Hey Pandas, Get Something Off Your Chest Before It Explodes
Got something that you just need to say before it bursts out of you? You’re in the right spot.
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Pretend - it worked for me. It comes true with practice.
I don’t ever feel like enough. Whatever I do, I clean up my kitchen my room is a mess, I finish all my work somehow I made a mistake and have to do the whole thing over. I never feel like I can do it and a huge part of me that just wants to stop trying.
I’m f*****g scared about what comes after high school and living on my own. I wanna be a comic maker but that has crappy pay and I’ll probably end up homeless. I have no other talents besides art and my art is still s**t. Honestly sometimes I just wanna die, and I might do it once I turn 18 because I’m too scared. I tried to tell my sister this but she just said “Everyone feels that way”.
I CANNOT deal with my mom anymore. Only like a few nights ago they’d gone to a Halloween party, and I babysat for someone. I got picked up, and we were in the car. My mom made a joke about my dad’s costume looking like “Those (F-SLUR!!!!)s from (insert some movie she’s seen i don’t remember what). Then she TURNED AROUND and said “Btw I’m not tryna be derogatory when I say (F-SLUR!!!!)s”. SHE KNOWS I’M GAY! LIKE WTF?!?! IDC THAT SHE WAS DRUNK, THAT’S NOT OKAY ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF YOUR LESBIAN DAUGHTER!
I have a fanfic series on Wattpad and I feel like I’m letting everyone down. I’m losing motivation and ideas for it. I know where I wanna go but Idk what to do for fillers until then. My upload schedule is drifting farther apart. I’m just letting everyone down…
I think I might have depression. And ADHD. And ASD. But I couldn’t get help because my parents would then know about it and they’d not only be like “Oh you don’t have attention deficit you’re normal”, they’d just get all f*****g worried. After being coddled my entire life, I don’t need my mom being even more involved in my life.
I hate how I f*****g look. So it’s possible that I’ve started eating a lot less… my family’s noticed. My sister and mother have said I’ve lost some weight, but I feel like they’re lying. I’m still so f*****g fat and pudgy in the centre and I’m sick of myself.
I feel like my friend group is drifting away from me. I plug my phone into a socket and charge it at lunch and nobody ever bothers to sit five feet away from the main group to make sure I’m included. I don’t think they hate me, but I’m lonely as f**k. So idk, I’ll probably eat under the stairwell or something from now on. I wouldn’t blame them if they hated me.
Sorry, that was a full on trauma dump…
Your art is not sh*t, it looks great. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to post to Wattpad, is there a way for you to let people know that you will post less frequently? I can relate to feeling lonely, I had no social skills for a while, I just sat away from everyone else and cried, when no one noticed me I would start thinking that no one cared about me. I will be here if you want someone to talk to.
Your not ugly at all! I don't think I've seen you before but you are amazing