Have you ever been doing something and then, all of a sudden, you get what seems like totally random shudders? Any maybe, you listened to those senses, and got yourself out of insane danger. If this has happened, share your story below!


Not so much "spidey-sense" as "mama sense." A friend of a friend of my husband's kept bugging us to let him babysit our daughter (who was about 4 at the time). We didn't know him very well, but something about him just didn't sit right with me. He would make comments about how cute our daughter was or how much he liked the color of her eyes. Nothing inherently weird, just the way he'd say it or look at her. After a couple of times, we told my husband's friend he couldn't bring his friend around anymore. A few weeks later, that guy and his brother got busted in a child pornography ring in our area.


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Mason F
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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Had something similar this happen to me... When I was a young teen my sibling and I were involved with the Big Brother Big Sisters program. I only interacted with my sibling's Big Brother maybe twice and while something about him bothered me, I wrote it off as my shyness/social anxiety. IIRC, the second time I saw him was the same day my sibling saw him for the last time. There was apparently an incident where he tried to get them to change in front of him while at a pool or something, they said no, and he dropped them off at our house before ghosting us entirely. Fast forward a few months and my dad came across the guy's name while he was reading the newspaper. They caught the guy while investigating some ring activity, like in the image above. Luckily my sibling says he didn't do something to them, but still. And if that wasn't enough...we found out from the coordinator that the creep tried to get another mentee and said we had moved. But now I pay attention when I feel uneasy...

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    Many times have saved me, and sometimes (b/c it's medical profession) others. If you get that tingly not-sure-why feeling? Listen to it. Ask for the extra bloodwork or scan. Turn the other way on the drive home. Double-check that window lock. Re-assess that patient. To me, our "spidey sense" is our subconscious kicking our conscious mind to make it pay attention to something that the subconscious noticed while we were busy.



    Many moons ago I was self employed in Germany and traveling from town to town, from city to city, always on the go from morning to evening. Always under pressure and lots of stress.
    I was driving along the Autobahn at a fair lick needing to get to a customer in ten minutes and still an hour outbound and angry over some slowcoach in front of me in the fast lane.
    I left my body, sort of slipped out of it, I went through the roof of the car and was able to see everything from above, I saw my car swerve at almost 200 kmh, I saw it hit the central barrier, careen to the other side of the Autobahn and overturn, again and again and again, bits flying off and smashing again and again.
    THEN I was back, I slowed down and took the next exit and parked on a side road, panting and with a heart tripping like a hammer on an anvil. I called the customer, said I will be late and closed my shop by the end of the month.


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    Leo Domitrix
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's really very "Final Destination", and I'm glad you're okay!

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    Many years ago I had a long distance relationship who I visited over the weekend. On Monday my boyfriend helped with my stuff to drive me to the train station while I was stalling whenever possible.
    At the train station I started behaving like an overly tired toddler. I started nagging how I don't like that train and refused to get on it. By that point my bf became a little bit upset because he had to go to work. As soon as the train left I suddenly was chipper again and told him to go to the office.
    After an hour of waiting time I fetched the next train for my 3 hours journey. Halfway through I noticed the route was somehow odd and that it took longer than usual.
    It hit me back home in the evening when I watched the news. There was major train accident. After a malfunction of a wheel it derailed. Only the passengers of the first three Waggons survived. 101 people lost their lives. It was the train I refused to take.



    Once I was doing gymnastics and I was doing a skill I had done many times. I ran to do it and I was about to jump backwards to do it, and I got instantly scared. Turns out right behind me was a little girl. I was very glad I didn’t land on her.


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    My wife and I were driving down the freeway in pouring rain. It was almost bumper to bumper traffic going 80+ mph (about 130 km/h), and we're right behind this small blue car with a ski rack. We both get the feeling that we need to get off the road immediately and wait out the rain. So we take the very next exit, stop at a gas station and use the restroom. By the time we're done, the rain has let up and so we hop right back on the freeway. Less than a mile later, traffic is slowed due to an accident, and what do we see? A small blue car with a ski rack upsidedown in the median. If we hadn't listed to our Spidey sense, we would have been right behind that car, and would likely have been involved in a very serious car accident.


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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who goes 80 in the rain in traffic!? Further, who goes 80 in the rain bumper to bumper?!!

