We’ve all encountered them, but how have you beat them? Tell us your story!
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I would calmly tell them that the amount of poop that is coming out of ur mouth it would make ur butt jealous period
There was a person who thought that my stories were awful (I write a lot of stories for fun) and said that it would be better if I killed myself. I responded with my favorite comeback ever, "Look, if I wanted to kill myself I would have climbed up to the top of your ego and jumped down to your IQ. Toodles!" So after that, I just walked away, but not before seeing that look of sheer disappointment on that person's face.
1st: that was good! *round of applause* 2nd: I am sure your stories are amazing!
My story is that there was this kid who was always walking around telling everyone how they were dressed badly. He came up to me, I looked at his clothes and said, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was 1966." He shut up after that
I didn’t shut this person down but it is a great story. I was at a restaurant and there was a 4 year old (estimating) boy. He had down syndrome and there was a group of people on a table near him. He got up and started eating their food (his food hadn’t arrived yet). A man from the table man gently went and told the mum and grandma who were with the kid that he was eating their food. The grandma got up and shouted in the man’s face claiming the kid couldn’t help it and that if he wanted to eat their food, he could. A waiter nearby came to pull the grandma away from the man and the grandma asked to see the manager. The manager cane out, the grandma screamed at the man again and the manager asked her to leave. The poor kid just looked so confused the whole time and was crying by the end of it.
We had this bully (a new guy) in our class, he was starting to bother everyone, and nobody checked him. He was getting really aggressive.
One day while the teacher was out of the class, he went up to me and asked what kind of tasks do we have to do and demanded that I should explain it to him and let him copy my work, "or else". I got tired of his threats and called him out. He told me to meet up after classes on The Mountain, it's we're the fights were happening. We've met up. He started verbally assaulting me and shoved me, I punched him in the face once, and it all ended. He became a nicer person to everyone after that, and his aggressiveness evaporated.
Just for the record, I regret fighting. I was really nervous after that, and was worried if he's ok, if I didn't do any long-term damage, if he's going to call his older friends, etc. Now that I look at it, I probably should've gone about it in some other way, but I was in fifth grade, so I didn't know what I was doing.
If he was new to the class he was probably putting on a front out of nerves but you did the right thing as it changed his attitude.
School bully. Picked on me for months. One day I turned to him, looked down on him (he was a bit shorter than I am) and said, he must feel very heroic. Insulting me, shoving me, trying to trigger a reaction from me.... while he is standing with is back to a staircase in Level 4 of our school building.
He turned very pale, very fast. Never talked to me again
I was bullied by this guy in school, he would make fun of me and kick the back of my chair all the time. I had been a bully when I was little and I had grown out of that, so I didn't want to react violently. So I kept turning the other cheek, I tried to make fun of him in turn, but it didn't stop him. I am also a total nerd and had a reputation of ignoring my classes to read whatever book I was into. One day, he was kicking my chair and I just felt peeved as I tried to focus on my book. The teacher left the room for a moment to get paperwork, he kicked harder. I got angry, I put my book down, stood up, turned around, grabbed his desk and flipped it. I then turned around, sat down, picked up my book and pretended to read. The teacher walked back in and was like "-person's name- why did you flip your desk? Pick that up right now!" He was aghast, "It wasn't me! It was her!" Teacher looks at me, apparently clueless to the turmoil going on behind me with my nose in my book "-person's name- pick up your desk NOW."
I teach painting and decorating. I once had a student and he was so open about being gay. (Good for him) There was another student who started hacking on him about this so I said to him "because he is gay it doesn't mean that he fancies you! How would you feel if you was judged by the colour of your skin?" He shut up after that and through out the course!
When my son was about 6 months old, I took him in his baby carrier to a local fast food restaurant. I was a tired new mom, and I was glad to get a quick bite without much effort.
I placed his carrier on the table, and began to eat my food. A woman approached, smiling. She told my what a beautiful baby I had, and handed me a pamphlet. As soon as I saw the pamphlet was 'Pro Life', I said "I don't need this, take this back."
