Can you ever forget your first kiss? Well, if you haven't, share your story. I just had mine today, lol, so check my submission for mine.


I had been hanging out with a large group of friends and one of my friends said she was getting really stressed out and anxious. We went into the kitchen together, she leant up against the counter so I leant back against the door opposite her until someone shoved the door really hard and I lost my balance. She caught me (barely) and I sort of instinctively grabbed her in an attempt to not pull us both down, and we just kind of looked at each other for a moment before she pecked me on the lips. It turns out this whole situation was planned between her and our friends, but I was far to happy to care for the deception :D



    My first kiss was in 10th grade with my first boyfriend. We were at my friends birthday party at her house. He was the only guy invited because all my friends liked him. He was pretty much liked by everyone at school because he was so smart and nice but also on the football pretty popular but didn't act like it kind of person. My friend put on a new movie called Save the Last Dance and my bf and I sat on the couch while everyone else sat on the floor in front of us. The main characters of the movie looked like my boyfriend and I, which isn't important but it goes with the next part. When the two main characters kissed each other for the first time, my bf leaned in, put his hand on my face, and kissed me. It was pretty magical for 10th grade me, lol.



    This wasn't my first kiss, but my first kiss with my boyfriend. We both leaned in and headbutted each other. It really hurt haha. We've been together over 10 years



    Not my first kiss but the first kiss with my husband. This is April 1st in 199x. He asked me to marry him on our first day of dating and I said yes. He kissed me on the cheek and I passed out. LOL. I waited 62 dates before I let him kiss me on the lips. Worth waiting for though. Happily married and now empty nesters.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe I should have added that we were practically strangers on that first day, which is why we waited before kissing on the lips. It was supposed to be a marriage of convenience but it didn't take long before we fell in love and, as they say, the rest is history.

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    so i had asked my friend if they would kiss me and we kinda planned it. so at lunch we tried going to the 3rd floor bathroom but it was filled with girls so we went to 2nd floor and there wasn’t rly anyone in there just a girl on her phone and i was pretending to fix my makeup and my friend and i talked a but until finally that girl turned to face away from us and i just went for it, i turned and kissed them. i was honestly rly flustered but yeah i never expected my first kiss to be in a school bathroom



    We had a surprise sweet 16 party for one of my best friends. She loved pandas and my mom made an adorable panda cake complete with BLACK icing. Due to the amount of dye needed to make the black that part didn’t taste so great…I ate it anyway. Later a group of us decided to play spin the bottle. When it landed on me, I was embarrassed and scared. He leaned forward and and kissed me (tongue and all). I got through it and quickly excused myself to the restroom, where I promptly threw up. The combination of the black icing upset tummy and the raw meat mouth taste did not go well together. He grew up to be part of a popular boy band and I don’t think he ever knew any of this.



    my first kiss was my childhood best friend, and (before they got divorced) my parents would kiss each other on the mouth, and kiss me on the mouth (just pecks, not weirdly either) and that was just how my family showed affection. one day, we were having a playdate. We hugged and I gave him a tiny peck and we just did that whenever we saw each other, as a greeting or parting thing. We loved each other and didn't realize it was weird until about 3rd grade.



    I was in ninth grade and on my front porch at dusk with a guy, and just as we were having an awkward first kiss, my dad came down the scaffolding from the roof he was repairing. We didn't know he was up there! I thought it was funny but my friend spoke of this decades later as one of his more terrifying moments Poor Al



    I was in another state for my grandpa's funeral, I was 14 and it was held on a Thursday night.
    The following night, my cousin took me to a football game at the high school in my grandparents neighborhood, she wasn't a student there.
    She was talking to someone she knew so I walked around and spotted a REALLY cute boy at standing at the top of the bleachers. I smiled at him and he winked at me.
    I went to find my cousin and I showed her who he was. She motioned for him to come down. She got the conversation started between us and walked away.
    We shared our first kiss, both our firsts, at the end of the night. We were each other's first love too.
    We wrote back and forth for 4 years and I would see him few times a year when we would visit. We drifted apart after high school.
    He found me on Facebook, 40 years later.
    It's been fun to reminisce and see how our lived turned out.



    i kissed some kid in kindergarten because he gave me a lolipop and everybody thought we were cool.



    You guys are having first kisses??



    i still haven't had mine, so i'll tell my best friend's first kiss story. so we had a choir trip and two of my friends, we'll call them J and A, were in the same hotel room along with me and another friend. by this point J and A were both crushing on each other but they hadn't confessed to anyone. but when we got back home the next day they were texting each other and finally confessed. and then a few days later we were all just chilling in the choir room cause we were working on schoolwork that day, and A just leaned over and kissed J and THE LOOK ON THEIR FACE OMG it was adorable and i love how only the people near us (like our friends) saw.



