The Ever Given has been freed from the Suez Canal. There was a poem on Twitter posted by user @krfabian. I’ll copy it for your reference.


my name is Boat

and wen im tired

(but shipping werk

is still required)


then all i want

is lyttle snooze

i turn to side

I blok the Sooz


Finish it. Same format, but as creative as you want.


My offering.

and wen i wak
i find i am
for trafic jam

i get out of
there fast i can
i iz awak
dont wory man



    I want to dream
    Of me with sailz
    But I hear scream
    And I hear wailz

    Can’t sleep
    Counting sheep
    Ships go „Beeeep!
    Make a leep!“

    I wanted to doze
    But I have to move on
    They’re booping my noze
    And I think they have won.


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