"But you HAVE a BABY!" she exclaimed.
"Yes," I replied. "And that was MY CHOICE."
She left me alone and even left the restaurant!
There was a boy I once knew, he was very dense and just generally rude. He was super homophobic and would shove the bible down everyone's throat and would regularly make fun of the mentally disabled, like calling them Retard even after it wasn't a medical term anymore. I used to be close with him, but he was a horrid example of a human being. He came up to me one day and told me, that all my friends were going to hell in a handbasket and would burn for being sinners, I let him finish his rant before I started in on him, I stated, "I understand you aren't very smart or polite, but you don't need to expose others to your ignorance. So do the kind thing for all of us, and be silent before I cut off your tongue and shove it down your throat, you pathetic waste of humanity." Then I smiled and walked off, leaving him sputtering behind me.
I wouldn't say shut down, but when I was in 9th grade, this kid was being annoying while people were trying to do their work. Since he wasn't quiet, I asked him if he could stop. He didn't. This happened a couple times before I snapped and told him to just shut up and do his work. He didn't like this, and walked over to me and said he was gonna punch me. Now. I'm not sure why I did this, but something about him being a foot shorter than me and threatening to beat me up (which he was perfectly capable of doing) was so funny, and I literally laughed in his face. I wasn't mean about it. It was a genuine laugh. He got really confused, and sat back down.
Oh, my gosh, when I did Security work, I often encountered the kind of men who disrespected women in the Security field. One example is when I was doing traffic control at a school for an event. This doofus parked in the fire zone like he was special. I approached his car and asked him to move. His reply? "Well, if there's a fire, I'll move." (Sorry, dude, you'll never make a good stand up comedienne). I was firm and said "You'll move now sir." And I stood there until he moved. I suppose he thought I would just walk away and allow him to park there anyway. Besides parking illegally, he was blocking traffic.
Dam right! I am here to do a job and part of that is to make sure idiots like you obey the rules like everyone else!
this was a shutdown but my dad did it to some Karen at the grocery store. we were shopping that are wearing masks and this woman was not wearing a mask so my dad said to like one of the people should she be wearing a mask and the man said yes but he seemed not to really want to stop her. and then the Karen said oh you don't worry about me. and then my dad said I'm not worrying about you I'm worrying about everyone in the store. she said but do you have Jesus and here comes the shutdown my dad said no but I do have a PhD in epidemiology.
I've respected him more after that
Well, I'm not sure if this counts or not, but I think its a great story. So, at lunch at school I was doing my little hula hoop thing, and this kid from another just came up to me and purposely tripped me! There was a strict teacher there too, but she was always really nice to me. Anyways, I watched the older kid get yelled at for the rest of lunch. Then he never messed with me again.
Ok, here's one. We've all encountered online bullies on different social medias. One of my comebacks is "Excuse me while I go in the little girl's room and cry." Like what is this, mean girls in Jr. High School?
Every time this happens:
Them: *insert racist, sexist, whatever-ist statment*
Me: I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.
So I used to work at a horse trail riding centre, mind you I was 13 and one day we had this woman come in and she explained that she would only ride this particular horse because it was the prettiest and I said to her look we can’t do that, this horse is not suitable for you as you are only a beginner and it would be unsafe for us to put you on that horse and I just said I’m gonna have to send you off the premises if you don’t oblige by the rules thank you
I was in the 6th-grade band, and we were getting our lockers assigned. and while the teacher was away helping other students, some 8th graders ( in 6th grade because he failed 6th 2 times ) started shooting staples at people. everyone asked him to stop, but he didn't. So I went and told the teacher what was happening. after that he called me a bit*h, but no one got hurt.