    My worst first kiss story:

    So when I was 21 I was a bartender and on slow days I would stand behind the bar eating maraschino cherries all day. A much older seasoned bartender would always tell me I should stop because it would give me gas but it hadnt so far so I just assumed she wanted me to stop eating all of the cherry bar stock.

    So on an extremely slow day I ate like a whole jar of cherries and then one of my cute regulars talked me into hanging out with him after work, which again the older bartender said I shouldnt hang out with customers after hours but I ignored her and left with him when my shift ended.

    So we go out for a drink and end up back at my house and right when he kisses me for the first time I suddenly let out the loudest fart ever. I mean literally right when he kissed me.

    I was mortified. He started laughing which made me even more embarrassed and I made him leave my house even though he was really interested in me and said he didnt care that I had farted because everyone did it but I swore to never ever bring a customer home with me again and I swore I would never eat maraschino cherries while working ever again.



    Not me (I’m almost an adult now but I still didn’t have my first kiss) but my BFF’s. In the middle of a drama class (we have drama & literacy classes in my college and it’s kinda weird because it’s different, it’s during lunch break so people would constantly pop in and out of the class) she and her boyfriend were asked to perform that scene from the Romeo and Juliet play, and everyone were there to see them when he just went ahead and literally kissed her. It’s kinda awkward because there were so many people, including the flustered old lady that was our teacher, who was originally FILMING the entire thing.



    Mine was the result of bullying. I was twelve, and a bunch of my classmates decided I was dating a fellow student who had severe mental disabilities. Spoiler alert, I wasn't. They surrounded us on the playground and refused to let me leave until I kissed the boy. He didn't understand what the problem was and went for it. I got a mouthful of spit that wasn't mine. Yeah. Fun times.



    it was at a school function and my friends were kind pressuring me and my partner to kiss. he kissed my forehead and said he would kiss me kiss me if they went away. everyone went away except for one friend who just turned around. so we did it and it was kind awkward since it was our first ones and like turns out the friend who just turned around saw it sneakily. which made it a bit more awkward. that was in September and there have been many more since then and its gotten a little less awkward lol. still get me giddy af. and I still wish our first had been without the pressure of my friends and kind of in a moment by ourselves but I don't think we would have without them so yuh



    This is kinda embarrassing for me but when I was in 2nd (?) grade there was this boy in my class who went around fake kissing everyone, I don't know why I did this but when he tried to fake kiss me I just kinda shoved my lips on his when he tried to fake kiss me and that was my first kiss. And now I'm telling that incredibly embarassing story to the internet! Little me was bold.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is better than having your big sister finding and reading your journal. LOL.

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    My first kiss was with a boy who was said to have a crush on me. He was the bad boy of my school so obviously I was shocked. I was new to this school and he used to say hi to me every time we saw each other. I never replied because I always thought he was too good for me. One day, I was at a party of a friend of a friend and he pulled me to the side. I had no idea what he was going to do. So I said as much. He responded with, ‘I thought maybe I should do what I’m about to do in private’. I was so stupid that I still didn’t know what he was going to do. So I asked him, ‘What are you going to do?’. He responded with ‘this’. And then kissed me. I was so shocked. He pulled away then started repeatedly saying sorry. I then realised what happened and told him to shut up and kiss me. His face was so cute in shock and then he responded with ‘gladly’. And then we made out for almost 10 mins. One of my friends walked in on us and told me she could not unsee what she had saw. I regret not a second of it. 😃



    Dunno if this would count as interesting, but here goes.

    I was around 21 at the time. I shared a class with my first kiss in college (she was in a veterinarian program, I was in recreation and leisure services) through a communication class (or glorified English class, if you want my honest opinion). We got along very well, due in no small part to both of us liking manga and animals.

    It was near the end of the semester, and I had won tickets to go see an Ottawa Senators hockey game. Tried inviting some of my friends first, but they were all busy. Texted her (who did not strike me as a hockey fan), and she was excited to go see the game with me.

    After the final exams, we met at the bar on campus, and she was a little tipsy (probably from not having to deal with the stress of exams anymore). She came up to me, gave me a big hug, and a kiss (hope my beard didn't make it awkward for her, lol).

    Unfortunately, I wouldn't really have much contact with her after mid way into the second semester, and it's been nearly a decade since we last talked. I dropped out, because I wasn't really enjoying the subject I was studying anymore. I basically worked ever since I dropped out.

    I still think about her from time to time, and kind of regret not starting a relationship with her/spending more time with her.



