They say revenge is a dish best served cold. It's even better if no one finds out you did it and you have to face no repercussions. Have you ever gotten revenge on someone without even revealing it was you?



Oh you want details? Er no, that's incriminating. Let's just say do not f**k with the IT guy. We can see the logs.



    Someone was stealing labeled lunch from the community work fridge. We all knew who it was. For revenge we baked a batch of brownies but instead of using real chocolate we used chocolate laxatives. Thief ate half the plate (which said "do not touch" in big letters on it) and then suddenly had to go home for emergency because he pooped his pants.



    Welp....idk if this counts as a revenge but it was fun. Some guy I had a huge crush on rejected me in a very rude manner. I respect if you don't return the feelings, like whatever, but involving all my friends and spreading rumors and just being an a-hole?? Rude. So long story short I had a glow up over summer, came back town and saw him, he caught feels, led him on for several months and rejected him the same way he did to me (a bit less extreme ofc)......felt good.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there was a guy i used to have a crush on, he found out (i didnt tell him. my (ex) best friend did) so he started spreading rumors about me, whenever he saw me he would whisper to his friends and they would stare at me and laugh, etc. it was not fun.

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    In 1990 I was working graveyard as a cashier in a 24 hour full grocery store, while attending fulltime College classes in the mornings right after work. Has a friend who couldn't get an apartment and asked of I would put in a good word with the property manager. I happily did and he got the apartment right below mine by chance. A few months later he takes to blasting his new 4' tall speakers in the late afternoon when I'm sleeping. I pleaded with him to please keep it down but the last time I did so he opens the door, looks me up and down like I'm some worthless malcontent that he might get an infection from and says, "Sucks to be you." Then closes the door in my face. Our friendship of 13 years came to an abrupt end. Now 1990 was before the internet was out for the general public. Stores carried a lot of magazines and catalogs. The one I worked in had a full 24' aisle filled with them. I spent a few days on my lunch breaks collecting the subscription cards from every magazine and catalog that had them, which was most. I then spent a week filling each one out to his name and address checking the 'Bill Me Later' option on each card. Mailed them off in outdoor mail drop boxes over the next week. I found out 25 years later that it took him over a year of frustration to get that mess fixed. No regrets.



    My step father was a mean, abusive, pervert. I would spit on his toast if I had to make him something to eat .A passive agressive action that made me feel a little better about having to deal with him.


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    Nathaniel Nganga
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bro i feel really really bad did you ever try to you know file a case against him when you were older like damn


    I used to date this guy in my 20s. We met a "friend" of him, she was giving me cold looks. Figured out he was dating us both at the time. In my 30s I met him (fortuitously) at a bar, and I happen to meet his girlfriend! I knew it was my moment. I managed to tell the girl that's amazing that she is so open minded, because haha we know how he is, and to let me know if she wanted to have some fun *wink wink*. She stormed on him, he then storms on me. 100% worth it. Delightful revenge.



    I owned a faithful Border Collie years ago , he would usually stay rigid by my side when I took him out for walks. On return from a walk one summer evening I stopped to chat to a neighbour and the dog trotted off on to another neighbours property down the street.
    The dog cocked his leg up against a tree on this guys lawn as he emerged from the side of his house, seen the dog and took a running kick at poor doggo.
    I apologised to the nasty neighbour as I comforted the dog but he would not have any of it , threatened the dog , and me if we ever went near his property again.
    Remembering about revenge being best served cold, I waited a full year , got out of bed at 2 am and poured industrial weed killer around his lawn.
    It looked a mess a week or so later so he had the whole lot dug up in preparation to lay new turf.
    This also got the 2am treatment


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'd have collected the dog's crap and put it into his a/c as well.

