Anything big, good or bad.
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This isn’t that big, but I got all A’s in school! In pre-calc too
Uhm well it’s not THAT big but I had always wanted to read Edgar Allen Poe’s works and I finally started today so ig it could count?
Of course, it counts. Poe should be required reading for everyone! Have you tried Lovecraft, yet?
Well, my dad tested positive for covid about a week ago (the day we were supposed to leave for a trip), so my mom, sister, and I stayed downstairs while he was sick in his bedroom so we wouldn't get it. Today my mom and I tested positive despite how careful we've been and it's...sucky. My only symptoms are serious congestion and a sore throat. I sound like an entirely different person when I talk. I don't even have a fever. It's like my normal allergies but a little worse and sneezing is super painful but I'm not gonna talk about that, so it's mostly just annoying that I have to quarantine for 5 days in my room with what's essentially a cold. I know it's the right thing to do though since we don't want my sister or anyone else getting sick. I just wish I could be in the rest of the house. I'm glad my case isn't terrible because I know people who got it and are still recovering. It's still pretty awful though.
Oh no ☹️. My family has just gotten Covid too coincidentally, also right before we were supposed to go on a big trip. I'm quarantined to my room, and my mom and some of my brothers are in a different room. My dad and youngest bro are still fine though thankfully. I highly recommend just trying to stay hydrated and just take care of yourself as best as possible. As far as boredom maybe try a new ebook/audiobook? I recommend the Selection (It's on Hoopla). Hope you feel better!!
WOOOOOOOOOOO! I graduated high school last week! I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
I'm almost 40 and have struggled most of my life with my mental health and substance abuse. I'm now 9.5 years sober and finally stable enough to go back to school. I start next week. I'm unbelievably excited.
I just finished sixth grade with good grade (A's and B's) and my nephew likes me more so yay
Got hired by a nice company as chief visual artist. Went from making peanuts to have enough to save some dough every month 😁
First thing I did with my first paycheck was taking my mom to a spa day and some nice dinner.
A couple things. Some I can't mention which is tuff but that is fine I suppose.
So first we got a new puppy and I'm trying to bond with him! His name is Goblin and he even has his own Instagram like his brother!
Second is that my sister got a new job (the other one was refusing to pay her) and she looks happy so I'm happy for her. :)
Third One of my budgies died and I am kinda still sad I wasn't next to her during her pass but atheist she will be waiting for me in heaven.
Fourth (a lot right) I have decided I'm going to become a nuclear engineer and I am looking at how to get scholarships for a degree. I have decided I'm going to try to get a NROTC scholarship for it and join my dream branch, the Navy.
my 9month old silkie started sitting on her egg for first time can wait for the chicks!!!!!!
I just graduated from high school about a week or two ago and also am starting to apply for jobs. With all that, I finally have a debit card so I don't have to worry about places that don't accept cash. Another big thing that happened is that I am helping out with my church's Vacation Bible School and was playing as a person from the Bible and the kids loved it and the next day were sad that the role wasn't apart of the next day's story. I also found someone who is accepting of my identity at my church who is also a grandma and accepting grandmas are quite rare. Some of these things may not sound like a big deal, but they were for me
I'm turning 53 and recommitting to my wife!
(well, it's big for me)
First I had surgery on my face and ended up with 7 stitches outside and 10 inside. Then my husband’s 6 month old (for us) Hyundai engine blew but was covered under the 60k warranty. We just got it back after 3 weeks. That sucked since he drives for work and the only rental they offered had no cargo space and was super tiny. He’s a big dude so no way that was gonna work and he ended up having to drive my Sentra even though the suspension and shocks are done for. Then we found out he needs his wisdom teeth (4) removed, 2 root canals and 4 fillings. Then our dog needed a tooth pulled and a cleaning done but blood work showed she had a UTI and needed meds. I started psych meds about 2 or 3 months ago and I can’t drive (side effects make it impossible) and I’m all over the place. But! I had my first therapy appointment and I have a psych appointment for med management at the end of the month so that should be sorted soon. It sounds bad when I list it all out, to me at least, but it’s okay. We’ll manage like we always do. There’s food in the fridge. Cats and dog are all happy and spoiled. So what I’m saying is, could be worse.
I found out I really love music and I have a goal now!!
Moving to a new school.
I fell in love! Shes sooo pretty! story how i got w her: (I’ll Name her Noah))
Noah:*runs to me with this shocked yet calm face* did you see ……?(bully)
Me (ikura): no, Why?
Me: alright…I’ll go in there first*i ran to the janitors closet*
bully redhead: *stuffs us in the closet*
My hands are killing me so try to imagine the rest
Ok, here we go. My BFF started dating my crush, then broke up with him and gave him my number and told him I liked him. It then became super awkward and we didn't talk anymore. He then started dating one of my other friends awhile later. So yeah
Oh, and my Mom got married for the first time (most people think that she got remarried, but she hasn't been married before) and she got a new job, and do she's moving up to a different state. And I'm going to have to go to a new school when summer's over. And I'm going into highschool . . . Advice please?
Highschool is a good fresh start. Before your move make a list of all the things you want to change about yourself and make a mental image of how you want people to see you. Like if you were treated like you were shallow, or too friendly, you can rewrite yourself to change that. Work with the new start. (I am a teen who also just had to move very far away from all of her friends)
Moving to almhult Sweden going to a new school, then being told we had to move again, this time to Lund Sweden and having to dessert my new friends.
I'm sorry to hear that. I know what it's like to move place to place and having to abandon friends one after another. (My dad got stationed a lot of different places while in the militarily) Just keep your head up and things will start to unravel themselves. 👍
Started my own fire protection company. Never before seen myself a business owner let alone one this lucrative.
I got into the charter school I wanted. But I ended losing all my friends to a girl who was only at school for 4 months.