Dreams are strange, mysterious things. They can be altered by anything and are even rumored to bring signs of the future or warning of what's to come. If you had any strange dreams, perhaps occuring multiple times on multiple nights, that give you feelings of deja vu or make you feel strange and uneasy about reality in any way, post it here!


Omg. it felt sooo real! I once dreamed that i was in an old house (It was yellow and a little bit dirty), playing with an old carousel toy. I was in the house with an old lady (Now i think about her as my grandma), and she was reading a book sitting in a rocking chair. When i told my parents, they said that never happened. so that was my dream, at least i think it was....


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    Idk how to explain it but it’s been happening since quarantine... Any
    time I have dreams my brain will tell me that they’re reoccurring dreams or memories, so I’ll think to myself “Oh yeah I’ve had this dream before” and then I REALLY think about it and can’t tell if it is reoccurring or if I don’t remember it at all. So like every dream I have practically has an odd sense of familiarity...anyone else have the same thing?


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    I had a dream I was with my dad. (Haven't seen him since I was 6.) We were playing with toys and eating ice cream and popsicles. I don't know why, but that felt like, so real and familiar!!! And I don't remember doing that with him.


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    When I was young, i had the exact same dream multiple times in a row with litte changes, it was me in a bed, in a garage with someone else. I would wake up and travel across my neighbourhood, past buildings and across busy roads, until I came to a school, or rather a daycare.(I was less than five years old then) There I would attend the midnight "class" there, the teacher handing out lollipops and reading to me and the other students, until after a few hours/minutes I would leave and go back to my bed in my garage and fall asleep there. And then I would wake up in real life.
    It was wierd. It was like I went to school at night time, in my mind. And I still remember it vividly after all this time.



    I always have dreams of someone evil chasing me and my friends and family with a knife, in the end I always give up and they kill me but everyone else around me is ok and they don’t miss me after they run away, no one comes back for me even though I tried to protect them from the person doing the chasing. After I die, I either get sent to heaven but heaven looks a lot like what hell would look like or I wake up. I think I get these dreams because sometimes if feels like I’m drowning but I’m watching everyone else around me breath just fine. In the morning I get deja vu because I’ve had these dreams so much lol.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Once I had a dream where I was being chased by a murderer with a gun. Worst thing is, I was f*****g eight.

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    Not sure if this counts but,
    I had these recurring dream where theres this weird haunted spook house. I was barefoot and i had to stomp on these pointy thingies and other weird stuff.
    Another recurring dream was about this lady in a portrait. She was in 3 portraits, one with her but with blue eyes, another one purple eye, and another one with orange eyes. But if you look at the portrait of her with orange eyes, she'll throw a rock at you. and then my class saw her true form as a human. then a year later i had this dream again and the lady looked exactly like my sub!!


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    I had this flash dream once I was looking around a strange playroom I had never seen before I also saw a little Lego house and about a year and a half later I had completely forgotten about the dream until I was playing with Legos one day and saw the same things I saw in my dream.


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    I have had one since I can remember and it still puzzles me. It happens once a year. So, first it is always a normal dream, but something bad happens and I have to go home. I walk in and go to my mom's room, which is always dark at night. Then I feel a ticklish, unpleasant sensation, like a knife on skin but a little less painful, like that feeling mixed with sand. There is a figure in the corner, small and hooded, in the shadows that reeks evil. Its voice is raspy and taunting, and it always binds and tortures me and keeps me hostage, saying I cannot escape. And I always dream hyperealisticaly, wich makes it worse. The voice eventually releases me, but marks the nape of my neck where my stork bite birthmarks are and says he will always come back, and my children will suffer like me.

    I have no idea what the f it wants, but it scares the hell out of me.


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    Ok sorry but i wanted to post again, not about a reccuring dream but just a really strange one. So basicaly it was just a dream of several days of my life where everything was normal except at night, when zombies would come out and attack you, but they couldnt enter a house no matter what, so if you were inside you were safe. Anyways in the dream one morning i decided to go out and fight them for some reason, before dawn, and i had this really cool big sword, but then my dad came and just took it after i killed two zombies and told me to go to bed because it wasn't safe, but not in a worried tone or anything, in a bored tone of voice. So anyways that day went by and then that night suddenly i went outside and there was snow and there was a blue dragon and i took it to my grandpa who was out-of-nowhere a dragon breeder, and then he got mad at me coz i went in his barn to give him the dragon but i wasn't allowed in the barn during feeding time coz there was one dragon who was mean while eating, and anyways we ended up on a train with a ton of dragons going through the snow wearing big puffy among us costumes. with some of my friends i haven't seen in years.Anyways sorry for this long post that probably didn't iterest you, i just thought it was a weird dream


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    I had a dream a few times, the last time was when I was five or six, I was in a mall and the floor was slanted so I slid down and I went on a car ride but then aliens started invading.


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    I dream that I forgot to read a book for school. I even know in the dream that I dream this often, but I'm always convinced that this time it's really true! High school was 9 years ago for me, but I still dream it at least once a month.


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    I've had a couple reccuring dreams but i don't remember most of them right now. The one i do remember is a dream i used to get when i was littler and i wouldnt get it too often, but it definetely happened for a year or two. In the dream I was at a water park near me called Birch Bay Waterslides, but unlike the normal park, it was always dinosaur themed. At the beginning of the dream this was always cool to me, because each slide was decorated like a different dino, but it never failed that once i went down the T-rex slide it would come to life and eat me. Every. Single. Time.


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    Well, it was actually more of a horrible nightmare. I don’t really even know why. So it was like a huge puzzle kept getting bigger then smaller triggering the feeling of being lost and insecurity for me. Also, the nightmare had the smell of burnt hair and broken tree branches. Now whenever i do a puzzle, i smell burnt hair, (I dont know why that smell feels so familiar.)

    Another one is also a nightmare. So i will kind of keep it more pg then it was so basically i had a nightmare where there were these kids that were depressed and lets just say did some things that scared me. I cried about it for weeks.


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