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    My brother had some serious mental issues, but back then parents just didn't know what they know now and thought certain behavior as just something kids would grow out of. He was about 16 when I was 9. He used to really hurt me sometimes and my parents would always play it off as sibling roughhousing. But it wasn't. He pushed me into traffic once and I almost got hit. He pushed me out of a treehouse, hit hit me so hard he almost broke my jaw, he set fires and got into drugs very young... it was really abusive. They sent him to therapy but in the meantime I was getting hurt a lot and I was scared to tell because he would threaten me. So I broke up a glass once and put the shards in his face cream he used every night for acne. Cut the s**t out of his face and hands. They were mostly small cuts so they healed but oooo he was hurting for a few days. I know it was drastic but I didn't know what else to do. I felt like I needed to scare him. When he found out it was me he threatened to tell and I told him if he did that next time i'd put it in his food. He never really physically hurt me again after that and anytime he did I did something like that. He cut my hair off once so I put a sheet of thumbtacks sticking up in his pillow case. He eventually stopped simply because I was going to retaliate and finally figured out it wasn't worth it. Sometimes with a violent person the only way to get through is with violence. Therapy never really helped him and my parents tried, but never really were able to get through to him. But they definitely didn't protect me enough so I don't feel bad about what I did. I wish I wasn't put into the position of having to do it.



    I am actually dubious about posting this, but what the Hell. My husband and I both worked for Ringling, and, became very good friends with an elephant handler. Let me state vehemently, that the elephant trainer NEVER abused any animals. Nor would her tolerate it. Anyway, another elephant handler decided that I belonged to him! It didn't matter that I was married. As soon as I told the animal trainer what was happening, he fired him, and had him trespassed off Ringling property. That made it MUCH worse. He would come pound on our door, yelling that I needed to come with him because he loved me more than my husband ever could. One night, Joe, who was also a Golden Gloves boxer, followed him to our place. He warned the stalker he would regret it if he didn't stop. He didn't. Then he mysteriously disappeared. As in, clothes left behind, gone. Never seen or heard from again. Joe would never tell us what happened. Just said it was best if we never knew. I still wonder to this day, but have accepted that I will never know.



    This was around 8th grade, a few years ago. I really liked this one guy who I shared art class with. I’d talk about him with this one girl who I was friends with. One day, she gets mad at me for whatever reason and screams to the whole hallway that I like this guy. Thank god that he wasn’t there. What do I do? I get the quiet girl who knows everyone’s secrets to dig up some dirt on this girl. Turns out that she was cheating on her boyfriend with his best friend! I tell the boy, and he breaks up with her and she gets a bad rep around school. A bit extreme, but was pretty satisfying for all the manipulative stuff she did to me now that I look back.


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    Sierra Connell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yep we quiet kids know all the stuff. It can be known by you for the low price of a juicy secret that we don't already know...or $5

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    Once a neighbor in our apartment building took our clothes out of the dryer and threw them on floor. I was there just a few minutes after timer went off, so I think this was pretty uncalled for. I saw they had almost ninety minutes on their load, so I just opened the dryer door a crack. When you do that the dryers stops, but the timer doesn’t. Yep, I’m cold like that.


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    Not me but a friend's story--he used to work at Best Buy, and a really rude customer came on. the conversation consisted of her being mean, and he put her on hold for thirty minutes, took his lunch break, came back on, apologised for the wait, and promptly put her on hold for 10 more minutes, then hung up on her.


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    I'll caveat this very old tale with, this was a 'friend' who may or may not have got revenge on a cheating partner by getting duplicate car plates made up off a mate in a garage, scanning the company decals on her company car and making copies, getting another friend to hire the exact model of car she drove, put it all together with a cheap blonde wig and following her route to the guy she was cheating on a few minutes behind her accelerating through every speed camera they could. Each offence worth 3 points on your licence..apparently :)


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    Daniel Marsh
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Duplicate car plates? Oh well, if this friend got caught, at least they'd have experience making license plates. (I'm old; is that still a trope? Convicts making license plates? I understand it only ever really happened in one tiny state.)

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    I temped as an admin asst for a real a**hole. My agent knew how bad he was & had to bribe me to take the gig. One of the obnoxious things I was expected to do was make him breakfast. I used to rinse his spoon in an unflushed toilet right before I gave him his meal.



    I studied at the same uni as my older sister. A guy she was into ghosted her and she was pretty upset. About a year later that same guy started chatting me up and I strung him along and then ghosted him. :-) don‘t mess with sister.



