Hey Pandas, Draw Something Without Using Paper Or Computer Software (Closed)

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Draw something, but absolutely no paper or computer software!
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Embroidery And Punch Needle Technique On Linen Fabric I Made Into A Pillow As A Present
Oops I wasn't sure about numbering, it's my first post here
Mine. It's On A Canvas. I Painted It
My Halloween Pumpkin (Yes I Still Have It Don`t Judge Meh)(Also, Guess Who It Is)
Anyone can write on Bored Panda. Start writing!
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I am actually a user called Eva the Ravenclaw bookworm💖📚. I used to have a link to that account here, but I have removed it because I believe no human being should ever have to witness the corniness of my past self from a year ago. So instead I have for all you lovely pandas a newly-improved, hopefully way more hilarious and WAY WAY WAY less cringe-y PF description! Fist of all: I love books. I adore them! I WORSHIP THEM!!! My absolutely most favorite books are Wings of Fire, Keeper of the Lost Cites, and of course Harry Potter because I am perfectly sane, thank you very much. (I think. Am I?) I am a PROUD RAVENCLAW. THE MOST PROUD. My Wings of Fire dragon tribes are SeaWing and RainWing (as gathered from my username) and DO NOT WORRY, I am absolutely not and animus or anything ridiculously powerful. I despise those overpowered immortal AllWing animus firescales mindreading futureseeing firebreathing fireroof icebreathing colorchanging venomshooting so on and so fourth kinds of things. The only reason I am a hybrid is because I CANNOT CHOOSE between Sea and Rain, they are both so awesome!! Plus also I am a balanced hybrid; weakish powers and stuff. Ok so now I am rambling... what to talk about... Ooh, yes KOTLC! I am an Empath! Level two at Foxfire. Biana and Oralie are my very most favorite characters ever! As for the Sokeefe Sophitz debate... I am team Sophie! I can see pros and cons to both choices, and I will not list them here because it would fit better in a Ted Talk than a BP pf description. When I am not reading I am doing creative projects! I absolutely love to make jewelry. the actual kind, with wires and crystals and chain and jump rings! And I glitzify everything!!!! HOT PINK. I'm not a toddler, I promise. I also love to sew things, because 50% of the time the things I find at the store are not pink or sparkly enough. I also really enjoy makeup, even though people my age should barely know the difference between eyeliner and lipliner. Another thing I love is mermaids! They are my favorite mythical creature, aside from dragons, and inspire a lot of my jewelry and clothing creations. And speaking of creations, I actually like writing quite a bit. Too bad my stamina level is a zero; I can only write wimpy small things. I additionally enjoy the stage; I love to act and sing! Musical Theater is a staple activity in my life. And now I'm out, thanks for bearing with me!
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Pearl Of the SeaWing RainWings
Author, Community member
I am actually a user called Eva the Ravenclaw bookworm💖📚. I used to have a link to that account here, but I have removed it because I believe no human being should ever have to witness the corniness of my past self from a year ago. So instead I have for all you lovely pandas a newly-improved, hopefully way more hilarious and WAY WAY WAY less cringe-y PF description! Fist of all: I love books. I adore them! I WORSHIP THEM!!! My absolutely most favorite books are Wings of Fire, Keeper of the Lost Cites, and of course Harry Potter because I am perfectly sane, thank you very much. (I think. Am I?) I am a PROUD RAVENCLAW. THE MOST PROUD. My Wings of Fire dragon tribes are SeaWing and RainWing (as gathered from my username) and DO NOT WORRY, I am absolutely not and animus or anything ridiculously powerful. I despise those overpowered immortal AllWing animus firescales mindreading futureseeing firebreathing fireroof icebreathing colorchanging venomshooting so on and so fourth kinds of things. The only reason I am a hybrid is because I CANNOT CHOOSE between Sea and Rain, they are both so awesome!! Plus also I am a balanced hybrid; weakish powers and stuff. Ok so now I am rambling... what to talk about... Ooh, yes KOTLC! I am an Empath! Level two at Foxfire. Biana and Oralie are my very most favorite characters ever! As for the Sokeefe Sophitz debate... I am team Sophie! I can see pros and cons to both choices, and I will not list them here because it would fit better in a Ted Talk than a BP pf description. When I am not reading I am doing creative projects! I absolutely love to make jewelry. the actual kind, with wires and crystals and chain and jump rings! And I glitzify everything!!!! HOT PINK. I'm not a toddler, I promise. I also love to sew things, because 50% of the time the things I find at the store are not pink or sparkly enough. I also really enjoy makeup, even though people my age should barely know the difference between eyeliner and lipliner. Another thing I love is mermaids! They are my favorite mythical creature, aside from dragons, and inspire a lot of my jewelry and clothing creations. And speaking of creations, I actually like writing quite a bit. Too bad my stamina level is a zero; I can only write wimpy small things. I additionally enjoy the stage; I love to act and sing! Musical Theater is a staple activity in my life. And now I'm out, thanks for bearing with me!

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My name is Violeta and I am an editor here at Bored Panda. I love reading memes for a living. It’s obviously much more than that, but I appreciate the variety of topics, information, and pics I get to see every day and share with the world! Those funny memes really make my day too. Being born in the ’90s in post-Soviet Lithuania speaks more about me than I’d like to admit. I’m still learning about the world and myself, but I do love my friends, traveling, art, and my cat. My favorite fact to share about myself is that I used to hide meatballs in my friend’s pockets at lunch so I could go play outside. I wish all those meatballs could find their way back to me someday.
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Violeta Draseikaitė
Moderator, BoredPanda staff
My name is Violeta and I am an editor here at Bored Panda. I love reading memes for a living. It’s obviously much more than that, but I appreciate the variety of topics, information, and pics I get to see every day and share with the world! Those funny memes really make my day too. Being born in the ’90s in post-Soviet Lithuania speaks more about me than I’d like to admit. I’m still learning about the world and myself, but I do love my friends, traveling, art, and my cat. My favorite fact to share about myself is that I used to hide meatballs in my friend’s pockets at lunch so I could go play outside. I wish all those meatballs could find their way back to me someday.