Write about the first time you met/interacted with your future best friend for life! The first time is always special, and by best friend, it doesn't just have to be a fellow human, it can be a beloved pet or animal as well!


I lived in Tennessee for most of my life. We weren’t exactly rich, so when my dad got a job offer in Texas we moved as soon as we could. I was only 8 but I still had a pretty good friend group. When I moved there, there was this really sweet girl who always made it a point to talk to me. I thought she was super pretty. About two months later she asked me to be her Valentine using a little hand made card. (Yes I still have it) We started “dating” and it never stopped. 15 years later I asked her to be my wife. Our 10th anniversary is this month.

TL;DR, A girl at my new school had asked me to be her valentine in 3rd grade. Married ten years.



    Ok so I have a few stories, here are the most interesting ones:
    In Year One I had just moved to my second primary school from London and I was talking about how great my old school was, when this girl Jessica came up to me and said that this school is way better than my old school and we got in a fight about it, but then after about two seconds of silence she offered to be friends. She is still one of my besties, and with a stroke of luck, we went to the same secondary schools and we are in the same class.

    Recently, I became a lot closer with one of my friends from primary school when we were placed in the same class and this happened when I saw her BeAuTiFuL highlighters and I kept stealing them, and since then it has become our inside joke (:

    And finally I met two of my best friends when I set them up on a date. I wasn't that close with either of them at this point, and their relationship didn't work out, but I am so glad we are friends now. Also they are both my pretend brothers in different ways. Like one of them we look we are siblings, and everyone thinks we are(we aren't ), and one of them is like my big brother coz we have this inside joke thingggg and you know what imma shut up now



    Someone was being mean and racist to me because i was African,Nigerian and said i was from the jungle and was raised by monkeys and she stood up for me with her other friends, who so happen to be Nigerian's as well and we have been Bff's for 2 years


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    Queen Cucumber
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That person being racist sounds like such a bitch!!!!!!! I HATE RACISM!!!! I'm glad you found that good friend though.


    3nd grade we were making paper boats and i couldn't figure out how to twist it so she came up to me to help



    Well it started in 1st grade when i first came to school and we hung out on the playground we weren't really friends until 2nd grade but her name is Nicole and she is awesome


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    I met my best friend second year of high school. She and I were putting on makeup in the bathroom the first time we met. We apparently did this many mornings at high school and spoke those mornings 😂. We became best of friends and I literally can tell her anything. We were each other’s maid of honor in each other’s weddings. Now fast forward from 2004 till now we can still talk about anything. I am so thankful for a friend like her. Great friends, they might be far away but are always close to your heart and you always can pick up right where you left off.



    We were in Grade 2, and I became friends with one girl because I was bored and had no friends. Apparently she had another friend who was in the hospital, so after she cam back, we became an inseperable trio


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    I met my 3 best friends in school 17 years ago. We have been inseparable since.


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    My Mom frced me into a sumer camp, there I met my best friend who now goes to the same school.


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    in first grade, i had been bullied in my previous school and was terrified of everyone but then this girl came up and asked if i wanted to play in the sandbox, we have been bffs ever since then


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    Met my best friend (next-door neighbor) the first day we moved in, 8 years ago. he is 4 days younger than me, and THE REALTOR WE BOUGHT THE HOUSE FROM was his mother, so we bought a house from our neighbor lmao.


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    I met one of my best friends on the playground in third grade...I was new and she asked me if she wanted to play because 'harry didn't want to play with her' we still laugh about it.


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    So at my synagogue they do Hebrew school. I met my best friend in “class” in pre-k. At the time, i was about 3 and the year was 2012. Now we get to the funny part. A year later, so then I was almost 5 and had watched every single star wars movie, my parents had decided to show me and my 8 year old sister, “Space Balls”. My parents did not remember how inappropriate it was, and my dad wanted us to watch it while my mom was kinda on edge about it. By the end of it, (and I did not get most of the jokes, unlike now) my mom was giving my dad quite the look. But the following day, I had Hebrew school. There was a family event, and they were asking us questions in front of all the parents on fun things we could do together. And you know what I said? “We could watch movies, like Space Balls!” My parents were so embarrassed, but that is what sealed the deal between me and my best friends’s parents. I may have forgotten it and this is my mom’s side of the story but yep! I have been best friends with that girl since and hopefully it will stay that way.


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    in gymnastics i met my friend in 1st grade and she was in my gymnastics class and i had just moved to that level so i did not know that she was in that level and then i saw her than said "hey you are from my class" then she said " ya your khyla right ? " and i said "ya " we talked for a little then we promised that we would be best friends forever


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    i met my best friend on the open house to kindergarden in the lunchroom there was air hockey and my best friend came and we discovered that we were in the same class and eve been best friends ever since (btw his name is tyler ) my second best friend is my dog hazel (shes a girl btw) and my third best friend i met in 1st grade when my dad was working at his house and we are currently living together (btw his name is ayden)


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    I screamed NARUTOOOOOOOO and they screamed SASUKEEEEEEEEEEEE and from that day we have been best friends



    My only friend just left me so I am friendless :I



    we were in first grade and i had no friends so at lunch i randomly started talking ti her now were like sister also im in 7th grade today


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    I was ahead in math in elementary school, so every math class in second grade I would go to the third grade class and in third grade I went to the fourth grade math class. She was in both of these classes. After third grade, I took a few tests and was able to skip fifth grade. We were in the same fifth grade class and she declined an invitation to a really good school so that we could go to the same middle school. I have a crush on her and have been hinting at it for a while, but I don't think she gets it.



    My mom bumped into the mom of Brady. She apologized, but from that brief contact we tried to get out of their stomachs and to each other. 11 years passed and we are still the best of friends. Sadly we only get to see each other once or twice a year but we got each other’s phone numbers and now we can text and chat.


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    I met by bestie almost 9 years ago in preschool, now 8th grade and still my best friend throughout all 9 years, we be inseparable :)


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