    His friends dared us. (Probably at his request) I think we were 11, it was summer, and we were in his backyard. He was a boy I met at basketball camp. We pressed our lip together and counted to five on our hands. It tasted like red Kool aid and Cheetos. His sister got mad (jealous) because she was really into me I think. I didn't know I was a lesbian yet, but she was younger than me and wouldn't have shown on my radar anyway, but in hindsight she was way more wise to all that than I was. But he and I ditched everyone else, then spent the day holding hands, exploring the nature areas of the neighborhood, and catching garter snakes. I liked him because he let me do the "boy" stuff in our relationship. Like, he rode on my bike handlebars and stuff like that. Anyway, the kiss was basically like that first kiss scene in Love and Basketball


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wait! I forgot one that was earlier. I married Danny Alvarado in 2nd grade at recess. We pressed our palms together and kissed the backs of our own hands. Or that was the plan. He grabbed my hand and pulled it away, then kissed me on the lips. I chased him down and beat him up till he agreed to a divorce and we drew up divorce paperwork in markers and had our teacher "notarize" it. I can only imagine her trying not to laugh, but I didn't notice because I was still mad about the non consensual kiss.

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    My first kiss was on a fair ride. I'm not sure which one, might have been that dragon boat thing. Was on many rides with my best friend (yes, male) and we took it a step further ;) Later we got into a better relationship, but eventually stopped it (due to him moving and not talking to me)


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    Dead lettuce
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s the kind of adorable setting I want for my first kiss. Love your pfp by the way!

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    My 15th birthday, while on vacation, about 10 months ago. Met this boy while I was on the cruise and we had this week-long summer romance, kinda seemed unreal. We never really talked much after, bc long distance seemed too scary, but I miss him a lot sometimes. Haven't gotten over him. He was so kind.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, changed my perspective on relationships. He showed me what respect looked like, something I hadn't seen other relationships.


    We were hanging out with a bunch of friends and they just kind of kissed me and it was super awkward



    Like another poster here, I received my first kiss on a fairgrounds ride. I had a major crush on my date and was thrilled that he asked me out. We were riding the oblong spinning thing called the Zipper. It was a wild ride and we were having a great time, and he suddenly turned and kissed me! Ever since, whenever someone asks about my first kiss, I smile and reply that it was right on the zipper.



    I had my first kiss with my ex partner when we'd been going out a few months. We were at their place and been cuddling on the bed watching TV for a while and when we got up (I don't remember why) they tilted my head up (I'm shorter) and kissed me. I know it's not overly interesting as they go, I just wanted to share ^^



    My 8th grade partner and I used to do this thing where if the rest of our friend group took too long to actually get out of school at the end of the day we would run off to a park near our school and sit on the benches and just laugh about the dumbest things and go into really long complex explanations about the plots of our favorite shows/movies/books until our friends eventually found us there because we all had to walk home together.

    Anyway, one day we were at the park and it was raining a little so we were about to leave early before it started to pour, when they grabbed my hand and said “hold on, there’s something i need to do first” and i asked what it was and in response they placed a hand on the side of my face to steady me, whispered “may I?” to which I nodded, then they gave me a kiss and said “you have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do that”

    Then the rain started to pick up so we ran to our respective bus stops hand-in-hand while smiling like giddy little 8ths graders who had just had their first kiss(es). it was cute.



    Me and this trans guy that knew I had a crush on him were hanging out with his cousin (the guy who introduced us to each other), and we were joking around with some friends on a FaceTime call and one of my friends says "hey you should kiss him, that would make him go crazy" and so he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was speechless and just stood there blushing, because I'm a lil baby like that but that's not the point.

    Later we go down to this local park and I'm bein stupid and say somethin along the lines of "I bet you wouldn't kiss me for real!". And so he did. And then I died, I'm a ghost writing this.

    Turns out he had a crush on me too ☺️



    Oh god, here we go.

    Just a little backround,
    This guy is my ex, we still had feelings for each other but my parents are crazy so its been quiet.

    He had offered me rides home, and many times I would refuse. One day I finally said yes.

    We were talking, holding hands, cuddling (typical things crushes do ig) ( also note this was in his car lol) ** he looks at me and says, “I really want to kiss you”
    I replied saying I’m not good at it and I don’t think he would enjoy it,
    He says “idc”

    He leans in and we went for maybe 30 seconds. It was probably the worst kiss we have ever had due to my lack of experience, but in the end it was probably the most memorable.

