I'm coming out to my parents this June, but have no idea how!
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I just walked up to them when they weren't doing anything, and said "Mom, Dad, I'm bisexual."
Just go simplistic, and if you're absolutely positive, don't say stuff like "I think" or "I have a feeling" because that leads to the whole "It's just a phase" thing. Be firm, but remind them that you're still the same child they raised.
Good luck!
I didn't, I think coming out as trans will just make thing a lot worse as my parents will automatically assume things about me (like wanting to transition(which I don't want to do)).
unrelated if you look at the of this post url you will see that this exact same question was posted SIXTEEN times in the past two years. This shows that this question is really overused
I'm still in the process of coming out, lol. I just kind of didn't ... tell them, exactly. I started wearing rainbow things, putting up pride flags on my pinboard and such . They basically know I'm a part of the community, just not which part.
I said "Mom, Dad... I've been thinking about it for a while now. I've come to realize that I'm... I'm... STRIAGHT!"
I have come to know that your username is"Trains Phobic" may I question? art thou afraid of myself? please enlighten me
welllll my parents kind of took my phone and found my very gay pinterest (bi at the time.) this was eight months ago and they don't know i'm a girlflux(maybe nb) ace lesbian