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Okay, I know your gonna be thinking "Uhhh she's making this up bruh." And its okay to cringe! I just think that sometimes I can see the future, or at least somewhat predict around what's gonna happen. One time my parents were taking us to a mystery place, and I figured out where it was for some strange reason. I also one time predicted what we were gonna have for dinner.


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Donkey boi
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It means that you're extremely observant and you mind processes recall information quicker than than you think about it. If you hone your skills you could be a great mentalist or detective.

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    I have a sense of humour does that count?



    scientifically we actually do have a 6th sense, it's called proprioception. Proprioception an awareness of where our limbs are and how our bodies are positioned in space. And like the other senses — vision, hearing, and so on — it helps our brains navigate the world. Scientists sometimes refer to it as our “sixth sense.”Not many people know this.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    can you explain how we see things or predict the future or how i see ghosts???????????

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    I am Alona and I see ghosts and uhhhhhh ha this is weird I have a long list of weird things about me. I can sence things like when someone is coming and when i have dejavu if i clear my mind i can tell the future of like 2 days, and also i have visions like when i was little i dreapt EXACTLY how my grandmother died, the next week my parents told me bad news.........



    I can dream the future. Example: one time I dreamt I was at a restaurant with friends but one had to cancel because he was sick. The next day when my friends and I where about to go to the restaurant we go to every Tuesday, he said he can’t go because he is sick there was other things in the dream that happened irl too like what everyone there was wearing and even the exact words they said.


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    Sista of the moon
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sometimes I see something and I’m like wait I remember this. It’s a weird feeling of deja vu. Like once I was thinking of a bowl of Annie’s Mac and cheese on the counter. That day for lunch there was a little bowl of Annie’s Mac and cheese on the counter. I was like wait a minute coz I saw it before in the same angle and everything. Trippy

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    I had a dream once that I was looking at a Lego house, I forgot the dream until one year and a half later I made a Lego house and had a big Deja Vu so I guess I predicted the future.


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    Not really any paranormal sixth sense powers that I know of.......
    But sometimes I can guess what my sister is thinking, and once when I was with my mom I suddenly smelled eggs so I told her that I smelled eggs and she was like,
    "I was just thinking about how I'm going to eat eggs for breakfast tomorrow."
    So that was cool.


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    Melanie King
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh yea me and my sister always guess what the other is about to do or say, its kinda creepy, and once i was telling her, and i said something, but my wording was off, and then i was about to correct myself and then my sis and i both said the same thing to correct me and I was like, my point exactly.


    I am very good at manipulating people. I don’t do it because that’s kinda wrong but I can twist words, or say things that make others want to do what I want then to. Hey maybe I should be a politician.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Political Aspirations are good to have with this kind of skill. Lol.


    I can somehow tell if someone is looking at me, even if they're across the room
    I can see fear


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    I have synesthesia. I see certain colors just automatically in my mind when I hear music.


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    I get a fleeting prediction of something about to happen. Mostly its something bad. Usually doesn't involve me at all!
    Like seeing a car crash then pulling up to intersection moments later to see it just occurred, before any police or sirens. Not the impact just moments afterwards. When I have those premonitions, I heed the warning and try to be very cautious. Otherwise, yes sometimes it would have happened to me.
    I can also feel others pain, so basically an empath. Like I said it's never anything good I sense.


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    I don't know if this is normal but I can sense things. It's actually very helpful for not getting caught if I would just listen to my gut. I've done things that got me in trouble or made me depressed but before I get caught or the thing happened I always knew a little before something was going to happen. Once I was dating someone and i told them "Something bad is going to happen in a few weeks it has to do with you, like maybe a death or you'll break up with me~ amongst those lines" and two weeks later we broke up. It's been like this for 3 years.


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    I don't know if this counts but I can chose what I dream about.


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    Okay I’m not sure if this is what you mean but I can feel vibrations from abnormal distances, I feel my cat running around in the basement from my bedroom upstairs, I can also hear a lot better than everyone else.


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    Yes, I can tell what song is turning on within the first few seconds of hearing it


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    Xylle Flora
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me too. Last night a song randomly started playing and in a second I said, "That's Fly Away by TheFatRat."


    Ok 2 things. 1) my sis and i can always tell what the other is about to say or do, and then the other will do it first or at the same time, for exmple my sis was looking for her eraser my brother was playing with, and i saw it and AS I WAS OPENING MY MOUTH TO SAY SOMETHING, her head suddenly snapped to that direction and she saw it and said something first, also once we were at a fair of some sorts and suddenly we both started singing the same lyric of the same song that neither of us had heard for a long time. 2) Idk if this one counts as much but in among us sometimes when playing at the very beginning i'll look at someone and say they're sus even when they haven't done anything yet, (out loud, i don't say it in-game) and usually a few seconds later i will get killed by that exact person, so idk if i'm just really good at reading their movements or something, but yea.


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    I can see in the dark better than most. And when crossing the street, my friends always wait but I always know whether it’s fine to cross or not.


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    i had a dream my brother was going to fall from his bunk bed so i put a pillow where he fell in the dream and about a week later he was playing on his bunk bed fell from the top and landed on the pillow


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    I am freakishly good at guessing how many of what is in what. Example, me and my sister where at the store and where getting some skittles. I guessed the exact number that was in it before she even looked at the number.


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    I have this sense of whether it's the beginning, middle, or end of something. Say my friend came over. I can tell whether it's the middle of the playdate or the end and they're about to leave, even if they didn't give the amount of time they're staying.


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    I can tune my hearing to hear only certain voices, its great for snoopy


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