Someone kept bullying everyone, commenting on how we look and stuff. After a while I said, I think you need glasses since you keep mistaking everyone as a mirror. Another one I used once was "I would challenge you to a battle of wits but I can see that you are unarmed"
i had a controlling "friend" that would not listen to me and was rude. she was one of the main reasons for my anxiety and Depression. i got angry and upset but I am too shy to tell the teacher so I got my friends to do it. my teacher let me move my seat away from her. it was the last class we had before we went on spring break but then covid came and I did see or hear from her for a long time. when I came back to school she said sorry and she changed so I am her friend again. she is a lot nicer to me but she is still a bit rude but we are working on it.
Okay so before I say how, let me give you an explanation about why I was bullied. I have a walking problem because ever since the summer before sixth grade I dislocated my knee. and ever since my walking has been a little unstable. Okay so this guy In sixth grade commented on my walking said "Hey, penguin!" because of my wobble. I have been taunted and made fun of by him and many others before so I hated myself to the point I found it funny enough. I loudly honked at him and everyone started laughing. his face went white and he walked away from us. He stopped messing with me after that
I mean this is just my opinion and ive never been in this situation so i know it would be different for u, but i'd be like, Hell yeah imma penguin!! but seriously penguins are adorable :)
There was this girl, who was one grade above me and coincidently my NEIGHBOR. She was really nice to me in the beginning of the school year, and then for some reason became really toxic to me near the end of the year.
This dimbo got "offended" at me for a stupid reason. I'll spare you the details because it's long.
Anyway, let's call this girl K for Karen. K and her gang of Karens started insulting me. It was just like a roast war... K just goes "You dress like a little kid and I dress like a teenager".
I just shot back at her with "Oh really? I didn't know teenagers attended ELEMENTRY school, how stupid do you have to be?"
She left me alone after that. Mostly.
dunno if this counts, but at school a guy tried to stab a teacher with a pair of scissors. he got suspended.
Not a Karen, but a self fulfilled salesperson got put into place by me. I'm a female IT manager and helped out a male colleague in a selection process for a specific piece of software. This accountmanager comes by to speak about his product. He was all fluff and didn't know anything about the specs we were looking to learn about. I did ask some of the questions, hoping to get some answers. Also, no answer is an answer too. At one time he started speaking to my colleague about me. Clearly not happy with all those hard questions like what does your product do. And he said something like "you're little colleague asks a lot of right questions". Now to put I into context, that's a little less crazy translated in Dutch, but still belittling of course. I honestly couldn't help to let out a chuckle and he knew the meeting was over right there and then. I really didn't even mean too, it just came out, but he deserved it anyway.
Straight up, not right. Don't know how I got that mixed up :)
There's this kid at my school who's widely known even among the higher grades to be the biggest jerk over the rainbow. He specifically likes to pick on this one kid in my grade who's really, really short and for real looks three grades younger than the rest of us. Once whenever we were all switching classes he called him a couple names and shoved him down the hallway to "give him an extra boost because he can't walk that far with such short legs". Now I had just about had it with this moron so I walked up to him and, in front of literally everyone in my grade, yelled, "ARE YOU EMBARRASSED THAT YOU POOPED YOUR DIAPER THIS MORNING" and walked away and everyone was laughing so hard they were crying. He never talked to me again after that and as far as I know he's left the short kid alone :)
That sounds awesome. great way to shut down a bully, giving him a taste of his own medicine
So a guy, he thinks he is hot stuff, comes up to you and says “R u angel, cause u look like u fell from Heaven” u r grossed out and respond “I am sure u did too, cause so did Satan.” The look on his face was priceless
Go to the post of today, entitled “Street photographers captures accidental photo opportunities” and scroll to the comments at the end, and you shall see. Some of my best work, I think.
When I was in 1st grade my friend and I had a mild obsession in guinea pigs. This included pretending to be guinea pigs at recess, eating carrots like rodents, and sometimes weeping (we consider their little squeals to be weeps) at each other. There was one kid with anger issues. He had to be calmed down with snacks and ones time everyone was hurried out of the art class because he had just had a tantrum and flipped a desk. So anyways, he bullied me a lot and decided he didn't like our weeping so he started shouting "MOOO MOOO I'M A COW" whenever he saw us. I proceeded to yell "MOOO MOOO I'M AN IDIOT" at him.
