Share any eerie things that have happened to you.


One time I was entering my room and I heard a crashing sound. A bunch of books had fallen off my desk randomly.


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2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Our ghost at our old house liked throwing things at me. Especially dishes. One time it tossed a flashlight off the fridge too.


    I was in the bathroom at school ALONE when I slipped. A little voice asked "Are you okay?"



    One summer a long time ago my mother and I rented a cabin by the sea. My little niece, 3 1/2 years old at the time, visited us for a week or so. That week he talked a lot about his previous life as a fisherman. His stories were strangely realistic. His parents was technologists and believed strictly in science. My little niece had never been near the sea before.

    My niece is no longer with us. He died when he was 10 years old.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s cool.. but sad… but creepy… also I’m slightly confused on the fact that ur ‘niece’ was a ‘he’ aren’t nieces girls?

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    I've had two! Here's one, gonna save the other one for later.

    I was approx. 14 and my school was big and old. So old, that it had a stable block set apart from the main house which they had converted into the music block. It wasn't anything amazing really, just two classrooms on the ground floor with practice rooms upstairs. I was into music and the teachers used to let me practice keyboards on my own after school. One evening, around 4pm, I was in the keyboard room which was off the stairs, between the ground and first floors, and something suddenly just felt 'off'. Really 'off'. The only way I can come close to describing the feeling would be to say that if you can imagine anxiety of the highest level, hitting you like a truck rather than coming on gradually, then that would be close. Not precise though. Because the feeling itself was alien. It felt less like my own body and mind and more like something 'projected'. I can't put my finger on it.

    I stuck my head out of the room and heard this 'tick-tock tick-tock'. Weird, because I was there alone. Sounded just like a metronome so I ventured further out to see who it was. 'Tick-tock, tick-tock' getting louder and louder. I checked the practice 'cubby-holes' - nobody there. As I approached the last two doors, the intensity increased but both doors were locked shut. The 'Tick-tock, tick-tock' was almost deafening now, building into a tumultuous cacophony. That's when it all became clear. It wasn't tick-tock. It was 'clip-clop'. Horses. Quite a few of them, too. I could make out the sound of carriage wheels on cobbles. And then voices. At that point, I ran.

    I heard rumour that a stable boy had hung himself in the stables over 100 years previous. But nobody ever mentioned the ghostly horses or phantom carriages which could occasionally be heard there, but never seen.

    I had no preconception about the building being haunted, except for the stable boy tale, which I never really believed.
    I SWEAR on my puppy's life (she's a 6-month-old mini dachshund called Pudding FYI) that EVERY part of this account is 100% TRUE and experienced first hand.
    It's thirty years on now and still nobody has offered a plausible explanation of what I experienced that day, if not some kind of a 'ghost'.
    When I checked with my music teacher, nobody else was in the building that afternoon. Behind the two locked doors were just two old pianos. Always had been, and certainly nothing capable of making that sound.



    Ok so I lived in a duplex with a shared basement that was for storage where we kept the washer and dryers, basically a shared space where we each got half of.
    For context our neighbor was out of town on vacation I know this because I was feeding his fishes
    I was home alone with my cat patches, dad and stepmom were at work. I was just cuddling with patches watching tv, decided I was hungry and went to the kitchen to get a snack. I noticed that the basement door was open. I remember patches acting really weird and leary. I shut the door and didnt think anything of it. About ten minutes later I get up to go pee and notice that yet again the basement door is open and this time I can hear the washer banging downstairs almost like someone had thrown shoes in it. Again I'm home alone, no one could have started the washer so I'm like wtf, I was not going to be a dumbass and investigate but patches acted like a mad cat started howling and booked it right down the staircase.

    So of course now I have to get the cat, so i book it downstairs too. I get downstairs and at this point patches is howling, crying. I'm thinking maybe she is hurt. I go to grab her and all of this happen at the same time as I have her in my arms.

    The upstairs basement door slams shut, again I'm home alone
    The washer stops 100%, how did it even turn on let alone turn off
    The lights turn off in the basement

    I know for a fact I'm not crazy because patches even jumped and booked it right up the stairs scratching at the door obviously scared. I also scared shitless also, book it up the stairs, right out the front door. I call my dad to come home and look and I spent the remaining time till he got there outside on the front porch. He never found anything but until we moved out patches still would never go downstairs after that and would freak if you tried to take her downstairs. I too never went back into the basement and used laundromats after that. I dont care if anyone believes me, it was one of the freakiest things that ever happened too me

    Also I know it wasnt a power outage because the lights and tv were still on when I got back upstairs


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It must be trying to get your attention. Does it still open? If so ask it why. Don't let it know you are scared. As my mother told me "It will either tell you, or it will disappear" if you confront it. One more thing! Don't be mean to it. Trust me. Hope this helps.


    I had to give the eulogy on behalf of the family at my dad’s funeral. In order to prepare for this, I decided to go and practice at my grandmother’s empty house where my dad had grown up. It was a completely unmodernised 1920s terraced house (complete with air raid blackout roller blinds from WW2) but now being used as a storage facility. It was a really cold January day and, being unoccupied, so was the house. While I practiced my speech in the sitting room, it occurred to me that everyone who’d lived in the house was now dead (grandparents and now my dad) and then, shivering, said out loud “Well, I hope wherever you all are that it’s a bit warmer than this!”
    At that moment the lights suddenly went out and no jiggling the switch would make them come on again.
    “Okay” I thought - a little alarmed at this - and decided to leave.
    The funeral went off without incident but that night I told my wife what had happened. She suggested that, if it bothered me, we should both go back to my grandmother’s house next day. When we got there, the lights worked perfectly and we could switch them on and off multiple times without incident.

