Tell me the ways you will be celebrating Gay Pride.
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By being a loving and supportive mom to my queer daughter and her trans partner.
by boycotting my schools anti-pride flag policy and taping pride flags all around my school.
by making art! i have a sketch of myself sitting on the words "i dont need to be fixed" while holding the demiboy flag(it was started when i got in a argument with my mom about me being able to fully transition and her not letting me), and a comic i'm working on about how looking like a girl when i'm really a boy feels like for me(based off of a journal entry and a email i sent awhile back). i would love to do more, but i'm not sure if my mother would let me, so this is as much as i can do. happy pride month!
edit: i finished the sketch!! i kinda want to color over the letters with a black brush tip pen, so i'll do that later and update on how it goes Screenshot...4a206d.png
Celebrating my extra adult in the family's birthday (she's lesbian). She keeps telling us that we don't need to get her anything, but we got her a vacation with us to Michigan and a bunch of other stuff. Yeah, the only time we don't listen to her is when she tells us not to spoil her!
C**p, I thought this was Gluttony month and I already started!
I thought it was Envy Month, so I started browsing exotic car sales.
Simply by existing a world that sometimes says I can't.
I'll take my trans friend out to lunch!
she's great and my little dog Russell LOVES her! Go Em!
I have this gay friend and her birthday happens to be this month. Her favorite animal is the orca, so I ordered custom macarons with orcas photocopied onto them for her
If someone was driving a noisy vehicle through the middle of my livingroom, I would probably try to smash it up too!
Load More Replies...By answering to homophobic/transphobic comments and article I saw on Facebook. Not for them to change their mind (I'm not that desilusional) but for people of the comunity to see that they are not alone, and that people will answer to those a**h***e
i do that year round. im as cis straight as they come but i just dont accept that b******t.
By being ghosted by men on Gr**dr.
making pride art and looking at BP lgbtq post.
Making pride posters to put up all around my room! My parents couldn't care less who I love, and I love them for that ❤️
like i do every pride month, being me like i do everyday, a closeted demi, agender, femboy train wreck who is trying so hard not to be outed to my parents, but dam i am vocal with friends
what kind of demi are you? im demiboy, demiromantic, and demisexual :D
By not being a bigot........and reminding others "that's not OK" if they say something homophobic.
By collecting and publishing news articles about cisgender heterosexual males and other christians committing crimes against children and women, pointing out who the REAL danger is. Then again, I do that every day. Like that Rhode Island neo-nazi that "protested" drag shows, and was arrested this week for possession of child p~rn. As always, the only ones getting caught doing it are the ones hurling the accusations. (Reporting verified news articles is not "accusation.") [ ]
By being myself as usual. I am not an obvious Gay man but I have supported Gay equality for about forty years and intend to carry on doing so. I fight Homophobia whenever/ wherever I come across it. To the people who say that Gay Pride is no longer needed well, when we are accepted in every walk of life as equals then yes I agree.