Hidden doors, strange holes or creepy things from the previous tenant. What did you find in your house?


I used to live in (REDACTED) and in the house when i'd wake in the middle of the night bright eyes would be staring from the darkness. A couple of times I also saw shadow figures up the stairway. When I lived in (REDACTED) the house I lived in was like severely haunted. Objects would fling around, electronics would malfunction and turn on and off on their won accord. We also heard a voice say the name Tom. We would hear footsteps down the hall when nobody else was around besides us. Though the creepiest thing was that we had no clocks that made ticking sounds. If we had any at all but we'd always hear a clock when none were around.


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wow, have you been living there long? I think I would have moved out the first night!

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    My great grandfather taught me how to play the piano. After he passed the piano would play by itself. It was creepy.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I LOVE a good creepy loved one from the other side dropping in to say hi!!

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    So when I was about seven or eight, we sadly had to put down the best boy in the world (my pfp) about I wanna say a week or so later I was sitting in my room reading like I do every night and I start hearing the sound of dog nails coming down our hardwood hallway. Keep in mind at the time we had two other dogs so we had to block off the hallways at night so they would come and pee on one of our (mine or my parents) floor. So there’s no way they could have jumped over it. Anyways, I keep hearing the dog nails “tick ticking” down the hallway and stop in front of my door. Then not even five minutes later I start feeling what I believe was “hot breath” on my cheek. I have reason to believe that it was my favorite boy and my great grandfather. I have had a few other such as just seeing things in the corner of my eye and things going missing then showing up the next day out of nowhere.


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    Who Panda 420
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's cool! I see my past boys in my dreams. It's wonderful to have that feeling of being with them if only briefly


    i got pushed down the stairs by nothing, no i i didn't trip i had perfect balance and actually at the time i had got a text so i was still on the stairs looking at my phone... scary. another time was wen i saw someone staring in the window i grabbed my glock and went out side the guy was still standing there then he started walking towards me so i ran back inside and called the cops. he was wanted for murder



    A 100 year old house in Salem, Oregon that my husband and I restored. I knew it was haunted and surmised that the most vocal spirit was the original owner. A mayor, Governor and doctor, this spirit as not a nice guy! He tried a new trick every day to see if I would run screaming out of the house. Nope! When I found a secret drawer under the linen closet upstairs it had a variety of antique gambling items. When I took them out all hell broke loose in that house! Every cabinet and closet door started banging open and shut. I could actually smell cinder as the house dropped to below freezing. I put the items back and nailed the drawer shut, caulked around the opening and painted it to blend in with the floor boards.



    Me and my gf live in an apartment and one day I was just looking around and found a door I hadn’t seen before. Opened it, found a chest of drawers( weird right?) and litterally when I opened the drawer the door banged shut and I was locked inside. My gf heard me yelling and let me out. Next day I couldn’t find the door.


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    Who Panda 420
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Curiouser and curiouser! Maybe a spinoff reality or maybe you found the door to Narnia for real. Try looking when it's raining 🌧️ 🚪


    i currently live in house that's about 100 years old and my room was the first thing to be built so there are two doors right across from each other and two HUGE windows on the right. strange right: well one door to the back is blocked from both ways the inside by a dresser and outside by a towel rack. so in the middle of the frickn' night the door will shake by itself, no wind, no annoying sibling, just by itself. that's scary enough without the fact the house is completely uneven and there are old "cute" dolls people have given me that seem to stare at me. NAH I'm fine :D



    Having grown up in a “unique” home with a lot of orbs, and my last visit to my childhood home caused me to experience a banshee (a sound I would not wish upon another to be honest - for the record we had just that morning buried my mother and 7 days later her sister passed) and now live in a home that some days there shadows and more recently voices (this last one is more annoying). It’s just something we’ve come to deal with.


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    Ghost cats, shadow figures, nonexistent people leaning over me in my sleep but one of the creepiest was when a friend and I were the only ones home. Dogs were outside. We saw a big old rotary phone start inching then moving across the floor. It ended up moving like 2&1/2 ft! Far as I could tell the floor seemed level. This was also after messing with the Ouija board the night before. Also, (same day) my friend had a beaded curtain door in her room and had the beads pulled to the side. She left the room and I had my head down. When she came bk a min later all the beads were hanging loose. I was only sitting like 3 ft away from them and I would have heard them if they came loose. There's no way they wouldn't have made a sound. I can find a rational explanation for 98% of the weird stuff I've experienced but that 2%....


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For the record I no longer use a Ouija board nor do I recommend its use to anyone

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    My wife and I moved in to our 1950s semi-detached just over ten years ago. It needed gutting and so we set to work. Everything went well and we settled into our new home.

    We are fortunate enough to have a fairly large bedroom and so crammed it with a nice big bed, bedside tables, wardrobes etc. and an antique mirror. We hung the mirror on the wall facing the bed, but off to the left some way so you couldn't catch your own movement in it due to the angle.

    All was peaceful for a while. And then it started. I would be lying in bed reading and suddenly there would be a flash of movement in the mirror, so quick that I was asking myself 'did that just happen?'. It only happened once per day and rarely two days running so there was no way to predict it. It kept happening and with it, an ominous feeling of dread, as if something terrible is about to happen. I didn't want to scare my wife (her crazy husband or a ghost?) so I kept it to myself for a number of years.

    One day, we were having a chat about allsorts and the supernatural came up. As it does. My wife began talking about this old mirror and how she wants to get rid of it. As we delve a little deeper, it seems that I am not the only one to have been experiencing these 'flashes' of movement but she didn't want tell me for the same reasons as I didn't want to tell her. So we got rid of the mirror and thankfully there does not appear to be any ramifications to that decision. So far.

    As a final twist in the tale, we were celebrating the end of lockdown by having a socially distanced street party (in our front gardens) and a neighbour confided in me that 'People don't seem to stay very long at number 23 (our house). Couple of years maximum. There's something strange about the place.' Thanks Al.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Creeeepppyyyy! This deserves lots of up votes

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    My grandmother calls me an empath. My husband does too. I can tell when things are about to happen, have happened or are close to it.
    That being said....I had a dream My sister came to me and told me she is free now. She died from an over dose two days later. Another My mom (who passed away) came to me and told me to chose my husband or my son. I screamed at her neither. Then started to be woken by the three knocks of death. My son passes right next to me 5 days later.
    Recently had my house blessed by a priest, keep an amethyst sone by my bed and an ornate cross with oral in it above my bed. So far....no more visits. I hate being an empath or medium or what the f**k ever it is.
    Creepiest s**t I ever found in a home was down in flordia. We tore out a wall to remove my dad's shot gun house. A ring fell down out of the wall with a real ruby in it. When that happened we heard a woman scream and all the doors flew open. My dad about pissed himself. I did some research and a woman was murdered in that house back in 1910 and I found her grave to give her, her ring back.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You went to the trouble to return her ring? Serious Karma points for you!!

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    On thé 2nd floor of my house in my guest room there’s a small door (about 2ft) that goes to my attic. Hasn’t been touched since we got our house 11 years ago. Neither my parents or I know what’s behind it, and none of us really want to know. It’s probably nothing but when I was 4 or 5 I made this creepy story of a family of human-sized rats living in it. Still won’t go there.


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    a few things actually, but im gonna name the most creepiest one.

    one time i was doing a yearbook cover for my school, and im sitting in my bed, with the vent all the way across my room, no heater on, and blankets up to my waist.

    as i was painting, my entire right side of my arm warms up like when you break a bone and you get a cast on. it was creepy, and i couldnt explain it, so i went out of my room for awhile


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