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    there was a similar question posted on BP regarding this and i put down an experience that basically saved me from possibly being abducted so i won't put that here. but, what i will share is that there have been times when i get a feeling when i am getting ready to go somewhere and for some reason i either change my driving directions or i purposely slow down or stop somewhere. then, when i get back on the road i have seen the aftermath of an accident and realize that if i had left and directly driven to my destination i would have been in that area at the time of the accident. this has happened more than once or twice so i always listen to the "feeling".


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    Janet Graham
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mom used to say that the Angels are watching over you. I think she was right.

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    Years ago, my pal and I were driving in Lakewood, Co and decided to grab the freeway and go to LoDo Denver. He makes a left turn and then, for no reason at all, just drops the speed down to near coasting. I glance at him curiously. He looks at me and says, "Do you feel that?" I am unnerved because the air feels heavy. Wrong. "Yeah man. Something does not feel right." I answer. And like that, the air evens out and he shrugs and we are back up to speed. Now for that short span of time going 10 MPH, say, was about 30 seconds. As we approach the underpass to get on the freeway, we watch as a 72 Camaro flies assend across the lanes we are in and smashes into the center barriers. Had we not have slowed down, that car would have slammed into us.



    When I was 12, I started sleeping with my arm off the side of the bed. Parents argued with me I was going to destroy my circulation, my shoulder joint, even threatened to put rails on my bed like a baby. New Years of 88, I was the first one to wake up and tell them the house was flooding. Over 3 ft of water eventually showed up in a rushing flood. Hawaii, '88.

    When I was 19 I tackled my mom to the ground during a nasty storm and felt real stupid fighting her to stay down. A minute or so later I was feeling even stupider and was about the get up. And that's when the tree crashed through the ceiling and landed where she and I had been sitting and basically tore the house down around us. Georgia '94.

    My ex-husband, in his mid 30s, strong, all appearances healthy as can be, starts having bathroom issues. I insist he makes an appointment for a second opinion and to get a colonoscopy. Turns into a shouting match and for the first and only time I threatened his ability to see our daughter. He went and got an appointment and a colonoscopy. Stage 3 colon cancer. Genetic condition caused it. They call it a "spontaneous mutation." Our daughter also has it and early intervention is lengthening her life. Georgia 2011.

    His cancer goes into remission. Then one day he gets a tickle in his throat, gets short of breath when exercising. Diagnosed with adult onset asthma. I literally laughed at the doctor. Seriously? Went to a different doctor. A rare form of leukemia and one of his lung was partially collapsed. Probably triggered by the first cancer's treatment. Georgia 2014.

    In late summer of 2019 I wake up with the thought that we needed to move out of Atlanta, heck, out of Georgia, ASAP. Ex-husband has recovered from both cancer and leukemia and he received a bone marrow transplant and has a suppressed immune system. Daughter has same colon condition so she had had colon removed, also a weak immune system. In August of 2019 I wake up one day and decide we are moving, ASAP. Found a house in a small, isolated rural New England town by October. Papers for the house signed in the first part of January 2020. We moved. C19 shut down everything shortly thereafter. We stretched ourselves to the limit to do this move. But I felt almost frantic when the idea hit me. Their doctor's called us really lucky.

    But I probably inherited it. I was born in the mid 70s and had "output" problems as a newborn. My mom was dismissed by over 6 doctors and since my dad was in the military it got to the point where my dad was getting talked to by his CO. Finally, my mom in an act of serious desperation stood on the steps of a civilian children's hospital and begged every doctor coming up the steps to please look at me. A doctor who was in town visiting a friend, overheard her describing my symptoms and realized she was describing a genetic condition that most often shows up in males and/or children with neural crest development issues. I was neither. He was one of the few experts in the world at performing the surgery I needed on a newborn infant. At 6 weeks old part of my colon was removed and it saved my life.

    Listen to your instincts. Trust yourself. Better to look a little silly than a lot harmed.



    motorcycle rider, spidey-senses kept me off the hood of a guy's car when he dived into my lane!


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    I was at an after-school activity when I got this squeezing, fluttery feeling in my chest. I thought it was a panic attack and rushed to an empty classroom when my crush came out and saw me. She didn't know what was happening, but she helped me that day. She told me later that she was grabbing some art supplies for a project and her entire body was screaming at her to turn around.

