Not just here on bored panda but online in general. Of course, you can't change another's action or comment but I wonder, how do you deal with it?
Do you ignore it? Do you shrug it off? Do you fear being banned? Do you take it seriously? What do you think about it? For how long? Do you respond or not?
Share your thoughts. I'm really interested.
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To quote the great RuPaul: "Unless they paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind"
Don't care anymore...... More and more lately, I've come to accept that people can be as crappy here as they are in the real world..... ( seemed a lot nicer community when I joined a year ago than it is now....)
I've noticed the same thing. More trolls and less cool people lately...
Oh don’t get me started… I usually decide to go down swinging and and stand up for my opinions resulting in an argument and being hated on. Or at least try sort it out first. But sometimes I can people holding grudges for things in that past that I took time to apologize for which was even unnecessary..but whatever. Maximum effort.
It depends on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I ignore it because I'm busy, sometimes I leave a joke or passive-agressive response, and sometimes I get into a full on argument because I have nothing to do.
Mostly I just ignore it. No reason to waste time on something like that, I got better things to do. In the few cases I responded I just try to be polite, witty and/or sarcastic.
And I really don't care being attacked or insulted online. But if someone attacks my loved ones (that they never even met or knew) I have to admit it's tougher to keep my cool, but still important to do so.
It depends on what kind of comment it is. If the comment undermines any identity under the LGBTQ+ community or denies obvious things like vaccines etc, I do my own research from many different sources and then explain in my comment. If the commentor takes something like a joke in a negative way, I apologise as I don’t want to offend people. I sometimes ignore the others
Water off of a duck's back. If the only thing they can do is put someone else down, they obviously have problems of their own. Why feed their need to put other's down to somehow bring themselves up?
Mostly just move on. I have been known to make a joke though. Someone rage-trashed the quality of picture I posted. Something along the lines of "like you painted it with a shovel". I replied "i didn't know shovel art existed" along with a picture of a decoratively painted shovel.
I say “We’ll bless your heart!” Anyone from the south knows that translation!!!
It depends on what social media I'm on. Usually with kindness and understanding. Sometimes I don't answer anything, but it depends on what I've commented. If someone wants to argue even though the facts are most easily available, I might say to do a little research and then enlighten me more. Once I was called a Karen when I pointed out the hygiene of a cooking video and gave the commenter a little presentation about how that term is misogyny (you know) and I got nothing but hate on me. Then I think that those people don't know me and usually commenting anonymously on just avatars alienates you from what you would say to another person. In other words, not taking anything personally helps, and on the internet people may vent their bad feelings to strangers. So that's water under the bridge.
I sit in a corner and cry. Just kidding, I walk it off
three ways to handle it:
1) ignore them, they are a******s
2) prove them wrong, try to make small argument or say something and leave
3) tell your protective friends, and they'll do the rest ;)
im a protective friend, currently planning several murders to multiple people including exes, family members, and some kids from school :) im totally the best friend you can have
i do nothing unless its about something i like then im not as happy but for the most part ive been raised to not care
I Downvote them (unless a troll) and ignore them. They just want some attention:/
I only downvote if it super bad, if I don’t agreee with it, honestly I just ignore it :\
Scroll away if it's online. If it continues then I block them.
If it's friends-- well they aren't friends so I cut them from my friend group. (Keeping in mind that negative comments ≠ criticism, if they are offering feedback and calling you out on something then cutting them out is very immature but I am taking this to mean that they are putting you down or being generally backhanded or rude)
If they are family grin and bear it for a long as you can, discuss how you feel if you can. But if they are continuously and needlessly abusive or bullying with no intention of changing then cut them out too. The reason why i give family more chances is 1. You'll probably see them at family gatherings and it's important to maintain civility 2. Family, for me at least, can sometimes lead to regret-- my aunt and i didn't get along, or relationship was really bad, she said things, I said things and we stopped talking for about 10yrs... my her kids never got to see me after that. I reconnected yrs later and they are like strangers, they don't really know me and i don't know them and it crushes me because my relationship with my cousins suffered because i got offended at how she would snark about how i am (ie. Studious and not rebellious). Similarly my cousins were put down continuously by their grandmother, when she died, I was the only one with a relationship with her and they deeply regretted (once she was gone) that their kids didn't learn cooking or family history from her the way i did. When she died, I was the only great grandkid to be there and know her... the others treated her like a stranger because for them she kind of was.
If it wasnt for negative feedback, I wouldnt get no feedback at all.