    - on a further note, me and him got back together and we have plans for the future-


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    He is not technically my *first* but I never count my actual first. It was in first grade and it was slobbery and gross and he did it more than once. So yeah. This was my actual first kiss ig


    Back when I was in the third grade, our school playground still had one of those delightful pieces of equipment known as a merry-go-round. I was a tiny third grader and pretty cute if I do say so myself. There was at my school an extremely large third grader named Mike. I mean he was Dwayne Johnson size big. Well, Mike decided he was going to kiss me come he’ll or high water. So one day he found me alone spinning on the merry-go-round. He grabbed a handle and stopped the spinning,pulled me off the equipment and kissed me. I was so disgusted I went to the school nurse after my first kiss.



    My first kiss was on my wedding day out on the playground at lunch recess in the second grade in Tucson, Arizona. I married a boy named Roy. Now you must keep in mind that I was in the second grade back in the 1950s. Roy Rogers was wildly famous and on tv every week. The reason I wanted to marry the second grade Roy was because I figured he must be related the THE Roy. Anyway, after the wedding ceremony Roy and I held hands and kissed. It was perfect. But I do not remember ever speaking to him after that and my family moved from Tucson to Phoenix while I was still in second grade. I remember Roy fondly.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i got married to graham sutton in 2nd grade bc he gave me a fun dip, and right now im writing this while his older sister is asleep on my shoulder

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    Do you ever tell someone a story and at the moment you say the words out loud, you think "Wait a minute...."?

    My first kiss was when I was 13, I was in love with the son of my parent's best friends, a really lovely boy. He and his oldest brother would always sleep in my room, because we were closest in age. Earlier that day there was a romantic moment between us (we were both stroking a kitten that was sitting between us, our hands kept "accidentally" touching, more and more often, until we were only stroking each other's hand instead of the kitten).
    That night, I was laying on my bed and he on an air mattress next to it and we were softly talking, because his brother was already asleep. I had a queen size bed, and female friends would always sleep next to me in my bed. So when he told me his air mattress was flat because there was a hole in it, of course I let him lie next to me too. And then we kissed. Very clumsily, but I was over the moon, I was so in love.

    Cue to 20 years later, my friends are exchanging first kiss stories. I tell this story, and the moment I say the words out loud about the air mattress being flat, I realize it was such an obvious excuse to get into my bed.
    To be fair, our air mattresses were often flat, so it could very well have been true. But it sounds like such an obvious lie, and in those 20 years I never ever thought of that possibility. Man, am I naive.

    Good memories though.


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    My first kiss was in a dream and very enjoyable. But the first one that followed in waking life was very disappointing. The girl kept her mouth open and there was a lot of air. It's important to move your tongue forward and create mire contact, in my opinion.


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    Pierce Reed
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree with you the first kiss in the dream was probably better


    Ok so this was when I was in 7th grade and so we were talking and my friend dared me to kiss my crush which was one of my many friends so I walked up to him and kissed him and ran, later I found him in class and he said he liked it and he asked if I could be his boyfriend! 🤭



    sooo mine was actually yesterday tbh!! i’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year long distance and we like facetime daily and yesterday i got to meet him in person for the first time at a book and record store and my mom and his nana talked in another room for a long time and we went into the record room and just talked for a while and he misspoke at one point so i made fun of him for it (in a silly way not in a mean way or anything) so he said “shut up” so naturally i said “make me” and he pulled me really close and grabbed my chin and kissed me and i got really really red and i had to turn around i was so flustered omg



    11 years old. Next to a dumpster behind a Ralph's Italian Ices. We tried to do it with tongue but we were laughing too hard.


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    Not sure if this fits here exactly but

    Close friend that I really liked saw a very long post on how some guy made a speech and told the girl he liked. My friend knew I liked her so I jokingly said 'yea I should do that for you' and she said sure so I did that and we planned it all out and if it'd worked out properly then there mightve been a first kiss there



    Me and a friend (we were like 5) were playing Sleeping Beauty. I was Sleeping Beauty, he was the prince. It was the part where the Prince kisses her, and I thought he was just gonna pretend 😭✋ well, it wasn’t that eventful but it sure was funny.


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    My 8th grade partner and I used to do this thing where if the rest of our friend group took too long to actually get out of school at the end of the day we would run off to a park near our school and sit on the benches and just laugh about the dumbest things and go into really long complex explanations about the plots of our favorite shows/movies/books until our friends eventually found us there because we all had to walk home together.

    Anyway, one day we were at the park and it was raining a little so we were about to leave early before it started to pour, when they grabbed my hand and said “hold on, there’s something i need to do first” and i asked what it was and in response they placed a hand on the side of my face to steady me, whispered “may I?” to which I nodded, then they gave me a kiss and said “you have no idea how much I’ve been wanting to do that”

    Then the rain started to pick up so we ran to our respective bus stops hand-in-hand while smiling like giddy little 8ths graders who had just had their first kiss(es). it was cute.


