As part of the LGBTQIA+ community (bisexual) with overprotective, slightly toxic, and homophobic parents, coming out to them was hard. Ok, to be honest, they figured out themselves by snooping in my phone, but thats not the point. My very christian dad took me into a sepreate room from my sibilings and gave me a 2 hour talk about how I am NOT homosexual, how homosexuality is a sin, and that if I'm having 'problems' with homosexual thought, I should come to them. What was your experience?
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This is not me but...
My friend Auddie told their mom at new year eve. They knew she would accepting. But she took them into a room and threatened them. Quote, “you cannot tell your dad. You will act straight. You will be straight and I don’t want any gender neutral sh*t.” So now they can’t come out to their dad without being kicked out. Sometimes it’s best to wait.
Safety first. If you think they might kick you out or worse, make sure you have a place to go. If you don’t have a place, don’t come out if you feel you’d be in danger.
This is just what I’ve read in books or online, I don’t have any personal experience.
Honestly I think you should wait until your moved out or you should tell another family member you can trust. Then tell your parents with the family member. Have a bag packed with essentials. If your family doesn’t accept you, go live with the family member. Better to laugh about having a bag you don’t need than cry at not having a bag you do need!
I had a friend who was born a girl under the name Topanga, He is transgender and now goes by ty. When he asked for a mostly male haircut his mother looked him in the eye and said "Why would you want that? You already look like a man as is, you dont need anymore help". This was before his mom knew he was trans...
Basically she was very judgmental and she was body shaming him
I haven’t yet but my friend has and she just let it out, but make sure to practice in the mirror or with your friends, and HOPE FOR THE BEST