So I have an aunt whos name is literally Karen. She even acts like a Karen but she doesn't care. She has this one friend who we will call sharon. They are kinda close but we dont like her very much. She has constantly brought her to FAMILY events like fathers day and other holidays. she messaged my mom and said she was gonna bring sharon and her husband and their FOUR kids to our thanksgiving dinner. We were furious because they were anti maskers and my grandmother just had surgery. My mom quickly made the choice to not have the dinner with them and instead we had one with just my mom and my sisters. Now my aunt is in florida and they have so many covid cases and we call it "the land of her people"
Ive never had an amazing response, but here is one moment im proud of.
a "friend" of mine: women are always such b****es, so sensitive
Me: what?
Him: ...it was a joke
Me: Explain it to me
Him: ??
Me: explain the joke
Him: it wasnt a joke
Me: 0-0 (i left his house after that)
pretty lame i know ;-;
Not me my Mom. She works at Texas Corral. A lady comes in and immediately complains to the hostess that she has been waiting 1 minute to be sat. When she is sat she complains her table is dirty. Then she orders fajitas and then lets them sit. Then complains they are overcooked. My mom walks up to her with the manager and the lady starts yelling at my mom that the service is terrible. Then the manager speaks and says you can not talk to her like that leave. The lady just sits there and asks for free dessert and then she is forced to leave.
"Hey, im a rude bitch, may i please have dessert for free?" "No karen, Maybe the braincell store has some trashy ones for free to replace yours broken ones"
A grown man and his friend were teasing the four-year-old son of a doctor. At one point, he asked him, "Doctor W__, I have a headache. What should I do?"
"Amputate," I said.
I'll always remember being in a old fashioned music store where a the man David who works there is a brilliant violinist and an expert on all musical instruments especially the violin. I was chatting to him about an up and coming concert that he was playing the solo when "Karen" walked in holding a rather bashed up violin case. "Are you the violin expert?" she asked David. "Yes" , "Oh great, I have here a Stradivarius and I want you to tell me what it's worth". David looked sceptical. Stradivarius violins are rare and don't just show up in high street music shops. "Can I have a look at it?" he asked . "Karen" handed it over. David looked at it and even I could see that it wasn't a Stradivarius it was so cheap and battered looking. But to humour the woman David looked it over and glanced inside the F holes. "This is most definately not a Stradivarius" he said. "Karen" went nuts. David stood there while she berated with the usual "call yourself an expert? What do you know? and the How can you tell by just looking at for all of 5 seconds? David said to her "look in the left F hole and tell me what you see." She looked in and then stood quiet. "What is in there" David said "is a label with Chinese writing on it, and I can tell you that from that this violin was probably made only a couple of decades ago. Stradivarius was born in 1644 and died in 1737 and never went to China." He gave "Karen" her violin back and she left the shop in silence.
I was in the midst of 3 awful years of home nursing my husband through the cancer that took his life. Made a night run to the grocery store which had a poorly lit parking lot that was crowded. Finally I saw a car pulling out of a spot & I pulled into it. I got out of my car and was upset to see that a couple in a pickup had been waiting for the spot that I just slipped into. Before I could apologize & get back in my car & move out, the man driving the pickup rolled down his window & began shouting terrible things at me. I called back to him that I was sorry & that I just didn't see him. He verbally cut me off, yelling "Sure, yeah sure you didn't!" Exhausted, weary, I suddenly got uncharacteristically angry and yelled back "Mea Culpa! You've never made a mistake??!! My husband's dying of cancer. There's more important things in life than a parking place!" And out of the dark, a man who had witnessed it all, walked by me and said "That's the truth.! You tell him, lady!" But I left & cried because that was my very last bit of energy at that time & I'd never acted like that before. I decided later that I didn't stoop to his level, that he deserved my words for being mean & rude when what I did was truly unintentional, nor was I allowed to explain or fix it, only be judged & berated.
