Were they rude? Were they immature? Were they stuck up? How did you ditch them? Why?


I had a couple of toxic friends but i’ll share 2 stories of cutting ties. I used to be friends with this girl since we were 5, she was slowly damaging my mental health without me ever realising. She used to always play politics causing members of her group to leave and rejoin her. I was in a really low state when i caught covid and she was encouraging me to kill myself. As soon as i realised she was toxic i ghosted her for several weeks untill she got the message that i was never going to talk to her. As soon as i left her, i got a new bst friend and she was too toxic and she would also play politics which led me to get down again making me believe that i would’nt be able to survive without her. She would also play the victim everytime i told her to not message me during my school hours since it was all virtual and i was getting distracted . Again i left her by ghosting untill she got the message.


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Deutschland Mädchen
Community Member
3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is terrible! You are too good a person to deserve this! The turtle and I will always be your friend so long as you provide us with sufficient amounts of moon cheese!

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    Okay, so in sixth grade, I had this friend. She was super cool and funny at first, them I started dating this guy, JJ, and she got so jealous and told me off on day, and I was so confused because I didn't know why, and then she said "YOU STOLE MY CRUSH!" and I was like, bruh, u showed no sign of liking this guy, u never told me, wtf. 😒 But me being me, I told her I was very sorry. I broke up with him. After a while, I started dating this other guy. After a awhile, I started hearing that he's cheating on me. So i went through his phone. Guess who he was cheating on me with? That son of a gun girl that yelled at me.



    I had a couple of friends that I thought were going to be pretty good friends for a little while longer but, they turned against me when I had to go to a mental institute. They were very rude to me yelling things at me in the hallways like "THIEF!" or "LIAR". I had a pretty big interest in sweets when I was in middle school and I used to steal them. I asked them many times to forgive me. But, they didn't. In my opinion, I thought they should've forgiven me but now I don't know.


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    Me and my ex bff were friends since we were 3. Came out as pan and had to ditch her because her parents were the type of people to “pray the gay away”



    I had a friend that was often manipulative as well as talking about people behind their backs and excluding them. One day it got particularly bad at an athletics carnival. We were walking around talking to various groups of people. At one point her and another friend joined a group. When I and two other friends caught up with them this 'friend' decided that one of the ones I was with wasn't allowed to join the group. We have no ideas why. The other one I had been with tried to stand up for her and got into a screaming match. We left after that. We debriefed on the bus home and couldn't work out why she was being so unfair. I felt bad that I hadn't really stood up enough to her because I find it hard to think of what/how to say things in the moment. This was the last day of school before the holidays. I decided to write her a letter to be able to explain my feelings properly, trying to make it about how I felt rather than accusatory about her. 'I felt' statements etc. When we got back to school she was pissed. One of the biggest things she kept saying was how cruel it was to write letters like that. My other friend stood up for me and we decided to cut ties with her. Not long after that she made some passive aggressive statement in a discussion in English class about writing letters too. About a year later we did start spending some time with her again because we had mutual friends but it was often tense and we didn't see her after we finished school.


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