    Oh yeah, we've been dating for five months. :)



    I once walked to the store to buy a coke, and I smelt something weird, and so I went to pay, and I'm lucky I did because some weirdo decided to BURN the aisle I was in



    I had been out at a night club and stopped with friends to get some late night food. I didn't have any cash so I drove down the street to a gas station. Turns out it didn't have an ATM. I asked the clerk and he told me where one was that I didn't know how to get to. Two girls behind me said they would show me where it was if I bought them a drink. Sure I said....Definitely not something I would normally do but I had been drinking. As I waited for them to get their drink, this feeling came over me telling me to get the hell out of there and fast. I just turned, walked out, got in my car and drove off. I don't know what made me leave like that....but something told me those girls had some not too nice plans for me.....


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    Laura Kelly
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I had been drinking." .... " I got in my car and drove off." I'm not trying to distract from the point of your story but next time listen to the voice that says 'take an Uber for my night out." It's just not worth it.

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    I was exploring the stream next to my house with a friend, a young girl. A storm had just passed, and we wanted to see the damage done. It was about 50 degrees out. There was a rustling in the trees above us. In that span of 2 seconds, nothing registered. I didn't even feel scared, but I had that odd feeling that time was running out. My friend was screaming about a panther, but I knew that was just panic. There were no panthers in these woods. In one split second, everything was in full detail. And finally, I had one registered thought.
    I jumped two feet to my right, into the deeper water, pulling the girl with me. She struggled and yelled at me, but I didn't let her move. Half a second later, a branch crashed down where we had just been standing. A big one. I might have gotten knocked out or worse. I pulled the girl out into the yard and brought her over to the firepit, where my parents had started a cozy fire. They ran to check on us, but I pushed them away. We warmed up, and she seemed to forget all about it, but I was still shaking. I often think about that day. I was only 10, and the girl with me was just 6.



    Not really "Spidey-Sense" but instead a "Big-Sister-Sense". Me and my siblings were walking home from school and I could tell that something wasn't right, I was closer to the rode then them because I didn't want them to get hurt or be in any kind of danger. I look around while we are walking and nothing seems wrong but I tell them to walk infront of me just incase. I heard foot steps behind me, they were slow but speeding up and very quiet. I know something is wrong so I tell them to run. The next thing I know someone grabs my arm and tries to push me to the ground. Thanks to my Dad teaching me how too punch (he was in the U.S. Navy for about 5 years) I hit him just hard enough to get away, my siblings are already turning to run down our street so they were safe and yelling so that people knew what was happening. So now I'm full sprint and I turn the corner to find my Dad there...I didn't see the guy that attempted to kidnap me (or something like that) again. Please be aware of your surroundings, walk with only one earbud in, or, even better, none. If I didn't hear the foot steps I don't know what would have happened. Stay safe :).
    Also at this time my middle sister was 9 and the youngest was 7, I was 13.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well done! Good Dad too, preparing you. Everyone should take some form of martial training/self defense.


    I was in the Rome train station over 40 years ago. It was shaped like an airport hanger. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up--some one was following me, I felt. Because of the layout, I couldn't figure out who, so I walked over to a ticket counter. Since it's in a smaller space off of the main hall, I was able to figure out who it was and asked the lady to tell him to leave me alone. She yelled at him in Italian and he left.


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    nine years ago, I was out at night with some friends. it was a beautiful summer night and we decided to go to the nearby park - because there is a great playground that I have never been to. the street lights didn't reach into the park and it was so dark you couldn't see your hand in front of your face.

    at first we thought it would be alright and my buddy went ahead, I followed, while the others stayed behind and waited for our other buddy, who was looking for his flashlight in his backpack. all of a sudden I had a very strange feeling and asked my buddy to stop immediately - which luckily he did.

    we waited for the others and when they found us we realized - if my buddy had gone just one step further, he would have fallen down an embankment - not very deep, but he could have hurt himself. that was pretty scary. but - all is well that ends well!


