We live in a world so fake we lose touch of our own feelings sometimes, so tell me, how are you really doing?


Im not good im not bad im in this suffocating middle... tiny in size but grand in depth.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I feel you. Sometimes I just think, in the grand scheme of things, we are all merely side characters in the story of the universe.


    I feel like absolute crap. My mental health is really suffering, I am sick and the molars on the left side (top and bottom) are extremely painful causing me constant headaches. I can’t see the dentist coz I am sick and Panadol and nurofen aren’t working. I am in chronic pain with my right foot as I had a cuboid displacement (which corrected itself) BUT it is now unstable so when I walk I can feel it moving causing me pain and one misstep will cause it to displace again. I am in a bad mood more and more often and am really struggling to get out of it. So yeah, fun times.



    i have anxiety and adhd and i stutter when i speak and i hate my life and i miss my friends and i don't want to die but i don't want this life that i have and i feel so guilty because my boyfriend has so much more to deal with and i feel like i just make people sad and finals are this week and the week after break and i'm a freshman in high school and i don't know what to do because i'm so stressed and anxious and scared that i physically can't eat and me not eating makes me so anxious and i know people are going to say "just force something down." i can't.
    it's like my throat closes up and i can't speak or eat or breathe
    i'm so tired and stressed
    thank you so much if you read this whole thing.
    i just really needed to vent


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Im proud of you. You have come so far through a sea of deadly dangers. When you learn to scream in defiance to the storm and come fully into your own power you will fly. Your greatest weakness can be your greatest strength. I believe in you. I am proud of you. I know you will survive the hardships and thrive in this life. Keep going, wild one, you will fly! Love from Upstate NY :)

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    im not doing so great- im always angry and if something small even happens i will like almost explode with anger.. im a control freak and i obviously have some problems.



    Okay 100% honestly? AwFuL jesus christ I've had multiple suicide attempts in the past 3 months that nobody knows about, and I didn't tell my therapist about. I'm trying really hard not to relapse self-harm, and it's not easy. School drained me so much, I couldn't deal with it and almost failed four classes (brought my grades up in time, though). I'm so stressed, and I don't know who to tell or what to do. Whatever. I'm gonna get better, whatever it takes.


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    1776... New York City
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can do this. I’m struggling with everything you just said, but if I can do it, so can you! Stay strong!

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    Ok, I suppose. Getting tired of sitting at home like a prisoner, but I'm finally getting a hang of the boredom and got into new activities.


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    no good


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    I have everything I need to be happy but I'm not. And I have no clue why. Like I can't even talk to someone about what's wrong because idk. I'll figure it out and after that I'll be ok I think


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Try something new, something you never thought you would do. keep doing this till you find something that you can be passionate about. good luck and love from NY:)


    I am " fine ". I say that but in reality im hurting... And the worst part is the fact that my closest bsf doesn't see the truth :(


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    Not too good, I'm starting to think me and my bff are drifting apart coz we can't see each other anymore. I think the only thing that's keeping me going is music and bored panda.


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    I'm tired all day. I don't remember what it feels like not being tired. I don't even know if it is tiredness. Whats wrong with me? My class in school is on lock down. Live lessons for me. I miss actually going to school. Most of the time I feel nervous. Especially when I'm not at home. But again school is easier.


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    Tired. And bored. All the time. I don’t think I could make it through this heck of a ride called 2020 without my friends.


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    honestly? i'm dying and want to die all the time. Nothing goes right for me and my parents isolate me and the only place I can go is to school and go to church, it sucks because I want to go to friends houses and have fun and be a normal teenager (I'm 16) and I've only been to my friends house a handful of times, i can count on one hand how many times


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    I feel numb at times, and in doing school. I had an algebra exam and I think I flunked it, I'm not doing to good in any of my classes because I've given up and I don't want to get out of bed I just want to sleep and enjoy my fantasy.


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    I am still learning to like myself the way I am, and not freak out because I'm a fecked up mess. Actually, I'm doing pretty well right now, compared to normal. :)


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    I spent half an hour trying to type something in. So I'm just gonna sum it all up and say that I'm fine.



    Exhausted. Sad. Stressed. Anxious. Annoyed. im bi and i havent had the courage to tell anyone cuz I dont have the energy to deal with rumors and yeah but anyways i finally worked up the courage to tell one of my friends. And his response was FAR from supportive. He started being a d**k head. Which I shouldve seen coming cuz hes really really immuture. And now i feel like CRAP cuz me was so annoying he was like "omg ur in love with ur best friend ooh lala" And since then I havent had the corage to tell anyone else.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Grieving. It's hard. It hurts. It's a tempest I'm learning to sail in, but it gets friggin hard sometimes. There's a ragged place in my heart and I'm learning to accept it and let it heal. So... I'm sad. I need a hug. I miss my cat. A lot.
    Love to y'all


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    Bad... Sad feelings getting to me... chronophobia... need to see friends...


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    I feel....well I can't explain it. it's not good that's for sure. i kinda feel like an actor that's supposed to act happy one second but then be sad the next and I really don't know how I feel. I'm just a big mess. also, I got covid so I'm not so happy about that ;-;


    See Also on Bored Panda

    AMAZING!! 2 days till winter break for me!!!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Which is the only hope for me to not be depressed af but hey it’s ok


    i’ve been struggling with depression for about a year now, it’s been bad recently due to COVID-19. but i’ve been making an effort to eat healthy, get exercise and go outside, get more light, etc.
    anxiety’s also been a bitch to me. finals season, you know? but we’re almost to winter holiday.
    also it’s hard to focus in class and i’m always tired. caffeine makes me sleepy.
    yesterday we realized my jaw is misaligned, so some nice train-wreck braces are in my near future.
    my therapist is awful and is only worsening my issues.
    i feel like i can’t talk to anyone. like i’m just a problem. a mistake.
    i want to sleep my life away, i want to die but i don’t have the energy to do anything about it.
    oof this turned into wannabe emo poetry.
    sorry for ranting, have a great day everyone


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My weed is exhausted so increasingly worse


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    I am happy. My son (8 yr old) and I are healthy, and are managing to survive this quarantine with love and togetherness. I know money can not buy happiness but just yesterday, someone who owed me a great deal of money sent me $5,000. So, right now, and for the first time since my boys birth, I have no anxiety about paying bills. This amount has put me ahead, and if I play my cards right, I can stay ahead of the bills for probably the next year. Good things can happen and most of the time, everything always works out, we survive, we manage and we learn. I wish everyone the best.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Rn i feeling bored and a little down, a lot of bad things happening, my mom and dad got covid :( My brother pushes me around and is mean, and i have adhd so im a little crazy and do bad things some, no a lot of times.


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    Terribly. Everyone is always shouting at me.


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