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    We went to abandoned wedding hall (abandoned and vandalised... like some years ago) and We were so scared to kiss at first. The rain started pouring and I laughed that the atmosphere is perfect now. After long time of waitin' We finally managed to kiss. I almost passed out and He had to help me go home, i was so numb XDD


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    So my family had just gotten a puppy right, well the little poke from her wet nose counts as a first kiss don't you think?


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's whatever you want it to be. Most peoples first kiss is their family but they don't count that. If you want it to be a puppy, it's a puppy :)

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    I was in Middle School playing an Abortionist at a Christian Haunted House. All the scares were about "real life." "Tim listened to heavy metal once and now he's in prison for killing his family" kind of place.

    At my station, I was playing the doctor. The girl was on a table saying she changed her mind and wanted the baby to live. I laughed like a mad man. You get the idea.

    After the performance one night, we were all hanging out. She walked up to me, kissed me and told me I was cute. Then ran away.

    Full disclosure: My folks made me go because they didn't like Halloween so this was much better in their opinion. I thought it was insane.


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    Lee Banks
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is a thing?! My metal guitarist, pro Women's rights SO was raised fundamental, but even he has not heard of such things. Hope you're okay.

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    Mine was absolutely awful 😂
    i went camping over the summer with a family friend and his son
    this was the summer between 5th and 6th grade
    i was about 12 and a half, and the family friend's son was 13. we'd known each other pretty much our whole lives and he was like a brother to me which made it WAY more awkward lmao. Basically his dad made popcorn on a campfire and he was like let's go sit down by the lake and eat this and me beng the "rebellious" teenager i was, i was like bet. so we went down there with caprisun and popcorn and thought we were so cool. the setting was actually rlly romantic- we were sitting on this giant log right by the water and the moon was out and there were fireflies everywhere etc. so he was like let's go swimming and i was like "nah im cold" so he went in and then i though he was drowning bc he was laying on his back and not moving so i went in to "save" him but the second i grabbed hs arm he jerked up and burst out laughing. I was really pissed because now i was absolutely soaking. I stormed away and he followed me and i screamed TJ you are the biggest idiot ever! and he said no i think you are if you cant tell how much i like you and i was like what. the. actual. fucc dude and he grabbed my head and smashed our lips together.
    i kicked him in the balls and he let go, then i slapped him across the face and ran away.
    tl;dr: i saved a guy from drowning and he kissed me, i then assaulted him.


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    Book Worm
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Didn't you literally say you've never had your first kiss in the comments??

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    I was at a slumber party and we were playing spin the bottle, my closest male friend spun and it landed on me... We both have each other this awkward look. Then he frowns as if he's thinking, he slowly scoots over. It was actually funny he was like scoot, pause, scoot, pause, scoot, longer pause, and then kisses me. I didn't even like him in that way but it was a really funny experience


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    I had my first kiss when I was in elementary school in first or second grade, and the boy I kissed ran away after I kissed him, I then realized that I just kissed a boy, and I kind of liked it.


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    I was 13 and at a local campground. Grew up there during the summers. Had a crush on a girl there but, as I was 13, I had no idea as how to look for clues that she liked me. She probably didn't either. I debated and discussed this my best friend but he was as clueless as I. We were at a playground and it was getting dark. As we all drifted back to our campers, I took a chance and kissed her. We never mentioned it again.


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    After knowing this guy for weeks, finally got around to a kiss. It was TERRIBLE! Open mouth like kissing the biggest fish EVER! No other movement, just like a vacuum cleaner hose. I tried to show him different ways, showed him a couple of romantic movies but the man would NEVER try anything else, would never learn. Decided I did not want a life-time (or even another day) of that kind of kiss. Sorry, but felt it also told me he wasn't going to try anything I suggested and didn't want to know how he made love. The first kiss was the same as the kiss off . . . but the rest of my life (and men) has been so much better!


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    My first kiss was with a boy who was said to have a crush on me. He was the bad boy of my school so obviously I was shocked. I was new to this school and he used to say hi to me every time we saw each other. I never replied because I always thought he was too good for me. One day, I was at a party of a friend of a friend and he pulled me to the side. I had no idea what he was going to do. So I said as much. He responded with, ‘I thought maybe I should do what I’m about to do in private’. I was so stupid that I still didn’t know what he was going to do. So I asked him, ‘What are you going to do?’. He responded with ‘this’. And then kissed me. I was so shocked. He pulled away then started repeatedly saying sorry. I then realised what happened and told him to shut up and kiss me. His face was so cute in shock and then he responded with ‘gladly’. And then we made out for almost 10 mins. One of my friends walked in on us and told me she could not unsee what she had saw. I regret not a second of it. 😃


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    My first gf kissed me with a wet tongue. I got asked out on Friday 17th.



