Have you ever been in a toxic friendship? Share your story!


She was my roommate at the time. Long story short, she eventually killed my 3 months old kitty.



    She would always make fun of me; calling me a simple person for not believing in God, apparantly I was also less because at that time I had never been in a ''third world country'' and overall she was almost never nice to me. Yet when she hit a rough patch in her life I was always there for her, meeting up at parking lots because she was too afraid to leave her car. I would listen to her for hours trying to be a good friend and comfort her. Even went to the hospital with her once to hold her hand because she was scared. Then one time we both went to a camp together which was a first for me so I was incredibly nervous which she knew. After telling her she scolded me for being the most negative person she knew and she was done with it, and the worst thing was that there was another girl in the car with us too. I started crying but she just didn't care. As soon as I arrived home I never spoke to her again. Fun fact is that we were also collegues but she resigned about 2 weeks after the incident.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's obviously toxic, but definitely NOT friendship! You being a good friend doesn't make it a friendship, since friendship is a reciprocal thing!

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    Its finally mine time!! OK so I lived with my boyfriend for a very long time we can call him Jeff. Anyway I had a day job working at a diner and him being lazy never had one. So bacisly i mad all the money for us. Which he spent all the time, I barely ever had me time. He was so toxic as well he would say "why are you eating again, your so fat, pig, disgusting etc. And it really weighed me down But i never left him because i thought maybe he would change. After awhile of dealing with hes bullSh*t i finally had enough so when i got home around 5 o clock (which was early cause normally i would get of at 8) Jeff was in bed with some other chick. I stared in horror for a couple of second and they weren't even aware that i was in the room or home at all. I left got in the living room and texted him say hey i am 2 mins away from home. i could here him in the other room say sh*t and tell her to leave. And i just sat on the couch waiting. he walked out of the room with this chick and then finally saw me. He then went on with "oh its not what it looks like etc" but i was done i told him to grab his stuff and leave. the girl left as well most likely embarrassed that she realized she was a part of a afire. He now still texts me and says he is sorry but i am now over him and with a new person that makes me feel great and at peace!



    I don't know if this counts, but here it is:

    I was really, really sick for about a year - I ended up hospitalized a couple of times - and a woman I knew but didn't really like stepped up to the plate when no one else could (or would, I don't know). She brought me groceries (I always paid her back - I didn't want to take advantage of her), looked after my cats when I was in the hospital, and was just wonderful.
    After I was well enough to be on my own again, I admitted that I hadn't really liked her very much before, but she really changed my mind about here, and I was very grateful.
    She said, "Oh, I still don't like you. I just wanted to prove that I'm a good Christian."
    And I never saw her again.



    I'm trying to end one right now. She lies about stuff so she can sound cooler compared to anyone she talking to, when we hang out she ignores me, she only talks to me when shes talking about herself, she's in D&D with me and she doesn't help us and ignores the rules, and whenever I try to talk about my mental heath she like "You have not idea what it's really like because when years ago before you knew me, my dog died, i was robbed, and I got bullied, almost all of my friends killed themselves, and I have depression. She never says stuff like that around her mom because it's fake, she's not even a good liar. Like girl shut up . I HATE her but her mom drives us to school so I don't know what to do.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    im really sorry abt her >:[ i bet if i guessed her class it would be a crappy rouge or bard >: but dont worry! don't ignore her but try to hang out w/ other friends more and talk to her less and less :] or you could outright tell her that she needs to fix her act because it's not impressing you or anyone else. i hope you can get her outta your life <3

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    In this story I was the one being toxic and I’m sorry to my friend for
    That, anyways I had a very good friendship and I was being a little toxic to her
    I was saying don’t do his or don’t do that and saying why not to do it in my head, like there was this one time when she was holding books and I told her that if she holds them like that then the other books would fall out of her hands
    But I didn’t say that to her and soon I said to her that I wanted a break from playing with her on the playground (this was when we were in fourth grade) so she said ok then the next day I said it again and then she had a meltdown then the next day I just avoided her and I regret that. Then soon enough she moved and I never saw her again and if my friend is seeing this I just want you to know I’m sorry. Feel free to downvote


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    Easily Excitable Panda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The good news is that you realize how bad your behavior was, and now you can make better choices about how you treat people.

