Hey pandas, has anyone else been in a similar situation and have any advice for a struggling single mother?Hello, longtime reader, first time writing... I am a single mother of three kids and three cats, living with my grandma. I'm struggling with paying bills and paying for food to feed everyone every day, to the point where I go without eating so everyone else is able to eat, and it's like nothing I do makes it any easier. I just want to run away most days. I don't even want to get out of bed. I cry myself to sleep every night and dread waking up the next day because I feel like I'm such a horrible mother... Has anyone else been in this situation before? Does anyone have any advice? I already go to food banks, and I talk to my counselor weekly, but I don't have any other family members to reach out to since they all "disowned" me for getting pregnant and having my daughter during my senior year of high school...


Hello there :)
I just wanted to say thank you so much for not running away and staying strong through all this. I think you’re really brave. Don’t give up, keep working hard and I’m sure things will get better.
Your family sounds like jerks, they abandoned you when you needed help the most.
You are not a terrible mother.
I don’t have much advice that can help you because I haven’t gone through any similar situations, but your story touched my heart and I just wanted to write this to say hang in there


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7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My post got cut off! Well anyway, the rest of it was, I’ve had some experience working with nonprofit organizations, and often there’s a lot of resources people don’t take advantage of because they don’t know about them. Look up “resources for single mothers in [your area or country],” and you might find something. I wish you luck!


    Well I was going to say see what benefits/welfare you can get but you live in America so there probably isn't much. I'm cringing at saying this but try the local church they love helping people. You may get the God talk but food is food. Big ((HUG))


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    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    There might still be some, but idk if it depends on when state. In mine single parents always get government assistance depending on their financial status though. In the poor areas here, kids get a bunch of free meals and groceries.


    Hey mom! I'm sorry to hear that, but I know you're not alone. I can't relate but please prioritize you and your children, even if it means rehoming your cats. I can tell by this post you have a big loving heart, and your struggles do not define you or the mother you are. Your emotions are completely valid. Financially, I'd look into any government assistance as possible.

    Please don't forget to take care of yourself, your grandma and children love you. Even if you're struggling to make ends meet, know that you're doing the right choice.

    I hope this helps, and I'll pray for you and your family. I know you'll get out of this. Us pandas are always here for you ❤️


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    Occam's Chainsaw
    Community Member
    7 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hi, Julie. I haven't had your same experience by any means, but I have to ask--how old are your kiddos? Are you receiving child support from their dad? I know it can feel impossible or hopeless to file for it, but if there is any possibility, you should definitely try. Check in with your local animal shelter about donated cat food--a lot of shelters receive donations that they aren't able to use for various reasons.

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