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I wrote a poem

I am weird
I am different
I don’t quite fit in

Sometimes I feel like an alien
I don’t belong here on earth
I’m not sure how long I’ve been this way
Probably since birth

I react very strongly to things
That don’t seem to bother others
“Haha guess I’m weird” I say
Why do I need a cover?

I am weird
I am different
And I don’t quite fit in

By noises and crowds
I am strongly affected
I can’t wait for the day
I’m finally accepted

I freak out over little things
It’s odd, apparently
But in certain environments
I just can’t think coherently

I am weird
I am different
I don’t quite fit in

I have a sense of humor
Just can’t always tell you’re joking
Be gentle with me
I’m already broken

Sometimes I just can’t do anything
I come across as lazy
“Please stop procrastinating”
Am I just going crazy?

I am weird
I am different
And I don’t quite fit in

I fidget and I squirm
I’m never quite comfortable
Singing and humming
Helps me to be functional

There is something unusual about me
That others always see
“Fake it till you make it”
I just wish I could be me

I am weird
I am different
And I just don’t fit in

Lmk if you like it!!



    i didnt even know thats a thing so i did nothing but if you count me currently being alive and autistic supporting autism or something then sure i did that



    i have autism and completely forgot and the school didn't do anything so no but it's good others did!


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    That Goth Demon (zey/zem)
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I didn't know autism awareness month existed beforehand and I'm autistic as well


    I've been working on a podcast episode on autism (unfortunately won't be out before the end of the month), and I'm planning on applying for a ted talk based on a presentation on autism I did for my highschool late last year. (Oh, and, yeah, I'm autistic)



    No I haven't, but I would like to learn more about autism. I know the basics.
    developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with with autism have problems with social communication and interaction. How does that differ from someone with social anxiety. I don't mean to dismiss it, I just want to know. And also people fall into different spots on the spectrum, but honestly I don't know what that means exactly. I'd like to know how autism affects a person, and what is something I can do to make them comfortable. I'm not sure if this makes sense. But clearly I need some awareness.


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    El is so weird (s)t(he)y
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s cool you want to learn more! So social anxiety is a part of autism, but it isn’t all of it. Sensory processing differences is also part of it, and many autistic people stim. (Short for self stimulating. Even neurotypical people do it. Pacing, fidgeting, humming, etc) they might have certain sensitivities. Many autistic people get overwhelmed in loud or crowded environments. Some struggle with mental health, due to ableist environments, or bullying. As for being in different spots on the spectrum, I’m not sure how to explain it well but here’s a picture I found https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthemighty.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F03%2FRibbet-collage-1280x427.jpg%3Fv%3D1640186858&tbnid=nh_KvaT12h0rSM&vet=12ahUKEwjG96uLlbf-AhXEOkQIHconD3sQMygCegQIARBe..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fthemighty.com%2Ftopic%2Fautism-spectrum-disorder%2Fautism-spectrum-wheel%2F&docid=AgGlmBYbZNDUUM&w=1280&h=427&q=autism%20spectrum%20mild%20sever%20tumblr&hl=en-us&client=safari&ved=2a

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    My “brother” (not really, I disowned my family in my head) is severely autistic. I see many people on Bored Panda saying that they are autistic, and it’s probably true but there are varying levels of autism. Many autistic people here have social issues or maybe worse but my “brother” has an extremely low IQ (somewhere in the 70’s I think) and has severe temper tantrums. What I’m trying to say is that not all autistic people are the same and no, most people here are most likely not faking autism when they say they do!


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    Chloe Niamh Ross
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Severely autistic isn't really a valid term, its about where someone is on the spectrum

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    I didn’t know that existed..so I’d say noooo….I can’t comment but I look forward to reading yours!


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