    Poor 1920s wiring? Affected by the cold weather? Ghostly sign? Who knows but it was nice to think he was reaching out from the great beyond anyway. 🙂


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    A while back, I think in February or March, There was a big cloud in the middle of the sky that was shaped like a question mark. A couple months later, I believe in October, there was a big gap in between the clouds in that exact same spot.
    Some tell me what the f*** is happening.



    So I love scary stuff and one my day since my friends and I are freaking idiots, We decided to try a ton of korean urban legends, we saw things


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    Oh my gosh! Ok, so I'm not a skeptic by any means, but I don't like to jump to "ghost" first thing. So it's pretty rare for me to genuinely say I've seen something paranormal.
    There is exactly one incident I could never and have never been able to explain and I am convinced it had to be paranormal.
    So, my sister and I recently moved into a new apartment. We've had trouble since day one. Lighting issues mostly. (Which I chalked up to "its an older apartment afterall".)
    So we went out and bought a couple lamps and some battery powered fairy lights. They're pretty and they actually save us on electric so it's a win win. But now the battery powered lights do this thing where if you mention turning them on, there's a good 40% chance they'll turn on on their own. Which I hate. (And chalk up to our crappy dollar store batteries) Also our dogs like to growl into thin air now, which they've never done at any of the places we've lived. (But I've chalked that up to upstairs neighbors)
    All of this accumulated one night into the worst paranormal experience I think ive ever had in my life. Got home from work and went to lay down for an hour or two before making dinner. I'm exhausted. Soon as I close my eyes the dogs start barking wildly, so much so I thought they were fighting, so I ran upstairs to get them. They were snapping and snarling at a wall that has nothing on the other side of it. So I thought maybe it was a neighbor outside. Looked... Nobody out there. Brushed it off and went to go lay back down. Then I hear my sisters door slam shut.
    I went to go tell her off cause I didn't even know she was home and she scared me. Opened her door... She's not in there. Or anywhere else in the house. So I figure I'll text her and see where she is, maybe I just somehow managed to miss her.
    Go back to my room to grab my phone and as I walk into the room, my touch activate lamp turns on to the highest setting out of nowhere, which it shouldn't be able to do without three taps (it was off when I first walked in)
    Now I'm 100% freaked out so I grab my phone and try to call my sister. And my phone (previously at about 70% battery) dies. I turn it back on. I move to dial. It dies again. It dies on me 4 times and it only stopped when I ran upstairs to get away from the room I'm officially creeped out by. Finally I get a hold of my sister. No she isn't home, no she hasn't been recently, she's still at work.
    I decide I'll just have to spend the rest of the evening upstairs because I'm freaked out. Ten minutes in and the dogs start growling heavily at the top of the stairs like they're trying to stop something from coming up. I resolutely ignored this.
    2 hours later my sister gets home, and says she wants to check out my room. So we head down stairs...
    And my door is locked. I have the kind of lock that you literally can not lock from the outside or on your way out. You have to be inside with the door shut.
    Sister suggests we pick it. It's not that hard with those doors. You take a butter knife or dime or anything small and flat and you just turn it. We've done it before planty of times when someone oversleeps.
    But it's like the lock is jammed or something cause it's just not turning at all. Eventually we decided we'd have to call maintenance, but they were already closed for the night so she agreed to call in the morning. I slept upstairs in the living room.
    Next morning I woke up before her and went downstairs to make breakfast. First thing I noticed was that my bedroom door was cracked open. Nothing inside was disturbed though and the door loc seemed fine.
    Upon hearing about this a coworker of mine who's big into wiccan stuff brought me some stuff and told me to burn it in the house and we did. Haven't had an issue since. Not with lights or doors or anything else.
    ... So yeah that's the only one I've never fully been able to find an explanation of outside of paranormal.
    Wiring and dead batteries don't explain the locked door.
    Or the dogs.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s so scary. NGL I would have ran and hid in a room and cried until someone came home…

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Recently I've been having a reoccurring dream where I'm in a hallway, and there's a woman at the end of it, with messy black hair, wearing all black. She slowly walks toward me with a finger pointed towards me, and when she gets close enough, she touches my forehead and the dream ends. It started two months ago when I went to Salem, and we did a ghost tour. The tour guide told us a story about how a lady took a selfie in an office building, and when she looked back, it was a picture of a lady she'd never seen before. The guide showed us the picture and it was the same lady. And weird things have been happening to me wherever I go. I see shadows, things move, and I feel cold spots. I think something may have followed me back from salem and is following me wherever I go. How can I get rid of it?


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I've had several in my life time. The one that sticks out the most is the daycmy friends mom died. I wasn't close to my friends mom, I had only met her a couple of times. I woke up to her standing at the foot of my bed. She said goodbye and asked me to keep an eye on my friend. Not thinking anything about I feel back to sleep. About an hour later I got a call saying that she had past away.


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