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    I didn’t have any male friends so when I met him it was amazing...then we started fighting. I always thought it was my fault when we had a fight and the passive aggressive messages he sent made me begin to doubt myself. He twisted everything so that he would look like the good guy and turned some of my other friends against me. After three years it was obvious things were not healthy between us but it was so difficult to detangle him from my life and now even years later I still feel vulnerable and distrusting towards some males due to his influence over me that still lingers.


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    Easily Excitable Panda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Listen to yourself! You may be seeing red flags - things that remind you of your ex.


    This one's long but please read until the end! Thanks x

    I'm a teen and in secondary school so me and my 'friend' and i were walking to lunch I go in my bag as normal and my lunch box is missing. I have anxiety and autism so naturally I'm scared as s***, I am in floods of tears at this point and as the campus is large I don't know where to begin. She says I can have something from her lunch so I decide to chill and calm out she says she needs the toilet so I just wait. Our lunch is 30 mins who knows why it's that long but yeah so when 25 mins pass I get really upset and fractious, the bell goes and I'm so upset and hungry I don't know what to do, my minds gone blank and I don't know what lesson I have next so I'm freakin out like CrAzY so the teacher comes over and is like wassupp r u OK and I'm like no what the hell do you think I'm in floods of tears. So we wander around campus and we fins my lunchbox in a toilet 🚽 yes covered in (pardon my language) s**t and piss so yeah. That goes in the bin and I get a school lunch. My friend who I wonder past on the way back doesn't know I'm there and said 'yeha that was good one let's put her lunchbox in the bin next' to I'm like putting padlocks on my bag and that so yeah long story short shes and idiot and was expelled after she did that with multiple of my belongings. FYI she does use bored panda, obvs not gonna give her username but yeah if you read this you know who you are, why?!?! Post cheese in the comments and upvote of you got this far, :)


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    Lauren Caswell
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cheese!!! Omfg. I'm gobsmacked. That's such a betrayal of your trust, and just low down scummy. I hope that person sees this and feels a modicum of shame at least, for what they did. SHAME ON YOU!!! Art Tomboy, the only silver lining I saw was that you heard her this day, as unbelievably crushing as that would have been, hopefully it helped stopped her having easy access to you to continue her bullying. Thank goodness your remaining time at the same school was short: like damage control. I'm so sorry you experienced such a betrayal of trust.

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    not a friendship but a relationship. But we started as friends so I think that counts. We knew eachother since 1st grade and got together 2018. Its started out fine but he was pretty possesive and always tried to change me into a "Yes saying family person", just because he was mummy's boy. His family always tried to talk me into changing my life to fit theirs. His version of future happines looked completely diffrent than mine. He wanted to start a familiy and live in a small village, with me staying home. But I wanna live in different citys all over the world, become succsessfull and most importantly I don't wanna have kids - ever.



    I had many red flags with this girl but we still were very close friends for a couple of years. It ended like this -
    It was a year we graduated from school and had our exams for entering the university. She failed her exams despite of hard preparation and as the result she was losing a year for university. She was miserable and declined to go for a holiday to the sea with our friends that we planned for half a year. We were ok with that as she needed time to recover, but her parents wanted to cheer her up and asked me to convince her to go. As the result I got 2 weeks of blaming and shaming me for the thing that I got to the uni and she didn't. And that is the reason why I am a awful friend! Still can't understand that. The most stupid end of friendship ever.


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    Alyssa Sweat
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They are just upset and jealous that you get to go, so they are putting the blame on you.


    Yes I was in a toxic friendship once. All of my friends have been in a different class in third grade and I wanted to make friends with this one girl and she decided to have a change everything about myself so she’d like me like I had to like fashion and Disney shows eventually I just told myself that I was not going to hang out with us grow anymore and over two years of not being friends and I am better than ever


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    Easily Excitable Panda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes, anyone who wants you to change just wants a little doll version of themselves.


