It can be by any cause or at any time! (When answering, please be serious.)


The world won't end... Gaia will endure..... Humanity? Well, that depends, doesn't it?


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It all comes down on what your definition of "ends" is. Now, if you're talking about the complete extinction of all life on Earth, that could be anywhere in the next 4 billion years or so. If you're talking about the Biblical version, that's still up in the air as many theologians have been saying the world will end "soon" ever since Revelations was written.

I like to think that the world as we know it has ended many times. Changes in political, social, technological, and spiritual elements have been happening since the beginning of civilization and on a grand scale the world has "ended" many times over. This, however, doesn't mean that the world won't begin again after it "ends"...


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michaelswanson avatar
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No kidding! Christianity was an end times cult when it was founded, and just keeps playing that track on repeat.


Earth will probably go through lots of things that are dangerous, but I don't believe any of those will destroy it.

I believe the Earth will end in 5 billion years or so, when the Sun dies and has a ripple effect on the Milky Way galaxy.

Imagine suddenly seeing the Sun scatter into tiny fragments but still as a whole. Then boom! There's a hugeeee explosion and you can see yellow. Then suddenly everything went black. You realise that you're dead now.


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davidmckenzie avatar
David Furritus
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I thought that the sun would grow into a red giant and engulf the inner planets and then over the course of a few million years collapse into a white dwarf...

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Honestly, I think it might be soon. Not like we are dieing tommorow, but with the horrible way Earth is being treated, I think it could be soon if we don't step up and take some responsibility for this gift. Don't say,"Oh well throwing away 1 piece of trash doesn't do anything"IT DOES!! If we ALL work for it, not just saying it doesn't matter if you don't, then everyone else is thinking the same thing. Even some people who talk about this, don't help. Seriously Pandas, actually Pandas wouldn't exist unless we help.


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I wish I could believe that. My name is John Connor. They tried to murder me before I was born. When I was 13, they tried again. Machines from the future. Terminators. All my life, my mother told me the storm was coming – Judgment Day, the beginning of a war between man and machines."

"Three billion lives were vanished in an instant. And I would lead what was left of the human race to ultimate victory. It hasn’t happened, no bombs fell, computers didn’t take control. We stopped Judgment Day.”



The short answer is that I believe that the end of the world will happen like the Bible says. Some of the scriptures are more difficult to understand than others. To begin with, there is to be a one world government and religion near the end. The final 7 years begins when Israel signs a piece agreement that specifically includes a sharing agreement that would allow them to build the third temple. Three and a half years later, the Antichrist will defile the temple and proclaimed that he is god. This will start the great tribulation and it would take a long time to explain all of the Biblical prophecies about that time. However I will close with this. The Bible clearly says that Heaven and Earth shall pass away.


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jubileethebug6 avatar
Lil Potato
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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Do you interperet Revelation it a literal sense, im curious. Also, it also says there will be a new Heaven and new Earth

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Nuclear war. Some absolute idiot is gonna set one off an then it'll all go to hell.
People say 'nuclear weapons are protecting us!' But if everyone destroys all the nuclear weapons and never builds them again, THERE ARE FAR MANY LESS THREATS


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Given how stupid and gullible humans are today, I believe that within the next few generations, people will be too stupid and irresponsible to function. Societies will break down into small groups of survivors but eventually humanity will cease to be. Then our cats will eat us all. The End.


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Friday, April 13th 2029.

On Friday, April 13th 2029, NASA predicts that a large asteroid (about the size of the Empire State Building) named 99942 Apophis will pass so closely by earth that it will disrupt satellite signals, and be visible in the sky (whether it is day or night, If at night it will be like having a second moon).

My theory states that NASA has lied to us and say that it will miss us just so they don't cause a panic.

This asteroid has a biblical name, which means it can kill us as easily as god.



I do not think that earth will end before the sun explodes into a supernova (deadly but beautiful) but I think the human world will end when the earth becomes uninhabitable because of the climate crisis. We will all die slowly turning the planet into a dead shell of a beautiful planet and eventually, the remains of that planet will be vaporized by the sun exploding, making a weird new part of space that one day aliens (or Starfleet lol) will discover and ignore.


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Isaac Newton predicted that the world would end in 2060. With the rate of climate change and war at the moment, I don't entirely think his prediction was false. There's a reason dystopian movies are the way they are.


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WW3 won't destroy it...but in this generation it will leave permanent damage. otherwise 4.5 bi


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When the sun burns out and the earth goes into a black hole, that is when the earth will disappear.

Humanity on the other hand will probably die because they killed themselves. (Unless I am to believe my religion (which I am doubting) then Humanity will never die).


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IDK, whenever Jesus comes back


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Severely selfish answer here: The world will end the day after my life crippling student loans are paid off and I no longer have that albatross hanging around my neck, preventing me from actually being able to live, enjoy life, take a vacation, put anything into savings, go out for dinner, the list goes on and on.

So yeah, the Earth will definitely end the day after the student loans are paid off. There isn't a doubt in my mind.


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In like less than a thousand years Humans? Humans will die eventually when earth becomes not so conducive for us, bc we've depleted the ozone layer completely. Then, insects (and/or robots) will take over the world.🤡🤡


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I think it would take a worldwide nuclear attack or celestial event to end the world itself.


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Earth itself will probably never end, even if the sun goes into a supernova. There will still be tiny particles of the Earth that will float in space after the sun dies. These will eventually clump up trillions of miles away in a space cloud and maybe eventually form a new planet in trillions of year from now

If you meant the eco system on Earth and humans, that will probably end when we don't use our resources right and end up taking too much (or adding something harmful) of something out of multiple ecosystems and then they all collapse at once. Killing the eco system and leaving humans to starve and die, or slowly revert back to our primitive times, or evolve to become some creature who withstand it. Who knows?


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We will keep burying plastic which will infect the soil and our food supply will go out. I mean think about it. EVERYTHING we eat starts out from fruit or veggies that use soil to grow.


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