Sticks and stones may break YOUR bones words will never hurt ME!
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I was 19, and a couple of friends and me were heading back to my apartment after a night of driving around doing stupid sh*t and smoking pot, that was so dangerous and we were lucky we didn't crash, but anyway. We pull into my driveway we go to my apartment. I forgot my purse so I had to walk back to the car. I slipped on some wet grass and busted my a**. It didn't really hurt to much so I try to stand up and boom fell right back down. I go to the hospital and it turned out I broke my foot, my calf bone was split straight up the middle, and my ankle bone was completely shattered. I had to have surgery where they put a bar in my calf, 6 screws in my foot, and metal plate where my ankle was. 6 month recovery time and I don't even have a cool story. I just slip on a hill about a 20 degree slope and busted up my entire leg.
As a teenager in Italy, I raced motorcycles, both on track and off-road. I have never broken a bone even though I took many, many spills.
The only time I have ever broken a bone was after fixing the front brakes of my father's Vespa. Even back then (late 70s) it was a classic, from the 50s. It needed new brakes, so I did it for him and when I was finished I went for a test ride.
I get out of the gated yard, accelerate and then touch the front brake.
I didn't know it at the time, but I had passed the brake cable in front of the unique cantilever front suspension. Turns out that the cable has to be behind the suspension fulcrum or it will stretch the cable as the suspension compresses, the harder it compresses, the more it brakes, in a runaway positive feedback.
This all happened in an instant. I touched the brakes and immediately the front wheel locked and the vespa catapulted me past the handle bars.
I landed on my outstretched hands and then rolled away to minimize damage. The impact fractured my elbow, but the real funny part is that I ended up in a ditch beside the road.
My father and brother heard the crash, came out and all they found was the vespa in the middle of the road, idling, but I was nowhere to be found. The ditch had very tall weeds (I lived there and I didn't know it was a ditch) so for all intents and purposes I had vanished.
While sitting in the ditch, still a bit disoriented, I heard them calling my name, but I was in too much pain to call back. I was out of breath and all I could do was croak and they couldn't hear me, while I could hear everything their said.
Eventually, I started breathing again, got out of the ditch, surprising both of them, we wheeled the Vespa back in the garage and I fixed the brakes properly. I tested the Vespa again, very carefully, and the brakes worked great.
It was about an hour later when I went to grab something from the cupboards and I noticed first that my elbow was swollen, second that I had no muscle strength and my arm collapsed back, punching myself straight on the nose.
A trip to the ER confirmed I had a fracture and I had to wear a cast for a couple of weeks. My summersault into the hidden ditch was family lore for a long time after that.
I survived some very scary wrecks, both on track and in traffic, without a single scratch, but a low speed malfunction on an antique Vespa put me out of service for weeks.
I broke my arm after getting pushed off the slide the first time I insisted I’d be fine I just put it in a cardboard tube until I was pushed off the slide AGAIN BY THE SAME PERSON BREAKING MY NOSE! They didn’t tell my mom I told her when I got home we went to the hospital to clarify the fact I broke my arm and nose.
I might add the other kid got off without a warning
I broke my arm falling off a seesaw. Asked him to let me off, though he heard me, I was wrong, fell off, and killed my arm.
I broke my arm the first time I went snowboarding by falling backwards and trying to "soften the fall" by extending my arm out.
Leg - jumping off a garden shed - tried to look cool in front of my younger brother & his friends. Failed and ended up with a full leg cast for 14 weeks
How about ribs?? Didn’t see the hose stretched out over the lawn - made like Superman but failed to stay airborne! Broke four!