    So many toxic relationships... I'm pretty sure I am an easy target. I will bend over backwards to try to move mountains for people, and then they take advantage... I attribute it to when I was bullied in 2nd grade and did anything to try to fit in.
    High school (2001) - I had a car, others didn't. If I were running someone else around like a taxi, I asked for a little money towards gas. Not much - just a buck or two here and there. Someone I thought was one of my best friends got a job on the west side of town. She lived on the furthest east part of town (literally on Lake Michigan). After of some while of driving her and her sister to and from school, and getting her to and from work I finally asked her for money now that she had a paycheck. We weren't friends after that.
    College (2003) - I thought I was friends with 3 girls I signed a lease with. Boy was I wrong... ended up living with my boyfriend and just paying for my part of the lease.
    5 years ago - Met a friend through work. Hung out a lot, but always on his terms. Floated him a loan (I did take his smartwatch as collateral) so he could pay his rent one month. Picked him up on the side of the road during a snow storm when his car broke down, drove him home from work, etc. I was there when he needed and none of his guy friends would help. When I went through a rough time he wasn't there.
    So many toxic relationships, and you'd think I would have learned by now!
    TL;DR - I'm a magnet for them.


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    Christine M Quigley
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Learn the red flags. Figure out why you have such low self esteem. Stop the negative self talk. Stay around positive people. Maybe talk to a therapist. Otherwise, you're going to continue to make the same mistakes.

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    I had a friend who would constant borrow / steal things and I had to hound him or even steal them back. When he stole my moms identity and got a phone for his girlfriend and attached it to my moms account it was the last straw. I cut off all contact with him. He somehow got my new number years later and kept calling and texting me. Finally I told him if I ever saw him again Id do something which i wont say here but would probably end with me in jail for a long time. I haven't heard from him since but I did see him once I think as was turning around and the ran in the opposite direction.


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    Raine Soo
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Let's face it, your former friend was a thief, who seemed unrepentant. Let's hope that he's a better person now.

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    Had an old friend who started ignoring me in favor of her other friends; I tried going along with it, but it got to the point in which she became friends with someone who openly claimed to be a Nazi.

    Yeah, that was over quickly.



    Yeah. Junior high and high school. Two girls I knew separately. J and C. Well they each seemed nice to me. But once they met they tormented me. Sending pizzas to my house. Prank calls. Etc. I really didn’t have many friends so I would try to see each alone. But randomly the other would show up an it was war on me for no reason. I just ghosted (that wasn’t a term then in the 80s) and left them alone. Just wasn’t worth the drama to me I concluded.



    Yeah, my friends would tease me a lot. They thought it was fun to steal my lunchbox, but it was super annoying. You guys probably read this in another post but once they put cheeto dust in my hair (which is very dark). Just before quarantine started, I would go to the orchestra room instead if rec cause I knew they would be at rec. I would go in the bathroom when they were in the hallway to lunch and at lunch I would sit in the hallway seats with some other people.


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    These stories are really sad. So much low self esteem and no self confidence. I think this country is in big trouble unless we make mental health a big priority.


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    Virgil Sanders
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    while i agree with you no one said any of these stories happened in any specific country

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    Yeah this girl who used to live a few blocks away would always invite me over and we’d hang out but I’d have to do her chores and I pretty much just entertained her but if I did something she didn’t like I was yelled at like literally yelled at as if I was some stray mutt. She got a new poor soul wrapped around her chubby little finger and I stopped talking to her.


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    Suzanne Haigh
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hope you do not yell t a "poor stray mutt". Is America full of stray cats and dogs?, I hear so many tales


    This one's long but please read until the end! Thanks x

    I'm a teen and in secondary school so me and my 'friend' and i were walking to lunch I go in my bag as normal and my lunch box is missing. I have anxiety and autism so naturally I'm scared as s***, I am in floods of tears at this point and as the campus is large I don't know where to begin. She says I can have something from her lunch so I decide to chill and calm out she says she needs the toilet so I just wait. Our lunch is 30 mins who knows why it's that long but yeah so when 25 mins pass I get really upset and fractious, the bell goes and I'm so upset and hungry I don't know what



    So I had this friend back in primary school who was really nice and brought me presents and stuff but then she would get really mad when I would hang out with other people. I remember one time when I was hanging out with another friend and she came over and somehow the topic got onto who was the better friend and she shoved me really hard so I fell then caught me right before I hit the ground and then said something like "see! If I was the worse friend she wouldn't trust me to catch her like this!" My mum didn't like her and told me that I should be careful around her and when I told her I didn't want to be friends she shook the rope thing I was on until I took it back and left a massive mark on my back for weeks! Luckily she moved away soon after and I lost contact with her.