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    Always trust your instinct even if it does not make sense. This feeling has happened many times to me. I was in a Thai restaurant with my family and I had a sudden anxious feeling about the door. I normally never have “door anxiety” but I kept turning around to look at the door. Then a young couple entered. They looked around but seemed to be debating whether to stay, since the restaurant was busy. It felt as if I heard in my head, no you have to stay in the restaurant. I wanted to get up and tell them to wait, a table would be ready soon. I felt completely agitated for no apparent reason. Then they walked out and I wanted to leave the restaurant to tell them to come back but it would be so weird, so I didn’t. A minute or so later there was the loud sound of a crash. This was before cell phones. I got up from my chair and said to the waiter, there has been an accident bring me a phone and something with this address on it. He grabs a portable phone and a menu, which had the address. I immediately called 911 and said there was a car accident, with the address. Now I could not see outside and No one has gone outside to investigated the loud sound. No one seems to have noticed, and I did not know, yet “I knew” that the young couple had been in an accident. The 911 operator asked about the cars I said hold on I’m going outside. The couple’s pickup was upside down. A van had crashed into them but the van was tipped a bit on a curve. I then described the situation and hung up. I attended to the people as a policeman drove up. He said a semi tire was in the road. He had done a U turn to get it off the road, but the van hit it, went airborne, and crashed into the truck that was driving out of the restaurant parking lot, which flipped the truck. I think they all survived. The man’s arm was broken with s bone pushing out. One person in the van was knocked out and the van driver said he was not breathing but the fireman got there just as I was assessing him about whether to start CPR. You don’t want to move people unless it is necessary due to potential spinal issues. I got out of the way and walked back into the restaurant. This restaurant is in the part of town pre-code restrictions so there is little setback, maybe 20 feet from a road 3 lanes on each side. The truck was thrown almost to the front door. No one in the restaurant seemed aware of any of this. There are no windows there but still, it was loud! I knew they were supposed to stay in the restaurant but didn’t say anything because I felt embarrassed…


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    Carol Duncan-Harman
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Should ALWAYS speak up, my Aunts and Grandmother always did when they “felt” something.


    I always get a headache whenever there is going to be a really bad storm or tornado. Once me and my brother were outside doing yard work and I suddenly got a MIGRANE. i went to the basement and told my family to come, too. bout a half hour later we heard the sirens. The next day, we were informed that it was a cat. 5 tornado.


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    Sarah Bell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When I was in elementary school. Maybe 8 or 9 I walked out the door for school and told my mom it looks like it's going to tornado today . She laughed because she knows I'm extremely anxious about storms and we were only supposed to get a little rain. ....it showed up out of almost nowhere with no warning. I was safe at school and she managed to go to my grandmother's house with a basement. We were safe but she was still amazed at what I told her .

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    I once had a feeling something bad was gonna happen so I went to investigate. As soon as I moved a book fell to where I was just standing! No lie! (Happened in the library and the lady on the other side of the shelf was putting back books and it pushed the book a little to hard that the book had pushed another book out of place.)


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    Maybe doesn’t count, but Yes! I totally forgot where in Columbia I was, but i was in Columbia. We boated to this little Peruvian island, full of tress I tell you. I felt pain on my leg for some reason, and was close to water. I assumed the water would soothe the this, so I stepped a few feet away from where I was standing to get water and… snap 🙂 The tree I was standing under a few seconds ago fell, right where I was standing..


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my littles brother gets that feeling if something that could potential hurt goes close to him.

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    It's not for me, but my mom. My mom was out somewhere and a guy asked her about something, she was freaked out so she denied it... Days later she saw he was arrested for assault.


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    My uncle had a beautiful glass vase. A former neighbor, who gave lectures about area glass pieces, called and asked if he could take it to his house and take some pictures for slides.
    All of a sudden, I got this overwhelming sense of dread, I had never had this happen so deeply before. I told him if he lets the vase out of the house, he would never see it again. He looked at me, not knowing what to do. But in the end, he loaned the vase to him.
    I wasn't there when he returned it. It wasn't the same vase but one much lower in value, wrapped up and hurriedly left with my grandmother.
    My uncle had MS, how could anyone be that mean to someone disabled. It was so sad.
    I wish he had taken my advise but I understand it was hard for him to believe that it would end like it did.



    I'm sure we've all played dodgeball at least once in our lives, and I have recently been playing it a lot in P.E. Several times I've had the feeling somebody is behind me and ready, and had moved out of the way, only to see a ball flying real fast by my head. I tell you, I could've gotten a concussion several times had I not listened to my "spidey-senses". Either that or a bump 10 feet tall like in those children cartoons.