    I've known this guy my whole life. We were at a Super Bowl party and we wanted a little break so, the whole group (it was like 6 people) went out side to play hide and seek for a little bit anyways 2 of our friends went in the woods and they didn't com back for awhile so me and these 2 other guys went to go find them. We ending up deep in the woods, there were thorns everywhere, and we were getting worried. After awhile we get a call saying they came back and we could come back now. One of the guys sprinted back and I was walking back and this guy grabs me and kisses me. He's never shown any interest in me before so I asked him why he did it and his words were "I don't really like you, we are just alone so I thought I'd go for it."


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    So ummmm.

    Haha. My first kiss story is a little tragic. I was 15 and i went to a house party and my CRUSH🥹
    Asked me to help him with something up stairs. 😏 I GOT GOOSEBUMPS!!!!!!!!
    We went upstairs and he went into the bathroom and I followed him in, he closed the door and I just couldn’t wait any Ionger. I LEAPED ONTO HIM, he fell into the bathtub, and we kissed for what felt like HOURS! Then he shoved me off and screamed. My head whipped back and hit the sink. BRO IT WASNT GOOD. I literally couldn’t see straight. He got up. Kept on screaming. I WAS ACTUALLY SCARED. I yelled at him “WHATS WRONG!” He said, you little b**** IM NOT CHEATING. I’m not a f****** Mormon! I started sobbing. (As anny moody teen would) and he got so mad! He stormed out. And I turns out that he was unbelievably high and was currently looking for his girlfriend but thought I was her. After he saw me clearly, he flipped.

    The next day at school, everyone knew and the story changed a ton. I couldn’t take it anymore so I transferred schools. 🥲



    I don't know if I'm allowed to say this because it doesn't QUITE count, but I *almost* had mine literally yesterday. There's this guy friend I have that I'm really close to. I'm lowkey in love with him and I'm fairly positive he likes me, and we were watching a movie at his house yesterday. He asked me if I wanted to learn some swing dancing basics that I hadn't been able to learn earlier, so he was teaching me all this stuff. The last part was this whole dip, and the last time we practiced he dipped me really low and I actually looked up at him instead of to the side, and he like leaned in really close. I lowkey panicked and I think he noticed, because then he straightened us back up and kind of laughed like "Oh I was just kidding about that, I saw the life flash in your eyes, you didn't think I would actually kiss you right?" and then when he was walking me home he asked what would happen if he actually had and if I would have "accepeted" it and what not so.....yeah. Definitely have not been freaking out for the past day.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just make sure next time you're together you ask him to show you that dip again. Maybe, who knows. Better to know than die wondering.

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    Not me because I haven't had mine yet but my best friend.
    7th grade valentines day dance. Me and her had been dancing and goofing off until a boy in 8th grade came up and wanted to dance with her. We all teased her for saying yes. Her favorite song came on and she was so happy that her smile had caught a lot of people's attention. And the guy leaned in and kissed her. She was brick red and and ran out of the room.



    sooo mine was actually yesterday tbh!! i’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year long distance and we like facetime daily and yesterday i got to meet him in person for the first time at a book and record store and my mom and his nana talked in another room for a long time and we went into the record room and just talked for a while and he misspoke at one point so i made fun of him for it (in a silly way not in a mean way or anything) so he said “shut up” so naturally i said “make me” and he pulled me really close and grabbed my chin and kissed me and i got really really red and i had to turn around i was so flustered omg



    My family decided to go out boating on Memorial Day with a bunch of other family friends. He and I had been kinda awkward around each other as he had confessed he like me and I didn’t know how I felt about him. So we were sitting on the top deck of the boat at like cuddling cause we were soaked and it was really cold. I don’t remember what he was talking about, I just felt the urge to lean over and kiss him so I did.
    The following day our families were going to the pool and I went into the bathroom to shower. He followed me in there and demanded another kiss I was trying to protest but he just pushed me up against the wall and kissed me again. He started being really controlling after that, wanting to sit next to me and hold my hand. I began to avoid and ignore him because I was to scared to do anything and eventually he left me alone. We are still friends but don’t talk much.


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    my first kiss was last year (i was 13) on the bus ride home from school... i was sitting alone when the hottest girl on the bus hopped in my seat, put her finger under my chin, raised my head, and kissed me for about 10 seconds
    I was so confused but we are now dating.



    I was 13. He was 12. His parents took us to see Titanic in the theater. There was a romantic scene, and he kissed me. Then he said "I love you." I replied with " I love her dress." Zach, I hope you're doing well.


