How did you get here in the first place? Also if ur reading this, put the word scug in your answer!


I just searched up ‘Funny’ on Google and I pressed Bored Panda, I ended up loving this website, the year was 2019, and I was using the website for years until I made this squg account!


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    at the beginning of december 2021 i was bored while doing homework and i wanted to find some dark humor memes and a bp article popped up and i instantly became obsessed. mid february 2022 i made an account that has like 1 point on it currently, i can't even find it lmao. then for whatever reason this past summer i stopped going on bp and then in august maybe? i made a new account since i couldn't log into the old one and then it got banned. and now i'm on this account :)



    To start I have a habit of when I’m on Google I’m supposed to Google something but see something and I read the other thing but anyway I was doing something on Google one day and got distracted by a site that’s pretty much bp but anyway I left it and found bp with more funny stuff and now I’m on stuck on bp


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    Via Pinterest


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    I was searching a list of something one day(can't remember what) and this was a result, have used it ever since, and just made a scug account. (Hey Mini, if you are reading this, I think you are super cool and was wondering if you could follow me? I followed you already, it would be much appreciated) :D