Once when I was at summer comic camp, there was this really horrible, homophobic guy, who we'll call Gerald. (Couldn't draw worth a damn, either. He thought he was really good and wanted everyone to know it.)
So one day, my friend Lucy came in with a really funky new haircut, and she'd dyed her hair blue. And I was like 'Wow, Lucy, you look so cute!' and she was like 'Aww, thanks, you too!'
Gerald overheard us and he said 'Ugh, you two are so gay! That is disgusting!'
He'd been like this for the whole camp and I didn't want to deal with his sh*t so I just said 'Go f*ck yourself, Gerald.'
'Why, so you can get your lesbo on with your fellow faggot? Gays make me sick.'
'Don't deepthroat so far, then.'
I will be clear: I HAVE NO IDEA WHY OR HOW I SAID THAT!! I don't like confrontations!!
But it continued...
'DiD YoU jUsT cAll mE GaY?!' screeched Gerald. 'You should just die!!'
'If I wanted to die, I'd climb your ego and jump to your IQ. I don't have time for your sh*t, Gerald. Like I said before, go f*ck yourself.'
And then Lucy and I just waltzed out of the room. LIKE A BOSS.
Needless to say, the drinks were on Lucy when lunchtime rolled around.
Karen story
So me (11) and my cousin (10) were riding bikes and to go to the store and we rode in the parking lot for a bit and then went behind the store because my cousin has diabetes type 1 and his blood sugar was high so he was taking insulin this lady comes by and assumes me and my cousin are doing drugs and starts freaking out at us ( this was the same lady who yelled at me the day before for wearing a crop top and it was not revealing at all and it was 90 degrees) So i looked at her and said " Lady last timed i checked i dont shoot up h*******n we are f***ing kids and if you want him don't want him to pass out how bout you leave us the f*** alone b***h.
good for you! but please don't use the name karen as an insult! i know some really nice people named karen! instead use R.A.P. (rude arrogant person), or another acronym please!
This happened on the plane with my dad. This guy was being rude about the kids (my siblings) kicking the back of his chair and just staring at them. They weren't kicking his chair, they were moving around and happened to be moving his chair by simply moving. So my dad and he started to fight after we got off, and my dad said something that made him never go in contact again that day.
Alright, here we go...
Long story short, these eighth grade thots were vaping in the bathroom, and one of 'em said "Ugh, I hope those (Furry directed slur) get kicked out."
I, as a proud country vixen, without skipping a beat, say "How 'bout ya keep that sh** attitude to yourself."
Gosh dangit her face was hilarious.
I was bullied for years by a Karen. One day, I wanted to jump the rope with her and asked " Can I try?". She said, "Sorry, everyone here thinks you're weird.". I said, "How does being weird make me less able to jump over a rope?". I never got an answer. Must've been a challenging question.
Her name was Karen and she ACTED like a COMPLETE DOLT
This one is kind of stupid, but when I was in 7th grade there was this guy, Let's name him Brice. Brice was a bully because he thought it was cool. We were playing hockey in gym (one of my favorite sports) and the gym was divided into girls and boys. I was put on the girls team. Brice's team kept cheating the entire game by wacking people with their sticks and shoving people (wich was against the rules... it was middle school not the fucking NHL). I was MAD. He was NOT going to ruin my favourite unit. So, I was put up in center. Burce was facing off against me for the puck. I don't really know what happened. He kept making fun of me for "not being a girl" because I wasn't wearing skirts and kept making fun of my short hair (This was while we were waiting for the coach to blow the whistle). The whistle blew and I stole the puck shoved like three guys out of the way and slap sticked the puck into the net. My team cheered, but I really didn't care because I was still furious. We lost, but after I got our first point, we only lost 12-13. That was the closest to ever winning a game between them. Brice is still at my school, and he's still an asshole. But he has stopped making fun of my clothes and hair. He even had the balls to come up to me after I got it cut even shorter and told me I looked nice.
