It's finally June (AKA pride month), the best month of the year! What's the best LGBTQ+memory you have? (And I wish there were a rainbow background option for the question.)


My girlfriend told me that some people from my elementary school were talking about me and one said "Isn't Willow like super gay now?" and my girlfriend said "Heck yes fam" and they were all like "noice"

Also my bisexual brother told me he was gonna marry a boy in his class when he got older, and I asked him what boy and he said "I don't know, but I gotta kiss him first before we get married" and it was so cute



I've posted this before, but three of my classmates coming out as non-binary in the same class! It was so sweet and afterwards they all went and got lunch. They are now all best friends as far as I know❤️



The first person I came out to, one of my friends I had known for a while, was just like "Cool. You want to talk about it? Totally cool if you don't." Long story short, I told him basically my deepest secrets, because they were all a part of how I figured out I was gay and I trusted him, and he was like "Cool. I wear make up sometimes. We're all weirdos. (not to say that boys who wear make up are weirdos, just using it as an example.) " AND DIDN'T CARE AND DIDN'T JUDGE ME. Friend of the year.



I was at a sleepover with my besties and my friend admitted that she was lesbian and told us her crush. Her best friend. Who was there.


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It was when my big sis told my parents that she was gay and my parents were surprised (from what I heard from my sis) so basically my sis only told her teachers and when the teacher e-mailed us telling our parents “if they knew that she was gay” and wanted to be called Wilson. So then my Wilson and our parents had a large talk. Then Wilson told US, long story short that’s how I found out about lgbtq 🏳️‍🌈 and how I became non-bianary.hope you liked Wilson’s/mine (sort of)’s story.


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I have a friend who’s asexual and bisexual so what’s really funny is when I say something that could imply to romance she does the lip bite thing with two fingers stroking down her face. Another time we made a bunch of jokes about making out in an alleyway at my friend’s party cause we be weird like that.


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