    A while ago when I was ~12. For context, We had some house rules (obviously) and the ones that are important for this story are 1. If you leave trash (chip bags, candy wrappers ect.) out, you have to clean for 30 minutes, and 2. Over the summer, you have to read for an hour a day. (It was summer at the time) I left out a chip bag on accident, and my little brother, (who was around 10 at the time) being my little brother, ratted me out for it. His mistake however, because I knew he had been lying about reading an hour a day for the past couple of weeks. I think you know where this is going. My little brother never knew I ratted him out. He just thought he got caught not reading. Yea he had to do a lot of reading. I was an evil little kid.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OK so he gained some vocab, seems fine. I am not really ok with reading as a punishment, it teaches kids that learning = suffering rather than fun. So. I mean I get it in your case, because kids are childish. But I mean parents using reading as a punishment.

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    i am not a vindictive person but i do have a list of names to give to karma. i have discovered over my 60+ years that it is best to just hope to be around to witness said karma take action. and, yes, it usually happens. however......

    when i was in my early 20s and newly married, we were asked to house sit and dog sit for my bestie. we were happy to do this. at the time, i got one evening off from my work and had told my new hubby that i was going to make a great dinner for us. a couple of hours before he got off work he called and said he had been asked to go for a beer after work; could i hold off dinner for an extra hour? told him no problem and set dinner for 7pm.

    seven o'clock rolls around and no husband. 8 rolls around - still no husband. then 9; then 10. meanwhile, i had eaten dinner, wrapped his up and put in the fridge, and settled down with the dog for the evening all while doing a slow burn. actually, it more because he could have at least called and said he was staying later than just his not showing up. (i never have been the kind of gal that would not want him to hang with his friends but i do want him to be considerate.) he finally rolls in around midnight, being driven by his friends because he was three sheets in the wind.

    now, my bestie had a waterbed. we get into bed and then i realize i 'just can't get comfortable' so i was changing positions, causing the waterbed to react as if there is a tsunami. and, yes, he got sea-sick and spent most of the night in the bathroom.

    so, that is the only time i can remember actively doing something for revenge.


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    Leoninus Fate
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    HAHA I loved this one, it sounds like a couple that loves each other but is just upset would do, such a lil thing to make huge karma~

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    I made a roasted chicken and all the trimmings for dinner. We ate at 5pm when husband got home from work. This evening he was late and I assumed he had to work late so the rest of us had dinner and I fixed a plate for him and put it in the oven to keep warm for him. He strolled in at about 10PM with the explanation that he had been at a bar with his work friends and he was hungry! I told him that anyone who is dumb enough to sit in a bar that serves food and not even have a hamburger was beyond stupid and that he was SOL because there was nothing left of the dinner that we had. So he goes to the fridge and pulls out whatever he could find and had ate...moldy cold Spaghetti-O's and whatever else was in there that was beyond use. He never suspected that a chicken dinner was in the oven and I never told him. I was waiting for him to puke but he didn't..sad.



    My brother was violently attacked by two local boys because he wouldn't give them a cigarette that he was smoking. My parents were the local go to people if anyone was in need, we had even taken in an ex gang member at one point. Well he came to visit and I may have mentioned who had attacked my brother. A couple of days later one of the boys was 'missing' and the other one was in coma. Don't mess with the family that everyone goes to for help. People will repay the favor anyway they can.



    Not secretly, but boooy do I have a story for you! At a summer camp, we were playing this game where you had to find a person to tag. I go to hide and this group of boys comes up and we agree to team up. One kid said “show me who you need to find and I’ll tell you if I see them.” Me being dumb and unsuspecting, I am like “sure!” I didn’t ask to see who they were trying to find. Five minutes later I am chasing the kid I need to get, he turns around the corner and there are the boys who I made a deal with, what do they do? They tag me! I was super ticked off and I had my friends help creep him out. We would walk by and say weird things such as “wait isn’t that illegal?” And I’d respond with “only if you get caught!” We also gave them a letter on the last night that said “don’t go to sleep we know where you live.” Then we had the other group of boys go in their room in the middle of the night and mess up the whole room it was amazing.



    In all honesty...NO...but I am a firm believer in Divine Justice...What goes around,comes around...


