I know this might sound kinda cringe, but i realised that I just wanted an animal i could put my trust in, and would be with on a regular basis. This makes me remember one of my old phases, but I just really want to know if i can befriend a wild animal. Not keep them as a pet. My parents won’t let me keep a pet, so I can’t really get one. Like, maybe a crow or something
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I like this idea. I know there's probably a lot of arguments against it, but I think I get what you're saying. I have a feeling that you would be respectful of the animal & their space. Not force a bond or put them or yourself in any danger.
Some tips that may help are:
- research local wildlife in your area
- volunteer if you have a wildlife rescue center nearby or a no-kill animal shelter (they usually welcome volunteers to come & spend time with the cats & dogs which is fun & great practice)
- spend more time outdoors (if safe, or possible) and near windows overlooking nature
- keep a journal to track any birds or animals that you see. Observe the surroundings & look for any patterns. You could also use the journal to note your progress while befriending an animal.
- be aware of any thoughts, emotions, or mental images that you have when an animal is nearby. They can hear, feel & see everything about us. You can also use these ways to communicate with them.
- trust your first impression when meeting or communicating with an animal. They may send you emotions, mental images (like pictures or videos in your mind) or words (telepathically). Most animals I've met are happy to answer & will usually respond before I've even finished my sentence.
- acknowledge & thank every animal who pays attention to you or who comes nearby. Let them know what you are looking for & that you appreciate their trust & are glad for their company.
- read books or articles about other people who have befriended a wild animal (crow stories are great! They are fascinating birds.)
i knwo this is kinda idiotic but i’m bad at writing and organising notebooks. do you have tips?
Food will be your guide, give them food, dontb approach them, but give food. Eventually you will have a friend