Hey Pandas, How Do You Deal With People Misgendering You Or Being Transphobic? (Closed)
I am an omnisexual nonbinary and I deal with people telling me that my gender isn't real because of biology. Which I respond with the difference between genders and someone's sex. What do yall say when someone does things like this?
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People misgendered me my entire youth for being a woman who dresses in a way that society deemes masculine. It just made me realise how obsessed people is with sex and gender, they must know yours so they know how to treat you. We would all be happier in a society were gender did not exist and sex would only be relevant for health and reproduction. Where everybody is treated the same no matter their genitals.
the face. the awkward smile that says 'thats nice but also I hate you please leave and never come back thanks have a nice day.' every trans person knows that face
I usually cry about it
I'm not sure why you got downvoted. It's perfectly fine and rational to cry about it. It's better to let your feelings out than to keep them bottled up.
I try to ignore nasty comments people make, only i know what being me feels like and no one else can change how being me feels. Im not embarrassed about being me anymore and wear whatever I like, other people dont get to choose how i dress
I sometimes get misgendered in winter, when wearing bulky dawn jacket and a beanie without a well known secondary sexual characteristic of a pompon. I honestly don’t care, and never correct anybody because my gender is none of a passing stranger’s business.
I enjoy it.
being mistaken for a man is always of advantage.
I haven’t had any in-person misgendering because I’m not out in real life but online where I have a kind of big platform on TikTok I simply block them if they’re directing their words to me and defend others when they’re directing their words to other transgender or nonbinary people. (Also I’m nonbinary and use they/xe/it pronouns)
I say something along the lines of this: "Excuse me, my name is Juniper, not (dead name), and I am not (the gender they called me). My pronouns are they/them."