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Would be nice if it did. Too many awful people living the high life consequence free, and too many good souls suffering.

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    Whenever my older sister, who is very organized would bother me, I knew I had to retaliate. Instead of violence I decided to mix her things up with small little changes that weren't obvious, but it would drive her crazy.


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    3 years ago

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    In high school I failed this test in this "advance" class. When this arrogant kid found out I was the only one failed. He asked the teacher while looking at me."No the test was too easy, challenge us, make it harder". After second test same kid ask teacher "Who got the best result?" Teacher - "Adam did. He was the only one that pass 50% of the test."



    We were working on a ranch and one of the other hands was a really sleazy guy that would make gross sexual remarks to both me and my daughter. One night heading back home after going to town I see his wife's suv parked on the side of the road with a truck behind it. He and this random guy were carrying a quarter of beef so I knew he was poaching from the ranch and selling it under the table.

    I had an older word processor so I knocked out an anonymous letter and mailed it from a different town. Boss took it seriously and started watching and set up a sting with a sheriff. Come to find out he was not only selling stolen beef he was also selling meth. He was soooo busted! All of a sudden, like magic, no more sleazy sexual harassment!



    One of my favorites in business: As a female art director, I always had to get past the receptionist or secretary or some female before talking to an HR or boss. Women were usually mean and humorless. While waiting I would either pick up their business card (as many as possible) or ask for some. There were times I knew I didn't get the job because of these women . . . so . . . I would then hand out their cards at bars, clubs, meetings, telling everyone to call me anytime! Or come by for lunch! I loved to think some sleazy bar guy would stop by the office and ask for her by name . . .



    Here's another one. This was many years ago. Discovered that a guy I was working with earned 10x more than me, despite being paid for the SAME role. He was an unpleasant guy who bullied all subordinates and tried with me as well. I casually mentioned his salary to a few people, adding that he's a great guy and really deserves it. Always said nice stuff. One day in a meeting we are discussing budgets at our company and CEO indicates there have to be budget cuts. I casually ask what is the biggest part of the budget, he says salaries. I say ok well I hope you find a solution. CEO was NOT aware what this guy had been allocated because he was appointed by CFO at "market-related rates". CFO used to complain about his rate but do nothing about it. I pull CEO aside after the meeting and say "I am just checking but you know so-and-so earns double what you do, right?" Guess who wasn't working there the next month.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Anyway point is, CEO was a hands-off kind of guy that's why he wasn't aware of how this bad guy was milking the company into bankruptcy. Really irresponsible.


    One time, I was mad at my dad (I don't remember what for) and made an unholy concoction of eggs, milk, ad other easily spoilable things. Then I put it under his bed ad forgot about it. Six weeks later, he was about to call someone to check the walls because he thought something died.

    I was a demon child.


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    I wish I could share...but if I did, it could be used against me in a court of law!



    Yes. The only thing I will say is: Don't steal my Oreos.

    source Report


    As a junior technician I was always the one lumbered with making the coffee for our IT Team's meetings when I first started working at a prestigious University. I got sick and tired of being treated as the general dogsbody in the team when I was supposed to be learning on the job (I was at college at the time as well). My petty act of revenge was to make the coffee A) super strong so it would literally strip paint but also B) to melt in a handful of crumbled ex-lax blocks - Ex Lax being a well known chocolate-like laxative - while dutifully making my own coffee separately "because I only drank instant". No one ever worked out why they got the chronic runs after every meeting and thankfully I never got found out (though secretly I wouldn't have cared if I'd got fired tbh, it was a crappy job).


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    hmm. I mean that's not cool to treat you like that but did you think of raising the issue at least once before going for the nuclear option?

