Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Ignored Medical Advice And It Turned Out For The Best?
We hear horror stories about people ignoring medical advice and it turning into a disaster, but have you ever ignored medical advice and it improved your situation?
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My family has a history of heart disease; consequently, I'm considered "high-risk" to contract it as well. Although I have never shown any signs of heart disease, several years ago my then-doctor prescribed for me a low-dose (81mg) aspirin per day "as a precaution." I did this for several years with no know adverse effects; however, several years ago I began experiencing blood-vessel ruptures in my eyes if I sneezed or blew my nose too hard. It was happening every couple of months. They weren't painful and had no effect on my vision, but it looked incredibly gross. I did, what everyone is told NOT to do. I looked up my symptoms online and found that it can be a side-effect of aspirin therapy. I decided to stop taking the aspirin (since I was told it was only precautionary in the first place). It's been three years and I haven't had one rupture since.
saved my sisters life! She had ISS and her spinal pressure was at a lethal point but they called iy stress