With a little Photoshop magic, anything is possible. You can invent new things or change the existing ones—all for fun and giggles. So I came across this challenge called "Draw Opossum Face" and thought it would be fun to give it a go.
As you see, this opossum lost his face and you have a chance to draw him a new one!

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This Turned Out Better Than I Was Expecting
Pandapossum, Very Bored
(Since the original "empty" image was nowhere to be found I just took the one with the least bit of face paint on it, and painted over that and... made a (bored) panda. Because - what else?)
Here's Mine :>
Fancy Fellow
2020 Possum "Better Not Tell Em' I Have Chocolate"
My New Anime Nightmare
Orange Is Probably One Of The Most Gender-Neutral Colors. So I Chose Orange For The Butterfly. Sure, There's The "Eyelashes" But I Draw Most Things With A Slight Slope To The Eyes. Turned Out Better Than I Was Expecting.
This Is My Second One And He Is Jim’s Younger Cousin Named Bobby Alan! Say Hewwo To Bobby Alan!!
Wait, What?
Sir Possum
I Drew The Opossum In My Style!
Awesome Possum Flower Power
Pirate Possum
Krazy King
Opossum Diva!
Oh God Imagine Seeing This On The End Of Your Bed At 3am
The 2nd Emotion (Coffee)
Not A Bad Face For A 12 Year Old ^w^
Dark Cowboy
Lookit The Boooy
Most Awesome Girliest Possum!
Little Opossum Is Happy
His Name Is Jim! Say Hi To Jim!
The Two Emotions Of Possum
I Thought He Might Look A Little Derpy
Meow Meow
My Baby Boi
Just Added A Face With My Own Style
stupid question maybe but where the heck is the "empty" image to draw on?
stupid question maybe but where the heck is the "empty" image to draw on?