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    I am an older sibling to a little brother who is a few years behind me. Often, he plays video games and is loud and annoying (my family and I have no problems with his video gaming with his friends, it's the attitude he gets when doing so and the loud noises coming from him). Well, I love playing video games too- and when I finish homework, chores, work and preparation for the next day, I love to sit down at my PC and play the Sims 4. When I asked my brother to get off after I took a shower, he threw his controller, headphones and a fist at me. I was mad (parents gave up correcting his behavior and now he's coddled by my mother) so what did I do?
    I farted on his pillow.
    I know it's disgusting, but he never caught me. And I also used up the rest of his body wash so he was mildly inconvenienced- and the final thing was, I hid his basketball.
    I don't like violence, but that doesn't mean I can't be nasty.
    Anyway, my little brother never found out it was me and just thought he hadn't washed his pillow, had less body wash than thought and misplaced his basketball. Pretty cool right?
    Also, please note that his attitude like this only really happens when playing video games. Outside of that, my brother is pretty comical, quiet and polite.


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    Klas Klättermus
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    For how long does a fart pillow even smell? I imagine no fart smell at all remains any longer than a fart into the air

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    We were best friends for 12 years until she decided I said something mean..??? She then proceeded to tell the whole school about my personal stuff (a lot of it is really personal and it hurt A LOT when she said it, nobody was spoused to know, its bad too) not gonna say but hopefully yall understand. Anyways she started spreading rumors and stuff, idk wtf was her problem I did absolutely nothing wrong. I told her about my guy best friend (whom I had a crush on at the time) Fast forward to a year later and she gets with him. Rubbed it in my face and get him to stop talking to me. Like the f**k. So I got some dirt on her (she is kinda a ho) and found out she was cheating on my guy best friend, with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 DIFFERENT GUYS. So me being the smart girl I am (im shy too lol) told him, told a few popular girls who cant keep their mouths shut. She got a bad rep, moved away, my guy best friend and I are currently together, and I have to thank her for putting me through s**t for 12 years :) (she would also manipulate, slap me, or make fun of me often, it was a toxic relationship but we did have some good moments)


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    Leoninus Fate
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    good, as someone that has come out of a lot of many years-long toxic friend relationships, GOOD FOR YOU!

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    My ex was very abusive physically left me with a black eye more then once, anyway once we had broken up for good I signed his email and phone number To every thing I came across . To this day I hear he still getting unwanted emails and phone messages /calls



    When I was a teenager I saw my boyfriend’s car in front of a rival’s house at night. Well my mind went a big crazy so I called some girlfriends, rounded them up for a revenge caper. We went back to parked car, so we stuffed her car and his car so full of crushed newspaper so solid that no one could get in. Then as a final revenge act, we put Limburger cheese on their engines!!! I lost the BF.


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    Well, my friend was dating a boy in 6th grade but the boy didn't want anyone to know. Obviously, my friend told me they were dating. I told my crush and then told him not to tell anyone. But then, my crush asked the boy if my friend and him were dating but the boy denied it. I found out later that my crush had also told my English teacher for no reason and I made a plan with my friend to get one of my crushes secrets and spread it, but then my crushes secret was that he once had cancer so I decided not to tell people about that, it seemed pretty serious. I guess this isn't a revenge story but I still told my crush I was mad. He was sorry so I just let it go. 6th grade drama am I right? lol


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    I never wanted to really watch the world burn, but I was fascinated how, working as an office temp, I would (1) always get put in the CEO's office because he was always the guy always had MS Access or Raiser's Edge installed and was always out of town on a business trip, and (2) the CEO always kept all of his passwords on his desk. I knew a LOT more about databases than they expected an office temp to know. I swear I could have taken down most of Boston's economy. Never did, though.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I post this to remind any business owners out there to take security seriously. I imagine most people use Passpack, etc. these days, but I wouldn't be surprised if some nimrods left ther Passpack passwords around. If security seems too onerous (l think a LOT couldn't keep up with new passwords every week), talk to IT. Don't use sloppy workarounds!

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    Not yet. I’m working on it. With so many people it’s a big undertaking!



    Graphic designer. Designing a garden book for publication. One of the gardeners was really controlling about what photos she wanted, told me the book was too expensive and the photos were dull. For the reprint I complied with her wishes and changed the photos, but also added a bonus dead patch to her lawn in photoshop. Tiny, but just enough so I know. Feel much better.


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    I planted a columnar Blue Spruce (will reach 30 feet and broad) to block my neighbors only view over my yard. Why? Because my neighbor leaned a ladder against my fence, reached over and lopped branches of off my 3 grown Pine trees, and then he stuffed the wood under my house. I call it "My Revenge Tree."


