If you are a paramedic or something like that, this question should be relatively easy for you. But I am asking all of the other Pandas out there, the ones who just scroll until they find something cool, and maybe post something.


I tried to convince an online friend to wait for a week before ending themself



    One day, when I was like 10 years old, I had just performed my last show in some theater thing, and we were all doing a group hug.
    This little girl, who looked like a kindergartner but was really 8 or 9 was stuck so I got her out.
    I heard a weird breaking noise, like a crumbling/snapping, and for some reason I JuSt HaD To BlInK RiGhT ThEn!
    You know those ceilings that have the rectangle tile thingies? Well we were all up against the wall, SO THE CEILING COLLAPSED ON US!!!!!!!
    If I hadn’t gotten that girl out, she would’ve been seriously hurt because that was where the corner was.
    My sister got a bruise on her forehead, and the other corner scratched an already existing scab on my arm, but everyone was okay in the end.



    i posted this on a gut feelings post last month. ig i'll just copy and paste it since technically i did save a life.

    i saved my sister's life. here's the story:

    this one time me and my sis were crossing a street. my sis went first and i was about to go after her.

    then i felt my heart drop, and my hair stand on end(paired with a very cold feeling), and shivers down my spine.

    it was as if it was automatic, or i was programmed to do this but i immediately pull her back behind me. right after, this car goes speeding past us, right where she would have been standing if i hadn't pulled her back.

    if i hadn't done this, she would have been badly injured or maybe even killed. im so grateful that i had this gut feeling.


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    A girl was on a climbing thing and was too scared to get down. I climbed up, offered her my hand, and helped her down. I was 8 or something. She was 6 or 5.


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    Not sure if it counts, but I technically kept a kid from getting run over by making them stop before leaving taekwondo class so I could tuck in the strings of their safety gear. A car sped by right when they would've been crossing the parking lot. Thankfully the kid didn't notice, but I was a little jumpy for a bit.


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    When I was fresh out a high school my boyfriend and I rented a place together. We let his older cousin move in with us because she needed help. She had a 4 month old little girl with another baby on the way. She was for sure not the brightest person I’ve ever met and was very lazy. My bf and I were in the living room watching a movie when she runs out to us freaking out holding her little girl. This baby’s face was a freakish purple color. I asked her what was wrong and she said she didn’t know because she had fallen asleep and wasn’t keeping an eye on her child. Luckily I’ve been around kids my entire life and know what to do when a child is choking. So I flipped her over and hit her back a few times. Nothing came out.. now I’m starting to panic a bit. Right as my bf is going to get the phone to call 911 I decide I’m gonna put my finger down her throat and see if I can move whatever was in there out. Thankfully I was successful in removing the end cap of a pen from her air way and she started to breath again. In hindsight I know I could have lodged it further down but I just went with my gut instinct. Once I knew that baby was okay I had an absolute freak out on his cousin. I was so angry at her selfishness and carelessness. If she hadn’t woke up when she did…. Had we not been home…. Grrrrr. I called my bf’s mom the next day (she was a social worker at the time) and told her what happened and she had his cousin and the baby move in with her. After she moved out I refused to even acknowledge her at any of their family functions. Some people just aren’t meant to be a parent let alone a parent twice.


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    Not sure if this counts but my mom has left our stove on low, and after a while the flame has gone out and the stove was just admitting gas into our house. I’m very grateful I walked by and smelled it because we light a lot of candles so it could have made us all go kaboom 💥


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    I'm a fast walker, so when I saw people waiting for a tram to pass and the tram was still a good 10 seconds away, I decided to walk across. A little kid, maybe 4-5yo, decided to follow.
    I spotted him in my peripheral and knew he was going to jet hit, so I turned around and snatched him up. The tram was so close to killing him that it actually hit my hand as I turned with him in my arms.
    After the tram passed, I put him down. His mother came running at me screaming, accusing me of trying to kidnap her child and calling me a paedophile and whatnot. I tried to explain, but she wouldn't shut up! By now another tram was coming, and I won't lie, I was tempted to toss her and the kid in front of it, but I decided to just ignore it and walk away.
    About 20 mins later, I was stopped by the police while shopping, was arrested and spent 4 hours at the police station. When they had finally checked the local CCTV, they released me without so much as a 'well done', or 'good job'.


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