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    I had this friend that I was in a situationship with (we both had feelings but didn't think to pursue anything) they were like "want to go to the bathroom?" -since I'm dumb I was like "why?" and they were like "idk" and I was very confused so they just kissed me and I was like "OH that's what you meant"
    We have been together ever since :)
    (btw they asked for consent that morning and I said yes don't worry :D)


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    This is probably more gross than interesting.

    I was a late-bloomer. Most kids in my school had already had sex by 14 or 15, but I never kissed a girl until I was almost 19. Well, the act had been so built up in my mind that when the girl left, I realized I had an "accident" in my jeans


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    My first kiss was not of my choosing. In my tiny home town in Wisconsin, our one building school housed grades K through 12. So our school bus also carried a wide range of ages. I was in kindergarten and a a much older boy named Dave, somewhere around 6th grade, had a crush on me. After school one day the bus was loading and I was one of the last to get on. The older students started chanting for me to get off the bus. I was frightened pretty badly, but I got off the bus. There was Dave waiting for me. He grabbed my shoulders gently and pulled me into a kiss on the lips. And then we both got on the bus and went home. Dave must have been satisfied because the episode was never repeated.



    It was at the end of a summer camp I had attended between my junior and senior years of high school. It was move out time, and I was going around helping people clean and carry heavy bags/boxes out. This one cute girl, as she was saying good bye, planted one on me. I was confused as hell (she had a boyfriend, and had given no indication of liking me [or so I thought]). Apparently, I'm pretty clueless when a girl likes me- this happened to me a ton through college, and it was when one (my wife) took me by the hand and straight up told me before it clicked.



    I was pretty bad at picking up "signals" from girls who liked me. If they weren't overt, I missed 'em. Therefore, I literally did not believe it when a young woman expressed direct interest in me. We hung out for months before she finally just asked, "When are you going to kiss me?" Even with that, it took me a few more days to work up the courage to give her a quick peck on her lips. We never did more than that, and she broke off the relationship shortly thereafter. Still bummed when I think about it.


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    well, i went back to Utah, saw them for the first time in years, and so of course you know what happened!

    What did this happen? Next summer.



    we were at a school dance and she asked me “are we gonna have our first kiss tonight?”

    i said yes. it didn’t happen immediately though. but at the end of the night “love story” by taylor swift came on, and even though we have four collective left feet, we did our best to slow dance. and then i looked her in the eyes at the very end, and she kissed me, and i held her really close, and there were vague sounds of our friends giggling and squealing around us.

    i yelled “i love—“ into the air behind her and then realised i probably shouldn’t say “i love you” yet. i don’t think she heard. two weeks later we broke up.


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    My boyfriend at the time said he saw nine magpies, in reference to the poem on magpies “one for sorrow, two for joy … nine for a kiss”, and kissed me under a tree at my friends house where we met as we kept our relationship from both our parents. It was the last time we would see each other before I moved away and my 15 year old self loved the tragic romance :)

    Technically doesn’t count for the question, but my first kiss with my current boyfriend is just too good a story not to share. We both had been dancing around our feelings for each other for about a month but neither one of us broke the tension. We had just finished one of our exams and were laying seats down in the back of their car, when it got too cramped and uncomfortable so they climbed on top to move and get over me. I turned bright red because the person I liked was over me, and they obviously noticed me getting flustered. They stayed there and leant in then asked what was going on. After pressing a little about what was on my mind and the tension getting worse and worse I told them to kiss me. I very much felt like I was in a movie. The best part was that later, they told me that was when they truly fell in love with me. I’m so lucky to have them and this story still melts my heart.


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    Early 90s, just turned 14 and was staying the night at a cousin's house. He was not a blood cousin but my dad was married to his mother's sister. It's 9pm or so and I've put on my new short night gown (extra long t-shirt like garment). It says kiss a winner on the front and hug a loser on the back. My aunt and uncle are visiting with the neighbors, so my cousin Kevin and his sister Michelle convince me and my brother to go outside and play hide and seek with the neighbors (this is before cell phones, computers). Sounds so innocent doesn't it? I'm running around with no bra and my rear end barely covered with a shirt that is advertising kisses and hugs. I hide between my uncle's cars and then suddenly I turn around and there's Kevin. He kisses me and sticks his tongue in my mouth so fast that I just stood there and said hey! That was gross and I felt the gum in your mouth, yuk! He laughed and said well, your shirt says kiss a winner! So, what's the problem? (Thanks stepmom.) It was my first kiss and I was mad that it was stolen but you know what? I cherished first kisses with my boyfriends and 2 husbands because of that stolen kiss. I think the slow, tension filled first kiss is the sexiest thing and I've never had anyone complain about waiting for it! Don't hate Kevin, he was only 13, although he still won't say he's sorry! Cheeky $%*?!