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    my sister. So this is a. a long story and 2. ongoing.
    One day back when my ex & I were together he threatened me w/ the promise of r**e. I only told one person and for years I didn't talk about it much online [I don't talk about it offline], as the person I told wasn't all that warm or welcoming towards me when I told. I deleted her from fb pretty soon after, I think.
    Anyway so my ex & I broke up back in Feb. of 2013. The ab**e isn't why [please understand. I'm an insanely private person and I trust few.]. I don't talk to my ex, haven't in almost a decade.
    To fast forward a bit. One day in the last few yrs., my sister brought up the incident regarding my ex. It was never hers to bring up. And it wasn't even for altruistic reasons that she did it. My parents were there. Somehow the topic of her ex came up which. led to her mentioning my moving out in May of 2013 [unrelated to my ex. I didn't live w/ him btw. I have nothing good to say about him and won't defend him. Um. anyway]
    bringing up mine. I told her I had no idea what she was talking about. [Btw. I've been r***d 3 times. not by family or my ex. That's why I gave that reply.]. We, actually back in high school did talk. But we don't anymore and that's a reason why. If I can't trust her w/ the big things. Then I'm sure as h**l not going to trust her w/ the small. I'm just waiting for her to apologise. I'm ok waiting. I mean I'm nice to her but I don't tell her anything personal. So. That's my revenge. Is not telling her things.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What gets censored and what does n*t on this site sometimes makes me scratch my he*d.... :)

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    When my dad and I had an argument I used to borrow his razor to shave my armpits and then put it back it back without him knowing.
    These weren't just small everyday arguments either. He would get angry with me if I didn't "put out" for him. He used to touch me up all the time and then get angry if I resisted which led to the arguments.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WHAAAT? Your dad tried to incestorise you and you punish him by gradually blunting his razors? Have you heard of child protection services?

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    Whenever I need revenge, I just request a visit from a Jehovah's Witness. It really works well.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    omg I wonder what I did, because I got a letter from the JWs the other day.. whatever I did I am sorry, just don't send them to me anymore!!

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    This nieghbor had threatened to call the cops on me and my friends when i was only 8 ( im 12 now) for playing on the street and sidewalk near her house she actually pulled out her phone and i was scared then when we told our parents when they tried to talk to her politely she started cursing at them and then told them she didn't want to see us there again. (a real Karen) so later when i was 9 on halloween we went behind her house and stuck a notice that said you are fined 50 dollars for trying to get underage kids sent to juvie and the notice told her to go to an address a few blocks away with people we didn't know and then we through 2 eggs at her house. So not really to much my revenge mostly my 11 year old and 12 year old friends but it was fun.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    She sounds like a definite Karen as you said, she deserved it, you were only playing!


    Oh poor summer child, you thought we would tell you?


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    Your Favorite Buzz Boi
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    honestly, yes. now i am sad. is this what you wanted? to make the bee sad? it's ok, the bee forgives you. the bee will now go off to make you a honey cake. the bee would like you to know that he loves you and reminds you to drink plenty of water.

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    The company I work for had a "man" that ran the company and he was the type of person that belittled, bullied, publicly shamed, and tried to turn employees on one another. I collected poison ivy from my backyard and rubbed it on the ear and mouth piece of his office telephone, keyboard, mouse, and toilet seat (had his own private bathroom). The end result was phenomenal! And, no, I did not get poison ivy! I am smiling thinking about the misery he went through for weeks.


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    Left a typed written note on a guy's car whose girlfriend was cheating on him with a coworker.


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    My boss circulated a birthday card for the office manager. He was a complete crawler to her, totally unreliable for the rest of us, called in sick on every heavy duty working day. When the card got to my desk, I binned it. I think the boss got the message.


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    I got a coworker fired. She never knew I was the one who took all the pictures of her touching food with bare hands.


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    Yes, and if I told you, it would no longer be a secret now would it.


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    When my dad and I had an argument I used to borrow his razor to shave my armpits and then put it back it back without him knowing.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    you posted this story above but you claimed it was because he tried to molest you/rape you?

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