We all have bad days, but there are ways to make us feel better. Share some of your tips below.
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Think about the good side of something. Sometimes it might be hard to find a good time, but try.
Just remember that having good and/or bad days is completely normal. Reflect through what went wrong, and figure out how to fix it. Remember that you have plenty of days ahead of you.
If something stresses you out, take a break. Your mental health is always more important than some menial task.
Get a dog or a cat or if you already have one chill with them or any pet even if its a fish.
Everyone has those days. When I do, I just end up criticizing myself — but actually, it really helps if you think positively. Be kind to yourself!
.have a shower
.read a book.
. Destroy the world
.have a nap
Its always a good idea to relax
Play music, have a bath/ shower, dress well and get on with it. Do something constructive that will give you a sense of pride at having accomplished. Reconnect with nature and think about all the positives of life and, if a negative comes up, find a way that you can get something from it or turn it around. If you cannot do either, accept it and trust in whichever faith you have.
if im having a bad day, i will sometimes listen to Eminem in my room alone with the lights off. or i will read a good book. sometimes i will text a freind who will understand.
i dont really do anything but my friend tries to get me to talk about my feelings or what happend
Google “Do a barrel roll” and hold on tight!
U should do something you like or think that this is going to be over at some point even if your talking about COVID