I've been sitting here with my room a mess, bed not made, and two subjects of homework left to do all day. I want to make a change in my lifestyle and be more productive and satisfied with myself but I haven't been able to make any good habits stick.

How do you pandas get motivation and do you have any tips or tricks for productivity?


Closing out Bored Panda



    Music, always.....just need to find the right music for the right situation...


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    Night Owl
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    *spends hours browsing, listening and choosing the right music for the situation*...

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    I personally like to list the tasks I have to do first? Then I pick the ones that take less than 5 minutes to do. For example: making my bed. I do those first and when I get them done, I realise I don't have much to do left. Also, it gives motivation and is a great start. I recommend watching fayefilms on YouTube. She has great tips for us students.😊


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    Deutschland Mädchen
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Her videos are actually what make me want to be more productive in my studies in the first place :) thank you

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    When I was younger I found listening to my favourite song would help get me pumped up. When I was trying to get focused at a competition or prepping for one, I used to listen to MCR songs. Now that I'm an adult, I listen to Enemy by Imagine Dragons.

    If I'm just trying to be productive... I put on a loop of disney music from the theme parks. I was a massive disney kid and so listening to the EPCOT test track queue music on a loop makes me feel more positive and less defeatist about what I am doing. Because it is a loop it is easily in the background without drawing my attention too much. I would say find an audio clip that triggers a positive memory for you that is not too intrusive and then just loop it. You feel better overall and more positive and that positivity will help you stay productive. Also when you take a break reward yourself with something with a clear end point (ie. An episode of a show or a single game of league or whatever suits your fancy). If you reward yourself with social media then it's easy to get into a scrolling loop and drain time.


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    My 2 motivators are anger, and deciding what I want.

    Anger gives me a focus like nothing else, it consumes me. I give myself over to it and I will not stop until the task is complete. Boss wants a report and is nagging so much it becomes irritating? YOU WANT THE REPORT? FINE! I'll do you a fecking report! And it will be the most detail report you've ever encountered! It'll be so detailed that you'll change the entire company procedure for tracking that aspect of the business.

    The more regular motivator, I just ask myself what I want. Sitting at home in an untidy room. Do I really WANT to be sitting her surrounded by all this mess? Not really, no. I'll sort it out quickly then I can actually enjoy sitting peacefully and reading my book.

    I would try the latter. Do you actually WANT to be a well educated, intelligent individual? If you do, do your homework! Do you WANT a tidy room? Then tidy it! It won't take long then you can enjoy and be comfortable in your surroundings.

    You said "I want to make a change in my lifestyle and be more productive and satisfied with myself" If you really do WANT it, do it. The satisfaction comes later.



    Motivation is hard! Generally, if it's a task I am dreading (like dishes) I'll tell myself just to load all the cups and give myself something like 5 minutes. After I start, I almost always end up finishing the task- "dang, 5 minutes and I have the whole top loaded ... I wonder if I can do the rest in less than 5..." Reset the timer and race it!


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    Lots of caffeine and Heavy Metal


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    Wake & Bake


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    Convincing myself my dog will die if I don't do the laundry because my brain likes to torture me :/


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    I don't :)


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    girl motivated where 😭😭😭


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    I used to set artificial deadlines earlier than the real ones, to avoid panic and all-nighters, and it worked for a few years. I also found intermittent rewards to be effective. Fit the tedious stuff in between enjoyable activities. I once wrote a 20 page paper during the ads, while binge watching TV (before streaming, so no avoiding the ads) and got an A on it. Now I have caught on to all my own tricks and they no longer work, so I just wait until the last minute.


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    I have a dry erase board on my fridge where I write down things that need to be done. It motivates me to do them, and it''s so satisfying to cross off a finished task.


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    I make lists because I enjoy checking off what I accomplished. But on the flip side, I don’t beat myself up if everything doesn’t get done that same day. You can do what you can do. No shame or judgement!


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    Listen to music.


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    1.lists 2.scratching small tasks as soon as possible 3.powering through if I get in the flow


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    Crying in the corner of my room(and eating ice cream)



    Music, drawing, singing, and running in circles while thinking about whatever I am trying to do. I am weird that way. :D


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My motivation comes from my desire to: 1) Not have to rely on social security when I reach retirement age. and 2) Die before Im too old and crepid to take care of myself.


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    Music always helps :)


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    Avicii and Kygo blasting on surround sound


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    Money, candy, food


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    I'll inform you when I know


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I don't. Motivation is temporary. Discipline is what makes me do things. There are days I don't want to go to the gym, but I have the discipline to go anyway.


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    Thinking about past rejection


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