    This might not be that bad but I think even something like this is toxic so yeah



    We were friends for quite a long time, but do not live in the same city. Everything was ok and nice, until you have had an other opinion. Oh my, all hell would broke loose and she transformed to a real devil. Other friends asked me once, how I could be friends with her. I never understand the question in the beginning. The last time I meet her, shd was cold and distant and I found a excuse to leave early. Sad, cause I really liked her. :/


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    For about 5 Years (Age 12-17) I was 'friends' with this girl who would always threaten to get angry with me and tell me to end my life. I was quite passive and had a horrible anxiety disorder. She would always make negative comments about my body which led me to develop a severe eating disorder (which almost killed me) and body dysmorphia. The only reason I managed to get away from her was because she tried to pin a big exam cheating scandal (that SHE organised) on me when I had nothing to do with it. I eventually managed to slowly distance myself from her and hang out with friends that didn't have a hierarchy and treated me with actual kindness. Due to the trauma of that toxic friend, my mental health issues make it difficult to live a normal life. I am glad I am still alive despite everything she put me through.


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    Javier Brenes
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Keep on fighting and moving forward, you are awesome and worth the life you ve been given!


    yes... i was the toxic one. i realized i had to end things before we both got hurt even more.


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    Yes. One of my friends would ghost me, only talk to me when she wanted something, would berate me, and spread rumors about me. I wanted to break off that friendship but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. She took advantage of and abused my willingness to be kind to everyone, even if they hurt you.


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    She lived two houses up the road. We met when I was 3 and she was 2, and she practically lived at my house growing up. She was my best friend till college, and then we were still super close but we didn’t live near each other so we didn’t see much of each other. When I went to another state to continue schooling, I got pregnant. It was a huge surprise because I was supposed to infertile — but a happy one because I’d always wanted kids. But she thought I should have an abortion and wouldn’t stop hounding me about it no matter how often I told her I wanted the baby. Then I got engaged to the baby’s dad and set the date for the next year (baby was 7 months when we got married) and I made her my maid of honor because of how long we’d been friends. But she didn’t like my fiancé and kept mouthing off about how it was too soon to get married, even though we’d been together 18 months by then. She did none of the normal MOH stuff, my mom wound up doing all of it. Finally a few years later she was engaged and wanted me to go way above and beyond as MOH even though she hadn’t been remotely supportive of me or my relationship or my family for YEARS plus never did MOH stuff for me, not to mention I had a young child as well so a lot of that stuff was harder/impossible for me. I didn’t think it was fair that she wanted me to do all that when she couldn’t be bothers to do any of it for me and finally I suggested she get someone else to do that stuff. She had the nerve to call me a bad friend after that and I was just done. I ended the friendship and took petty revenge (changed the password on her TheKnot page and deleted everything there, so she had to start her lists and stuff over from scratch). I’ve been married over a decade to my husband and we have 3 kids now. Super happy I didn’t listen to her and I’m glad she’s out of my life now.


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    Yes, but it was my ex fiancé. I was 19 and he was 20 (we were 8 months apart) We were close friends in middle school and we lost touch after he went to high school as I was held back a year due to being sick and then was home schooled throughout high school. He found me again through Facebook and we started to talk before ultimately dating. His true colors were showing right at the end of our relationship. We started dating in 2014 and I ended it in April of 2017. It started out great, there were no arguments or fights other than our non serious playful arguments or when we were gaming, but even then it was all in good fun. His true colors started to show in the middle of 2016 after we got engaged at the end of 2015. We started to actually argue and fight which caused my anxiety to be at an all time high, even though I was undiagnosed at this point. I lost myself and I tried to end it sooner, but he threatened off himself, so I stayed because I was terrified. It wasn’t until later that I learned he was manipulating me into staying. I finally ended it after I said that I wanted to see a therapist to get diagnosed and he put me down for that. I also wanted to lose weight because I wasn’t happy with my body, I was unhealthy, and I wanted to be in a better place. His response to that was to get mad at me and insult me, and things got worse from there.I weighed on breaking up with him for a few weeks before I realized the love I had for him was just gone. I ended it. And now I’m 26 and in college, I’ve lost weight, I’m seeing a psychiatrist for my anxiety and I’m on medication, I’m in a happier place mentally and emotionally, and I’ve found myself again. I’m just glad his true colors came out when they did because I don’t know what would have happened if we had gotten married.