    My mom once went and stood by the phone saying her mother was going to call. She said it was bad, she was crying and shaking. About 20-30 minutes later, my grandmother called to tell her her father had a stroke and didn't make it.
    Another time I was given permission to go to a party in HS. My parents talked to their parents so let me go. I was a year younger than all my classmates (I was 15, they were 16 & 17). About an hour before I was going (about 5pm) mom suddenly changed her mind, said I couldn't go, that she had a bad feeling. I was mad and upset, but she wouldn't budge. Since I couldn't go, my BFF stayed at my house with me. On the late news was a story about a garage fire. Turned out someone tossed a match or cigarette or something where the flammables were. No one noticed the fire at first, then something just exploded. There were over 30 kids at the party, many out in the alleyway behind the garage. No one died, but several were seriously injured and burned, most had small injuries. The worst were those in the garage, including one parent. It was a horrible accident and I would have been there if not for my mom. When she saw the news, she came in my room and just hugged us, crying. I listen when she gets a feeling like that.
    I've only ever gotten feeling about people, usually as soon as I meet them there is just something that makes me not want to really know them or be around them. It's never definitive, or a conscience decision, I just don't want to be around them. Eventually I always find out something about them that makes me happy I never hung around them. Had that feeling w/ a guy friend was dating. She got pregnant and married him. Begged her not to. 4 months later she calls me scared because he is punching holes in walls, threatening her and the baby. I made an hour drive in 25 minutes with my roommate. Got there as he was trying to hit her w/ whatever he threw. He didn't want a baby, she trapped him, etc. We got ALL her belongings (clothes, furniture, EVERYTHING) out and into our 2 cars and 1 truck. (Her cR, my cat her brother truck)The next day I drove her to N
    Her moms. Her ex totally trashed the apartment, and the outside patio. We had filed a police report and notified the apartment owners about what was going on. He was on security tapes, so was liable. He wanted nothing to do with the baby. He 2 wives (later) both divorced because of violence. I think she dodged a bullet. And my goddaughter grew up amazing!


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    once I was walking my little cousin to the tire swing and I heard something so I turned around. It was just a bird but when we turned back around to go to the swing the rope snapped. it almost fell on me and her


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    I was 16 and sitting on the steps, waiting for my mom to pick me up from the library after closing. This was a suburban library branch on a quiet tree lined street.
    All of a sudden I felt *terrified.* I could see a male bicyclist coming and was sure this was it—that this man would approach and something terrible would happen. But the biker didn’t, he just passed on by.

    At that point I was almost laughing at myself when two men in a sedan pulled up (I am still angry at myself for not paying attention to the make or model or trying to get the plate number). They unrolled the window and asked if I wanted a ride to the city. I shook my head no and the driver attempted to cajole me. Said no again audibly. Then the driver said something along the lines of, “you’re getting a ride with us.” At that point my mom pulled up behind him. I will never forget the man saying, “Just in time, it’s your lucky day,” before they pulled off.

    As an adult I am pretty angry with my mom in retrospect for not taking this seriously.


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    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh my gosh Im mad at your mom for not caring. You did get incredibly lucky however. That could have ended veryyyyy badly

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    I was play-sparring my friend, he lunged foreward trying to grapple me. I leaned back and lost my balance. I did a backflip roll thing and regained balance. My friends were in awe. Thats the closest I will get to a backflip.


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    Janet Graham
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you had thought about it before you tried it, you would have failed!


    No, but my spidey senses are tingling rn regarding a relationship i am in and i dont know what to do about it



    I was 15. My boyfriend showed up at my house drunk. Sloppy drunk. My mom wasn't home and he had to go home, no matter the circumstance, but especially this one. So, my brilliant idea? I'll ride along to make sure he got home safe. I tried to get him to let me drive but he wouldn't. We wrecked twice. Just spun out in sharp curves because he was going way too fast. We didn't hit anything so he kept going. Finally, I looked over and he was back at 120. He held the wheel and jerked it and we started sliding sideways and I saw 2 trees in our path. A surreal voice boomed in my ear, "if you jump out, you will live." I didn't hesitate. I opened my door and was ejected. I lived. Had I stayed I'd be dead because the impact from the trees and the parked car he hit was all on my side. He walked away without a scratch.


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    I was drinking water in midnight and my spidey sense made me hear the falling books.l moved quickly by streching my arm and catched few books.