When I was in 7th grade, two older girls from a different neighborhood took a dislike to me for some reason. They would make fun of me on the school bus and say disparaging things if they saw me in the hallway. One of them even followed me into the school one day kicking me and pushing and swearing. I knew there was no point in saying anything to my parents or a teacher because they would just say, "What did you do to make them mad?" and I honestly had no idea. So I had to solve it myself and I decided to be nice to them. When we'd pass in the hall between classes, and one of them would see me and say "Eww!" or "What's that smell?" I'd give them a friendly smile and say, "Hi! How's it going?" They got tired of the game when they saw that it wasn't bothering me any more, so they stopped.
I got one expelled.
alright so there was this dude in my class, we'll call him cheese, anyways cheese and I dated for a week (this was in the 6th grade lol ) and in that week I learned he like to hump the back of my chair and try to do weird stuff like that, and we broke up. fast forward a few years later in the 8th grade all the boys started this game (slap ass Friday, whoever slapped the most butts won) anyway I was in line for lunch and cheese took his friends hand and slapped my butt with it and his friend turned red and started apologizing like there was no tomorrow ( I accepted his apology cuz it wasn't his fault) I ended up smacking cheese (lol i know stupid but he really deserved it) and the teachers found out and all the boys got in trouble. so I guess that's kinda shutting down a bully.
Thats sexual harrassment i think? super not ok, glad they got in trouble.
Not me, but the people at four seasons total landscaping. "Sure, you can hold a press conference next to a 'toy store'"
Ok so dont know if this really counts but last year in 7th grade i was outside at lunch and i tried to play a game with some boys, because i had played it before and i wanted to try it again. Well turns out they were playing a version with some weird rules i didnt know. Anyways some boy called me a loser, fast forward to a few minutes later when he walks inside from lunch to see me running down the halls screaming "IM A LOSER" the whole way and laughing like crazy. And after that he probably realized i was some sort of crazy lady and any insult he threw at me was just gonna end like this, and he shut up real quick. I did stuff like this a lot in 6th and 7th grade... heh
Not me, but my best friend was being picked on by a kid at a hotel pool when we were in 6th grade, and she told him not to mess with her because she was fourteen. (she was eleven). He said she was too small and she told him, "EXCUSE ME! I have a form of dwarfism where I look smaller than I appear!"
He apologized profusely as she rode away on our other friend's shoulders to goad strangers into a game of chicken and leg touch,
I, like some people, have a sibling. As such, I can come up with a perfect response to almost anything in about 5 seconds. And as such, I had the best response of perhaps all time.
I changed schools.
Back in the early '90's I lived in the Midwest and was a musician in the local club/counterculture community. At that time, the guys were just as conservative and homophobic as any conservative, so I expected some harassment when I came out as Bi.
I was surprised by how supportive most people were (and some of my friends were, ah, more than supportive). But there were exceptions.
Enter Stacy. He was aggressively obnoxious, an evil piggy of the first degree.
So I'm hosting an afterparty at my house and he's there despite my never inviting him and he brought friends, which is definitely not welcome.
He walks up and says, in mock surprise, that he didn't know I was a [slur].
A mutual friend darts in, trying to settle the waters, and I advise him that it was okay, saying, "I have a knack for the delicate discussion needed when you're dealing with homophobes."
Waited a beat, then followed with, "I kick them in the face."
Stacy chortled. So I kicked him in the face.
... I won two WKA in-state regionals and went to the finals in my early twenties.
You go! It's not very expected when they think we can't do anything and then they find out we've been practicing some sort of self defense...
Dunno if this counts but...