    When I was in elementary school I had a friend. She would bully me one day then the next act so sweet. She would spread cruel rumors about me and then act so innocent. Once when we were partnered to do a project I created the idea and got an A+ but she took all the credit for my brilliant idea and said I was so lazy and pathetic. She was popular so she got away with that. But during the state test I caught her cheating and ratted her out. She was held back a year and transferred because she was embarrassed. Ha payback.


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    Had a "best friend" for years since summer before eighth grade. We are now almost 40. Haven't talked to her in over a year because of several things. Like I cosigned on a car for her (she was a single parent) never gave me a reason not to trust her. Ended up filing bankruptcy and stuck me with the debt. REFUSED to pay me back saying she was broke etc yet could go out to the movies every other day and go out drinking etc. We were roomates and I moved out early. Paid ALL the rent, all she had to do is pay water / electric. She bailed without telling me, that's now on my credit and the worst was as soon as she found out I was buying my first house she lost her damn mind and I won't give details because it makes me sick to my stomach but lets just say she did the absolute un thinkable and literally tried to destroy my entire life. It back fired on her of course, but she is a miserable disgusting person. I feel bad for everyone that believes any lie that comes out of her mouth. I'm not sure what ever happened to turn her into this person because for most of our lives she was the kindest most gentle most responsible person. But now here we are, I have my own home, a beautiful family and a career. She has a son that cusses her out and treats her like trash, a baby daddy in and out of prison, a dead end career and still lives off of family or "friends" because she has so much debt she can't keep an apartment or get her own house. Sad.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    she deserves everything she gets because she doesnt work for it.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Erf, still playing dodgems with them to this day. Generally a nice person who has been very messed up by her parents. However, she is a compulsive liar, manipulator, and thief. She steals items from people and tells others that she bought them so has a backing of people for if you confront her. If she borrowed something you will never get it back, sold stuff for money she needed then took them back. She almost got six people evicted from their student flat because she wouldn't pay rent and manipulated them into thinking she had, then did the same thing the next year and nearly got two more people evicted. She eventually tried it on the wrong person. Keeps trying to get back into people's graces but they know what she does now. Still tries to contact me and manipulate me to forget the grand worth of stuff she's stolen from me.


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    Well, sit back because this is a doozy. When I was 6, I befriended a girl that lived in the apartment building across from me. Everything started out fine, we played together, we had sleepovers, and we had great times together. Then a few years later (Here comes her addiction to social media!) she got so attached to Instagram, Twitter, all that other stuff. It made me start to feel less important. Then came the time where she started to say stuff about me behind my back, and I knew that she started to dislike me. When I was 10 or 11 we started calling on Hangouts. And this girl would just watch Youtube or Netflix and pretend I wasn't there, or she wasn't really interested in our conversations. I was going through a lot at that time (that's another story) so this brought down my self-esteem. Oh! How could I forget? At sleepovers, she would constantly try to get me into trouble and trick me to do things that would get me in trouble. When I was about 12-13 I blocked her, cut off contact. She did try to contact me last year but I said I didn't want to start fresh because of all that she did to me. She is a toxic, lying, manipulative girl who was just using me. So yeah, there's my toxic past friendship


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    My best friend, Chloe and I had this one friend, who was going through family issues so Chloe let her live with her and her husband for a while. Everything went down hill from there. She would start fight with Chloe's husband, throw things at him, come in at three in the morning, admit that she was out sleeping with other guys when she had a boyfriend, but then deny it later. She also stole the apartment key to which Chloe called the cops on her for, but we don't know where that led. They are back in their home state, so we're not worried about it. She still stole some shirts, K-cups, and threatened to steal their dog. But she wound up pregnant with her boyfriend who she then married, but admitted to Chloe that she was still sleeping around with other guys. They're now divorced and he now has custody of their daughter, but she wants her back and I know she's unfit parent. It's just crazy because she seemed fine, until we became her friends and then hell broke loose. We've cut all ties with her, but I'm worried about her kid.


