Hey Pandas, Have You Ever Been Mistakenly Called The Bad Guy When You Were The Good One? (Closed)
Have you ever been mistakenly called out for being the bad guy when, in fact, you were the good one?
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I was an executive secretary, and I shared a reserved parking spot with a woman who was drop dead gorgeous. I’ll call her Gigi. (I was just average).
Whomever got there first got the spot. My coworker was rarely on time, and one day when I got in a few minutes early, our Big Boss noticed and said something complimentary to me. Just as I started to say Thank You, his second in command said, “She just did that so she could beat Gigi to the parking spot.”
I couldn’t recover fast enough to defend myself, so my day was ruined, and I felt very much unappreciated.
I saved a failing clinic from closure.
I made a workforce that bickered and argued all the time, into a coherent team that supports each other and helps each other grow.
I took a money abyss, and turned it into an affordable operation.
I reduced a 2 year waiting list into an 3 month waiting list (I'm aiming for less than 8 weeks).
But because I don't answer emails within minutes; Because I don't go to any conferences, functions, or event's; Because I don't join the non-work related online video meetings to talk shite; Because I don't prioritise head offices' agenda over that of my staff's physical and mental welfare...
I'm apparently 'Not the kind of manager [they] are looking for' .
My team call me a hero, head office say I don't belong.
I seem to be going through 'quiet sacking', where the-powers-that-be are making my life difficult in the hope that I'll quit.
I was born with a congenital heart defect. Several years ago, someone accused me of bringing that upon myself. Idk, like karma from a previous life? Same person who didn't trust my ex-husband with me post divorce. Oh, so you don't trust the man who cheated on me with you with me? I had to remind her that I have full control on how far that goes...and her still being with him says I don't want that.
Tldr: mistress accused me of giving myself a condition that is developed in infants while still inside the womb.
My mother always blamed me for anything and everything that went wrong whether it was anything to do with me or not.