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    My first kiss was with a boy who was said to have a crush on me. He was the bad boy of my school so obviously I was shocked. I was new to this school and he used to say hi to me every time we saw each other. I never replied because I always thought he was too good for me. One day, I was at a party of a friend of a friend and he pulled me to the side. I had no idea what he was going to do. So I said as much. He responded with, ‘I thought maybe I should do what I’m about to do in private’. I was so stupid that I still didn’t know what he was going to do. So I asked him, ‘What are you going to do?’. He responded with ‘this’. And then kissed me. I was so shocked. He pulled away then started repeatedly saying sorry. I then realised what happened and told him to shut up and kiss me. His face was so cute in shock and then he responded with ‘gladly’. And then we made out for almost 10 mins. One of my friends walked in on us and told me she could not unsee what she had saw. I regret not a second of it. 😃



    My first kiss was with a boy who was said to have a crush on me. He was the bad boy of my school so obviously I was shocked. I was new to this school and he used to say hi to me every time we saw each other. I never replied because I always thought he was too good for me. One day, I was at a party of a friend of a friend and he pulled me to the side. I had no idea what he was going to do. So I said as much. He responded with, ‘I thought maybe I should do what I’m about to do in private’. I was so stupid that I still didn’t know what he was going to do. So I asked him, ‘What are you going to do?’. He responded with ‘this’. And then kissed me. I was so shocked. He pulled away then started repeatedly saying sorry. I then realised what happened and told him to shut up and kiss me. His face was so cute in shock and then he responded with ‘gladly’. And then we made out for almost 10 mins. One of my friends walked in on us and told me she could not unsee what she had saw. I regret not a second of it. 😃



    sooo mine was actually yesterday tbh!! i’ve been with my boyfriend for over a year long distance and we like facetime daily and yesterday i got to meet him in person for the first time at a book and record store and my mom and his nana talked in another room for a long time and we went into the record room and just talked for a while and he misspoke at one point so i made fun of him for it (in a silly way not in a mean way or anything) so he said “shut up” so naturally i said “make me” and he pulled me really close and grabbed my chin and kissed me and i got really really red and i had to turn around i was so flustered omg



    My family decided to go out boating on Memorial Day with a bunch of other family friends. He and I had been kinda awkward around each other as he had confessed he like me and I didn’t know how I felt about him. So we were sitting on the top deck of the boat at like cuddling cause we were soaked and it was really cold. I don’t remember what he was talking about, I just felt the urge to lean over and kiss him so I did.
    The following day our families were going to the pool and I went into the bathroom to shower. He followed me in there and demanded another kiss I was trying to protest but he just pushed me up against the wall and kissed me again. He started being really controlling after that, wanting to sit next to me and hold my hand. I began to avoid and ignore him because I was to scared to do anything and eventually he left me alone. We are still friends but don’t talk much.


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    My family decided to go out boating on Memorial Day with a bunch of other family friends. He and I had been kinda awkward around each other as he had confessed he like me and I didn’t know how I felt about him. So we were sitting on the top deck of the boat at like cuddling cause we were soaked and it was really cold. I don’t remember what he was talking about, I just felt the urge to lean over and kiss him so I did.
    The following day our families were going to the pool and I went into the bathroom to shower. He followed me in there and demanded another kiss I was trying to protest but he just pushed me up against the wall and kissed me again. He started being really controlling after that, wanting to sit next to me and hold my hand. I began to avoid and ignore him because I was to scared to do anything and eventually he left me alone. We are still friends but don’t talk much.


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    So our family’s we’re going boating on Memorial Day weekend and we were both on the top of the boat together because we were freezing. He confessed to me that he liked me and I was surprised. I didn’t know what to do so I just leaned in and kissed him. We both blushed and didn’t talk about it for the rest of the day. The following Monday our families went to a pool. I was in the locker room washing the chlorine out of my hair and he followed me in there and demanded another kiss. I tried to refuse him but he pushed me against the wall and forced it. I ran out of there and tried to forget about it. He became really controlling, wanting to sit next to me and hold my hand. I began to avoid him and ignore him because I didn’t know what else to do. That was about a year ago now and we are still slightly friends but don’t talk much.



    3rd grade, boy I barely knew 😬 we kissed once in the bathroom and then never talked to each other again. Years later realised I was neptunic (attracted to anyone but men). Needless to say, I prefer to pretend it never happened


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    My current guy and I went to a metal festival for our first date. The venue was very popular, and we both knew a lot of people, so we spent much of our time in our respective corners. Suddenly, when the band we were there to see really got going, I saw him across the room. We locked eyes, and he flung himself across the room, grabbed my face and gave me the most passionate kiss of my life. It was pretty great.


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