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    She’d been making loads of crappy comments about my lifestyle (my partner and I both work, own our own home and pay for daycare vs her living rent free in a flat her parents own of benefits and a partner who’s never worked) saying she/they deserve to be paid for cuz they are good parents and that we lived in a bad area (actually we don’t) . I’ve blocked her before but I gave her a second chance, then she started sending me anti-vax stuff , my kids are fully protected as am I


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    Had a coworker who I thought we were friends and one day she was in a bad mood and stood up while I was talking to someone else and asked why I couldnt cut to the chase with my story. Prior to this we hung out a lot, but I was super pissed cause she tried to take her bad day out on me. Realized this chick is just a bully, and a miserable person. She loved to make stupid comments about white people and the fact that i am half black and white and she is black. I think that day she just thought she was going to make me look stupid in front of everyone, and luckily management who was right there agreed she was out of line in the first place. It is very hard to describe her and the things she did in this way, but I started to question how we were ever friends in the first place.


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    I met my best friend when I was 21 and she was 20. We partied, we bonded we did what 20 year olds do but then we hit our 30s and I matured. I grew and learned and became a grounded, emotionally stable adult.. sadly she stayed at we were when we were in our 20s. She dated toxic men (like screaming in your face, tracking your moves, gaslighting, love bombing - all of it) and I’d comfort her when it crashed and burned and then she’d go back to them and ghost me. That went on for years. I love her dearly but my health and heart couldn’t take the abuse.


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    Absolutely, it was in middle school. I’ve never fought with anyone outside of my family more than her. She was a bad influence too, I found myself constantly feeling horrible about myself and cursed like a sailor. She would use her problems for pity and attention. Like she once felt the need to tell my math teacher that she got hit in the head once. She eventually left me over text for reasons I still don’t understand til this day. When I saw her in person at school the next day, my other friend told me that she made fun of me for crying. I spent that entire school day in the counselors office. Anyways, she was a blessing and a curse. Her impact made me learn how to not treat my friends, but I’m terrified of becoming like her. I still have dreams about somehow becoming friends with her again, even though she was no good.


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    In one right now. Maybe not. IDK I would say toxic but. They keep saying how they could kill me but they are like the size and build of Steve Rogers before the super-soldier serum.
    You judge. Example convo from 2 Days:
    Friend: Minecraft?
    Me: Can't going out to eat with family
    Friend: ____ You!
    Me: Langauge
    Friend: That's why I hate you
    *Next Day*
    Friend: Minecraft?
    Me: Ya, after I'm finished reading this book. Should take around an Hour.


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    she managed to convince me (in kinderkarten) that she was a vampire and that if I wasnt her friend vampire she would suck my blood. this ended up with her lightly harrasing me. luckily I'm over this event now


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    Basically a one way street situation that I realized over time. also had a track record with other people on the website we met on I ignored. They were fine as long as everything went their way and I didn’t question anything but as soon as I brought my needs into the friendship [that eventually morphed into a very short lived romantic relationship], they started to pull away. I was devastated at first but eventually realized that being in a relationship with someone who expects you to compromise but won’t do the same really sucks.


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    Yes, many they would always pull these dumb toxic pranks on me, and they would try to guilt trip me with s**t I didn't do. And when one of those bitches found out I wanted to kms she didn't give a f**k she just asked if she could go back and play volleyball, they were just horrible friends there's alot more but I'm already sad so we ain't gon talk bout that



    yep. he got mad at me for blocking on social media or something like that (i honestly dont know) so our teacher took us outside in the snow and next period EVERYBODY was talking about how i aparrantly gave him a concussion EvEn ThOuGh I nEvEr ToUcHeD hIm let alone get close to him. the next day he came in perfect not a bruise on him.


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    Yes, and and sometimes it was me. Particularly that times I failed to see a friend struggling and wasn't the friend they needed, or worse, was a terrible person to them for things looking back were so stupid. Like in college I had a friend who "came out" (circa 2005 ish), I was more concerned with people thinking I was gay than what my friend was going through, and looking back I realize what a gigantic ass I was, and I don't blame that person for never speaking to me again.


