Lately, I've been wondering if I might be some form of gender fluid, I'd like to know how you all figured out that you weren't cis and how you identify now if that's all right. I'm still not 100% sure if I do actually want to go by different pronouns and I am hoping this might help! (If this is in any way rude, please tell me!)


I discovered that I just didn’t care. Like you could call me by he, she, they, anything, I don’t care. I mean, sometimes you can refer to me as he and it feels a bit off, but mostly I don’t care, like view me however you want. What I didn’t like was when people categorized me/stereotyped me by my gender, like “girls are bad at video games” or “why aren’t you more ladylike?” Personally, I found one gender instead of a fluid gender to be restraining, if that makes sense. I also found that wearing more masculine stuff, like wearing a tux to prom, and just being more androgynous made me feel happy/euphoric.
Something that can really help you get some clarity is just trying pronouns out. If you have supportive friends, just say smthn like “hey can you guys refer to me as he/him for today I’m trying something out,” or, if you want to, just ask me and I can use it in a sentence like “This is Chips&FriedRice, they’re really cool” then you pay attention to how it feels and if you like it or not :)


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9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thank you! You've described something definitely quite similar to how I've been feeling lately, I just haven't been sure if it was 'enough' to try out these pronouns with friends. So, thank you again, I think this may have just given me the push to actually try a few different pronouns out :)


    I just didn't really feel like a girl. I knew I wasn't a guy, just that she/her pronouns didn't really fit me. I currently use she/they or they/them, but I'm still unsure. I've also been wondering whether or not I might be gender fluid, because how I feel about myself varies from day to day, and there have been times where I've seen photos of myself when I looked like a boy, and I think he/him or he/they pronouns would work for me? Idk, really. I hope you figure out what feels best for you


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    9 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also I should add that this is a safe space and if you want any advice or just to talk abt it, this panda will listen :)

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