I suck at tetherball and got hit in the face by one when the guy(I'll call him P) hit it towards me. P made a joke about how now my face is going to be even uglier than before, and something about how females are weak and bullsh**
I kicked him twice...got reprimanded severely but it was worth it haha
Funny thing is, P supposedly has taken karate for 5 years, but I had only been taking kungfu for about a year(at that time, now I'm 4 years in, pog)
ok so in 4th grade there was like an after school daycare program. this was my first year at that school but it was pretty late in the year. so after we finished attendance and played outside for 30 minutes, we went inside for snacks and indoor activities. this one annoying kid (let's call him A) brought a rock inside. this was against the rules because the rocks were school property, they were all muddy, and we were about to eat snacks. i didn't really mind at first but then when i was sitting down and eating my snack, A sat next to us. i was completely fine with him sitting with us but then he pulled the dirty rock out. his hands were dirty and (ok this next part looks like i have OCD but i don't ok) i really didn't like the fact that he was gonna eat his snack next and touch the table. so i told him that rocks weren't allowed inside. he said (i don't exactly remember what he said) he can do what he wants. then we kind of got into a small argument. i threated to tell the teacher and he said fine. so i went and actually told the teacher and she made A put it back outside. so then when A came back from putting it outside he said i wAs SuCh a TaTtLeTaLe. regularly i would have said no i'm not but then for a split second i thought that comeback is kinda old and useless so then i said "Thank you". he didn't respond and just walked away. then a girl came up to me and said "NIce Jonno" and high-fived me.
Yea, sounds like your the Karen in this situation....who the eff cares if a kid wants to play with a rock? Was the rock magically hurting you in anyway? Did he hit or touch you with it? Doesn't sound like it, sounds like he was a creative 4th grader enjoying his new found toy. Good on ya for getting him in trouble for that...your soooo cool.
This happened three times with two different people.
In the 7th grade, this one guy was bullying me, and he was taller, so fighting was no good. The stupid 'what are those' thing was around, so he did it to me. I looked at my sneakers, looked him straight in the face and said 'Adidas.' He walked away with a shocked face.
With the same guy said 'catch.' and was about to throw a Gatorade bottle at me. Some of my friends were there (the friends that were there were all girls) They said that it wasn't funny, but he said he didn't care. He threw the Gatorade bottle at me, attempting to throw it over my head. His friends were with him, and they thought that I wouldn't be able to because I was smaller. Lo and behold, I simply lifted my arm and caught it. Everyone that saw it was shocked, and he never bothered me again.
Another time, in the 2nd grade, this one guy bullied me everyday. He always found a way to blame the incident on me. One day, I went to the water fountain (which was at the end of two hallways that were filled with classrooms), and he was there. Naturally, we got into a fight, and he threw me into a wall headfirst. (Now, a little side note, my childhood nickname was Bowling Ball because of my extra hard head.) It echoed down both hallways, and every door opened. Needless to say, he was screwed. He got suspended while I got an ice pack. I said that I was fine, but they insisted on me having one. After that, he never bothered me again.
My little brother has some little friends that were being rude to him. I talked to the kid one day, and as I was talking to him he kept on trying to walk away and argued with me that he didn´t do anything. I told him that he knows what he did, and not to try to get away with this because I rather not bring your guardian in this. He is now scared of me and won´t come near me. :)
Distract! I’ve gotten cornered by so many people on rants and I find something going on either in the moment or say hey have you heard about X? Then quickly say bye. They’re generally confused.
I usually come up with some great ones...5 minutes after the person walks away.
Load More Replies...please don't use the name karen as an insult! i know some really nice people named karen! instead use R.A.P. or rude arrogant person or another acronym please!
I thought we were passed using the name karen like this. If this post were titled "tell me about a time you stood up to a bully or Ammar" , I would be mildly offended.
It's a reference to a movie. A scene where a woman called Karen acts like an entitled snob. That is it.
I usually come up with some great ones...5 minutes after the person walks away.
Load More Replies...please don't use the name karen as an insult! i know some really nice people named karen! instead use R.A.P. or rude arrogant person or another acronym please!
I thought we were passed using the name karen like this. If this post were titled "tell me about a time you stood up to a bully or Ammar" , I would be mildly offended.
It's a reference to a movie. A scene where a woman called Karen acts like an entitled snob. That is it.