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    22 years ago, my hubby (we had been married for 2 days), my two sons and I were traveling to our new home 1500 miles away from where we had lived. He was driving the U-Haul truck and I was driving our van. We were spending the night in a nice hotel. The next day, the route we had inked out would have taken us through Chicago. I had an overpowering fear and told him I can't go through Chicago. I was quite afraid. So he said we would get the map and find a different route. We did and my fear went away. Several hours into the next day's travel, the van stopped running. We were in a small town in the middle of Illinois. We found a dealership 2 blocks away, they towed the van and gave us a loaner car to go eat lunch while they fixed the van. When we sat down, my new hubby said "You know, if we had taken our original route, we would be on the interstate right outside of Chicago right now." I can't imagine being broken down on I-90 with a van full of stuff. Since then we have always paid attention to my "premonitions" or whatever they are. I have had others and they have never been wrong. A bit creepy but not wrong.


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    I used to play in the street with my friends and we were on our bikes in the middle of the road talking it wasn’t a busy road but for some reason there was a maniac driving a car and if we had not been like we have to move we would all have been flattened


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    One time me and my sister were riding our bikes and this truck turned on to the street we were on and I immediately got a bad feeling, so I made my sister get infront of me and we sped up. We went in a complete circle and turned around and went the other way. And the truck was still following us so we sped up even more and lost it. To this day I think if I wouldn't have had a bad feeling we would have been kidnapped that day.


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    I almost stepped on a very rusty nail barefoot


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    My best friends spidy sense dropped him on my lap... The bus turned suddenly and he lost his balance, instant friend for life (poor guy)

    Mine saved my life a few times.
    Stopped me turning despite the road being clear, only for a car to hurtle out of a side-street without looking for puny cyclist.
    Made me stay behind the bunker wall for nine seconds longer than safety needed and the gizmo exploded (it was a furby... Long story...)
    Once, even saved me from a rusty trap someone left in the woods!

    Listen to yourself, intuition, spirit or whatever you want to call it. 9/10 it's for the best!


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    Once, I was in the parking lot of a Walmart w/ my mom. So, basically, I was in the parking lot, our trunk facing to the road (outward) and I was putting things in there. I was about to step back to close the trunk, but something in me SCREAMED for me to NOT STEP BACK. So I didn't and seconds later, a car comes SPEEDING (i'm not talking a little fast, I mean illegal speeding fast)...RIGHT where I was about to step back.


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    I was riding with my dad across the street (on bikes). Suddenly, I stopped (sometimes there is this place to stop between street's pieces), my dad was still driving. The car slowed down, but then suddenly started to speed up while I was trying to ride across - if I hadn't stopped, I'd be dead now...


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    Once I was with my mum on a walk, my little brother was in stroller. We were crossing the street, suddenly I jumped back on the pavement and pulled family with me. Something like a second later, the car was riding quickly, it wouldn't stop on time. We could've die there.


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    Not really saved me, One day (Christmas eve) I was bored out of my mind and I then I felt as though something was gonna happen. So the right as I stood up, my dad entered the house with a corgi puppy.


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    This is not really a spider sense or anything, but it was something crazy that happened to me…

    My mom went to go to work and i went with her. We did what we had to do and were about to leave when my mom realized she didn’t have the keys for the truck. We checked EVERYWHERE, in the truck, around the truck, everywhere. We started to freak out when suddenly we saw the key out the corner of our eyes in the seat. We both looked at each other confused because we had just looked there. We got in the truck and started to drive off and when we got to the exit there was two trucks which apparently JUST CRASHED a few minutes ago.

    If we hadn’t lost lost the keys… we would’ve been in the crash.


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    Well one time when i was about 14-15 i think, I went to the public hot tub with my friend and not 10 mins later a very old woman come to the hot tub. she then kept staring at me and my friend and would start saying things about how kids are so easy to steal at that moment i told my friend that we should leave


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    They would have - had I paid attention. :/


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    One night while I was outside in the yard I felt someone watching me and found a figure standing in the shadows. I tried to write it off as my neighbors being creepy and he left. Then he quickly reappeared in the same part of the yard I was in and started coming towards me, I ran inside so fast that I fell and had to crawl through the door. The police never found him and he has returned multiple times since then. He stays far off and appears in different places at different times, I think it might be to throw me off. I've caught him watching me all but once(I felt him but couldn't see him, thankfully my neighbors did). I don't know what he wants from me but he has been discovered every time.
    I thank my senses for that.


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