I want to know how you pandas would like to learn French. What steps do you take to start learning French? What are your challenges and Fears?


well, I took it as my language option in school so I learn it there.

but if your school dosen't have that or something, you could use an app like duolingo to learn it.


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Sadly i didnt get an option on how i wanted to learn french as im in french 2 and still pronounces est wrong haha

But id like to learn vowel pronounciation and word anounciation FIRST, those are key for me when ever im learning a language, because its easy to remember vocab and verbs but if i cant pronounce it correctly than whats the point...



honestly? i used duolingo but i got super tired of it after a while. i was learning it for myself because my dream vacation is Paris, France. I was hoping that maybe one day I could use my french speaking skills to talk to people but I had to give up on it because of some mental issues I'm having to handle :)


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I learned French at school for 5 years and then in the late 90's I lived and worked in France for 2 years. One thing that did surprise me was that quite a few French people could tell where my French language teacher was from as I had picked up her accent while she was teaching me.


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See Also on Bored Panda

I first learned French through school, now I just do Duolingo to practice what I've learned. Speaking of, I should probably do my daily lesson :P


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