Like it or not, money is life and money brings people together.


In my bank account.


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I like it in larger amounts than I currently have, thank you.

Haha, at the same time I grew up relatively poor and I don't care about money much at all. You don't need to be wealthy to have a good life. You just need good genetics and a resourceful family, lol.


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Not much. I like comfort, i like not to worry about every day money but i would choose a peaceful job over a better payed one.


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Overrated. It's only here because the old ways of trading wasn't as effective. (For those who don't know, people traded things for food and animals etc but something could go wrong). So money was invented but now you need to have so much of it just to try and survive like a half decent human. I don't want to buy a can of beans and then be in debt for the next year.


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In the bin nearest the entry to the park. In mixed denominations and unmarked and don't call the Police


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