward to.
I watch sports and sports news, block out politics and political news. Mainly for me, raising my little one and teaching them is surprisingly therapeutic for me. It's all laughs, giggles, hugs, kisses, all positive feelings. Like blocking out all the outside negativity in our safe little bubble we call home. Stay safe out there pandas, keep those eyes bright and tails bushy (boujee)!
Easy. I don’t.
*laughs in mental illness suffering* I don’t, my mental health fluctuates, some days it’s good and some days it’s bad. I miss the days where I wasn’t mentally ill, and I’m pretty sure I have depression and anorexia because I’m not eating anything and I’m getting really weak and sick all the time.