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    Had a 'friend' in elementary school who tried to break up my friendship with my bestie, and wou


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    used me for candy and money.


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    She (now a he but I'd like to use the pronouns from then) had talked behind my back at my own birthday party, was using me for online friends, and when other people did the same to me but in Minecraft, (in my server it's really well known for people to try to befriend me, and then just use me for things. Pretty much everyone who plays on that server knows this-) she didn't do a single thing at all, yet she was with me that entire time. I have trust issues now because of her. :)


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    idk if this comment is already there, (bp is being weird rn) but sorry if this seems boring or repetitive- I just really needed a place to rant about this and this seemed like the right place to :|

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    I was his only friend, and was afraid to leave him because of what he might do. He called me every day, and left me so drained that my depression was the worst it had been in years. He’s like a leech- but I’m afraid that without me he won’t survive. And I’m more afraid of the guilt than I am of him.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a friend like that, he constantly leeches off of everyone and caused 4 people (including myself) to do some... bad things to themself. He then threatened to (Toaster + Bath) himself, then joke about it when confronted

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    Where do I even begin?! We used to be very good friends, so we moved in together. But then she never cleaned up. She didn’t contribute to shared stuff like cleaning supplies, TP, spices... she’d shave her leg right after I’d scrubbed the bathroom spotless and would not flush the hairs down. Would leave hair and toothpaste regularly in the sink. She even slept with another roommate of ours IN MY ROOM. Whenever she had a bad day, the whole flat was full of negativity. She’d set her alarm to 4:30 am and leave it ringing until 7 am with locked doors, so that I could’t turn it off. She’d skip the rope during the night or early in the morning (5 am). She was the worst person ever and I am so happy she’s no longer in my life


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    Wasn’t too big. . . But when I was ten my best friend would “joke” with me. She would tell me too look stuff up on the internet that could potentially be dangerous and then say “JUST KIDDING!!” I broke up with her after she did it a few times.


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    I had a friend in Primary School, who I considered my best friend. I would give her any money that I scrounged up, all of my food, invited her to all of my birthday parties, defended her from racist pricks, etc. She never did any of this, only invited me to a single one of her parties, where the present i got for her was immediately taken (she complained that it wasn't good enough) and I was pushed into a corner where I sat for the next 3 hours, only getting up to get some water or fairy bread. When I moved away, i said to her, 'I'm glad that we were able to be best friends!' and she said, 'Friends? I only thought of you as a classmate.'

    No wonder I have trust issues.


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    He was my best friend for a while. I was a time that we'd go out and drink and party a lot



    Guy I've known since we were both 17


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    One of my best friends sadly. I’ll call him W. We were really close and had a lot of similar interests, overall seemed like a great guy. Yeah he could be annoying at times, but he was a middle school boy when we met soooo. As we got closer, we FaceTimed a lot, we would talk about all sorts of stuff, then it got deeper and personal. He would vent to me and my friends about how depressed he was (mainly because his aunt that he absolutely loved had recently died) and how he had all this anxiety and stuff. I still cared for him lots and promised to help him and that we would go through it together (I also had anxiety). Then as the months went on, W started talking suicidal. He would threaten that if I didn’t do blank he would hurt himself or kill himself or etc. Sometimes it was send him pictures of Disney actresses that he liked, or ask our friends if they cared about him. Stuff like that. He would also complain he didn’t have any friends or that everyone hated him. He was just all over the place. He would have constant mood swings, sometimes he was really nice and honestly the kind of person I would genuinely want and a best friend of the times he was like I have described. One of my best friends said he had a crush on me so he acted different, but He was very honest when he liked someone, + I’m pretty ugly. But these things went on for a while when one day, Our mutual friend apparently “falsely accused him of being a jerk” (which she did not) soWhat does he do but the very next day write her a letter calling her terrible things and saying that they can’t friends. There’s SO SO SO many more layers to this than that, but this would be so long if I elaborated any more. So basically the girl who received the letters brother, pissed W off, so W punches the brother then pins him to the ground by the neck. The girl who received the letter and I went to the principal, and it was a whole thing. Ugh. He eventually apologized, and I try to not be mean to him. But honestly it takes all my willpower. He was a pastors kid too.


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